Letter: Democrats are the ones creating gridlock, not McClintock

To the community,

Urs Schuler of Placerville [Voices, Oct. 10], makes one of the most peculiar arguments I’ve seen. He describes the trillion-dollar deficits and excessive spending during this administration, but then suggests that we replace Tom McClintock, one of the leading voices in Congress for fiscal sanity, with Jack Uppal who promises to support even more spending.

Schuler accuses McClintock of “creating gridlock”. Really?

McClintock was one of the budget leaders with Paul Ryan in the House who produced two consecutive plans to balance the budget and retire the debt. The gridlock is from Democrats in the Senate who killed both plans while refusing to pass a budget of there own in more than three years.

Schuler’s letter is a prime example of empty rhetoric and blind partisanship that we’re seeing from Democratic partisans this year.

Given their record, I guess I can’t blame them.

John Stelzmiller, Twin Bridges and Placerville