Opinion: ‘It’s time for reason to replace rage’


By Claire Fortier

Progressive or provincial? That is the crux of the issue facing our South shore community during this election and well into the next decade.

Do we want a viable, prosperous community that our children and grandchildren are proud to call home? Or do we want the Tahoe of yesterday — only older and shabbier, with fewer families and more boarded up businesses?

Claire Fortier

The question is not new. Yet every time we take baby steps forward in this town, howls of outrage drown out the most reasoned and moderate of voices. Those howls aren’t coming from people who envision a better Tahoe. The howls are indicative of how we have allowed NIMBYism to usurp community benefit.

Democracy is a messy business, but it is not a mud wrestling contest nor a death match. Yet, we as a community, have become accustomed to rage over reason.

The one area where we all agree, or at least seem to agree, is on preserving this slice of heaven we call the Jewel of the Sierra. Ensuring the pristine beauty and purity of Lake Tahoe for generations to come is a value deeply ingrained in the hearts of those fortunate enough to live here.

The problem is the setting for the famed Jewel: The increasingly second-rate 1960s town called South Lake Tahoe.

For almost a decade, we have soul-searched, conducted endless community meetings and spent millions in planning money to answer the critical question of envisioning our future.

We have the answer. It’s called the city’s General Plan. That plan was hailed at the state level for its elements of sustainability and environmental innovation.

The General Plan, as well as the TRPA’s new effort to allow local jurisdictions more control over their destiny, should give South Lake Tahoe hope. It may soon be possible to take what we have and rebuild it better. That should be exciting news.

But you certainly wouldn’t think so if you listen to the outrage over the loop road or the ceaseless thrashing over the hole or even the fatalism that the TRPA should be eliminate all together. (Hint to those willing to trash the TRPA: It won’t do the city a bit of good because we are still in California and subject to even more stringent regulations without the bi-state agency.)

On a more local level, the city’s recent push to clean up and fix up our town to make it more attractive to tourists, which is our economic life blood, should engender enthusiasm. Instead we find ourselves mired down in the vitriol of the very vocal few. That vocal minority realize they can thwart most any project or process just by raising their voices louder and more harshly than anyone else in town.

This small-ball way of doing business will ensure that nothing changes, only continues to deteriorate. But the reality is the Tahoe of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s that the vocal few seem so passionate about preserving is never coming back, even if nothing changes. With no change, our town will simply deteriorate further.

We will continue to decline unless we elevate the community’s expectations and reinvigorate the community conversation.

As we sit on the verge of renewal or degeneration, it is time for those in this community who have a view beyond their special interests to get into the conversation. It’s time to push city council candidates to answer real questions on what they want for their community in the future. Are they content with what is or do they see what could be?

It’s time for reason to replace rage. It’s time to re-establish our core commitment to South Lake Tahoe’s future and not squander our limited window of opportunity for a small-minded few.

Finding consensus takes time, energy and emotional investment. Is our community, through our community leaders, really ready to find consensus or stay mired in yesteryear?

Claire Fortier is mayor of South Lake Tahoe.


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Comments (40)
  1. Business is Hurting says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    A retched community run for many years by retched progressive liberals.

  2. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    I believe the most important issue facing our community is money and that it is imperative for methods to be identified to cultivate an environment for increasing revenues to local businesses, individuals, and the City so everyone can prosper, services can be an acceptable level, and much needed improvements can be accomplished. The decisions of a City Council will never make everyone happy so the only thing they can do, and their responsibility to our community, must be to make decisions that provide the greatest benefit to the entire community and not just the few. The unfortunate inevitability in that circumstance is that some will lose but the majority of the community derives a much greater benefit in the long run.

    When evaluating the best individual(s) to serve on the City Council I think the consideration should be of who has the needed vision to identify methods of expanding our revenue base so this community is not wholly dependent on tourism alone, and succeeds when the national/state economy flourishes but desperately fails when the national/state economy tanks; they need the courage to make the difficult decisions for the greater good of the community rather than for a select, very vocal few; they need the ability to take resolute action on decisions and not procrastinate causing projects to languish, wasting limited City staff time and financial resources, or dumping decisions onto a future City Council; and they need a thorough understanding of reading and interpreting financial statements so they can understand what those financial documents are saying and be able to make important, informed decisions in the best interest of our community.

    This community can no longer remain as it is and be able to survive economically. No one can make everyone happy so the only thing that can be done is to be as fair as possible in the best interest of the greater community. It is my hope that the individuals elected to the next City Council will have the vision and courage to lead this deteriorating community toward prosperity.

  3. Bob says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    The General Plans fault was with its area of focus, toward the State instead of SLT. Regarding the vocal critics, I believe just the opposite, Claire. It’s those mentioned earlier in this mornings LTN’s article regarding $1.8 million who are mostly at fault. Those silent one’s in the background – like Lane, Cole, Sheston, and Jinkins who destroyed our community. Their interests was their own – not the community. They sucked the blood out of this town by their expensive ventures into areas where financial gain was theirs and not SLT’s. If you’d listen to those complaining – it’s for a reason, Claire. Nothing is being done by City Council to move this town forward. You’re kissing the wrong people and you just don’t get it. Good luck in Washington. Don’t let the door hit you in the seat on the way out of town.

  4. Headroom says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    Please identify the “very vocal few”, “the small minded few”,
    the “vocal minority” and finally, the “vitriol of the very vocal few.” Are some of these the eighty or ninety businesses and home owners who found out, one by a tenant, that their homes and businesses would be bulldozed and that everything they had worked for all their lives would be replaced by a road? To my ear, these voices have persisted as they have every right and reason to do, but they have always addressed public officials at public meetings with respect, reasonably trying to explain their plight, as they also struggle to prevent their demise.
    The presentation to the public of the loop road plan was horribly botched by the TTD and that is why you hear not “howls of outrage” but the cries of protest by those who feel helpless and threatened by a powerful agency that also appears totally out of touch and incompetent. And who among our leaders have taken responsibility for this botched job that has caused so much emotional turmoil?

    Do you think more families are going to move up here once you make our community “viable” and “prosperous”? Teachers, nurses, firefighters and their families used to live here. Now, thanks to a city council decision, we have vacation rentals instead, empty most of the time; and the families you speak of live in Nevada. The people who once were our neighbors and who belong with us can’t afford it to live here any more.

    In a city pole taken a few years back, 17% of residents said they trusted the city or had confidence that it would do the right thing. That’s the real minority, Claire. The vocal few who trust the city are few, indeed!

    You should look to yourself and some of your colleagues before blaming the citizens whose voices you have a problem putting up with. These people look to you and powerful local government for some protection, not attack.

  5. lou pierini says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    Claire, You have not spent enough time in SLT, to make the statements you have made.

  6. Business is Hurting says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    Claire you say it is ‘rage over reason’…

    You are wrong! It is rage over the theft of freedom by the cronies that have driven this community and the State into the dire shape it is in.

    Until prison terms are the communities goal for the cronies that drove this community off the cliff I say, and many are with me on this… RAGE ON!

    Return integrity and honor to the citizens by putting the cronies in jail. Both sides – the government and the developers and all the parties between between – Johnny Upton comes to mind – he’s involved in everything that has gone wrong.

    If god were looking for a place to give the country an enema SLT would be high up on the short list.

  7. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    Mr. Pierini,

    Would you kindly inform me of the time requirement for an individual to be a taxpaying resident of SLT before they are entitled to have an opinion or to state such?

    Thank you.

  8. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    Clair why do you call us a shaby little town?

    you have not lived here long enough to
    understand what the reality is for why people come here

    the vision of 6 story Marriot looking buildings ( density centers ) from Ski Run to the Y, means we have been sold to Corprate America

    losing the flavor of a real Mountain Town
    that is why a lot of folks are upset

    the unfavorable truth about the folks running for City Counsel is that they
    will do what they are told just like you

  9. lou pierini says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    I was taking issue with the factual comments, and how long depends on your learning curve.

  10. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    I don’t care how long a person has lived here if that person is willing to put forth positive ideas for the future of our town OR be involved positively in the community, they are quite welcome to do so as far as I’m concerned! This whole “your not as much a local as me” tends to be EXTREMELY counterproductive. And as to Claire’s statement about the NIMBY attitude around here, she is SPOT ON! This town could use a few more positive Paul’s and a few less negative Nellie’s. It’s time to move our town into the new millennium.

  11. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    And if moving our town into the new millennium is not your thing, then either step aside or move to somewhere like Georgetown on the western slope!

  12. 30yrlocal says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    It’s sad that people who say we need people in charge that now how to move the town forward (an opinion I totally agree with) but then condemn them when they try if that forward movement isn’t the direction exactly as they want. (sorry, that was a long sentence)

    We can’t stay the small cozy little town on the shore that we started out as if we want to survive in this economy. Things take money, to make money you need business and tourism, to get tourism you need clean hotels, nice people in that town and enjoyable places to eat, spend money and visit.

    There are current leaders in this town that want to change things (yes, moving forward does mean change) so that we prosper as a community. But, there are vocal people that complain that they don’t want change in one breath and that nobody is changing in the next.

    Forward movement needs to be made to keep South Lake Tahoe as a community that can thrive and one where tourists want to visit. Maybe it’s making Harrison Avenue a beautiful biker’s and walker’s paradise where no cars are lined up trying to hit you as they back up, one where you can go in and out of businesses and enjoy the experience and sit outside and enjoy even more. Maybe it’s having a great pedestrian friendly corridor from Ski Run to Stateline. Whatever the end result is going to be, it’s going to be change that gets us there.

    Just remember you can’t have it both ways…it’s got to be moving forward and change, or sitting and watching the world go by as buildings and motels age and tourists leave.

  13. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    30 year, AMEN!

  14. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    30yrlocal — well said.

  15. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    Mr. Pierini,

    Learning curve of what?


  16. Steve says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    It is clearly disturbing when an elected official, particularly the mayor, dismisses citizens’ input, concerns, and criticism as “the vitriol of the very vocal few.” What a disappointment.

  17. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    Claire Fortier
    I think there are more than a “vocal few” that don’t like whats been going on in this city for quite some time.There’s lots of folks that are fed up with the decisions the City Council makes.
    And I voted for you? My mistake!
    Take Care, Old Long Skiis

  18. Business is Hurting says - Posted: October 5, 2012

    This Fortier person needs to be reminded who is the boss in America.

    It’s the people – The people are your boss.

    You should be fired for your bad attitude and arrogant ways.

  19. Steve Kubby says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Our City Council has been a miserable failure, as evidenced by our crumbling roads, the Crater (I refuse to call something that covers seven acres a “hole”) and the shameful fact that City owned pipes are discharging effluent right into our precious Lake. This town is dying because of an incompetent City Council and their abusive treatment of residents, homeowners and local businesses. Instead of doing their job, taking care of our basic services, and operating within their means, we are scolded like children and told that somehow we are to blame. Perhaps more rage is the only thing that will get us moving forward again.

  20. Steve Kubby says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Fix the damn roads, stop dumping effluents into the Lake and spare us the lofty BS about “moving into the 21st century.”

  21. John S says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Hey Claire — For someone who says “replace rage with reason” you sound pretty rage-y. The loop road is a terrible idea, we should be upset about the “hole” and the TRPA is a nightmare of an agency.

  22. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    SLT is a dynamic area, without understanding what drove the earlier evolutionary changes, and what might be driving the future evolutionary changes, frustration most likely will skyrocket for to many people. Do your history, look into the Tahoe prosperity project(or whatever it is named). Being mentally dead around about 1967 most likely will not benefit most people and our environment.

  23. Billie Jo McAfee says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    I’m tired of city leaders writng scathing things about our town and it’s people. If I were someone reading your letter to the community she has served, I would choose to travel somewhere else.

  24. X LOCAL says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Claire Fortier.

    You are a disgrace to this City, get your head out of your rear end and wake up!! I thought that Hal Cole and Tom Davis along with Bruce Greco were the worst things that could happen to this City but now you are going to the HEAD OF THE CLASS.

    Get your read end out of town and go to Washington A.S.A.P. And I don’t care if the door hits you in the rear end real hard, Washington needs you.

  25. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Certainly appears that this “opinion” piece has struck a nerve with a lot of people. I’m still waiting for clarification of what the “learning curve” is.

  26. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Chief, I am running for City Council and I have never in my life “done what I am told” unless it was the right thing to do. In this case, the “right thing” is to listen to the majority of the people and take the town where they want it to go, not the big money, not the private interests, but the people.I do believe this town can bring more jobs, fix itself up, and be more recreation friendly, which in turn, will attract more business. I believe in the ideas I hear as I am out with the people in different settings. I believe in the positive energy we have in this town that we are not tapping. I do not owe my soul to anyone. My wish is to listen and represent what the people want, and if you look at my record for the past three years as President of the South Tahoe Chamber (a volunteer position), you will see that when I spoke to this Council, it was a result of getting on the phone or walking into businesses or going to events and talking to all the different factions in this town.If you look at my FB page, Conner for Council, my support comes from the ordinary people.

  27. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    “(Hint to those willing to trash the TRPA: It won’t do the city a bit of good because we are still in California and subject to even more stringent regulations without the bi-state agency.)”

    Exactly, it’s a redundant, wasteful agency, and should be disbanded. Our State and National environmental standards are sufficient.

    And I do appreciate the Lakeview Commons project being completed, the concerts there. Also the sidewalks being installed, and more roads getting repaved this year, it makes me feel positive about our town, and that we are on an upswing :)

    But still don’t agree with the Loop road, and don’t believe Stateline, Nevada is the center of our town. Our town hubs are: Ski Run, Al Tahoe, and The Y. Besides I don’t buy into a park in the middle of the casinos and a crooked, sharp turns highway behind is going to improve the bottom line.

  28. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Still waiting for clarification on what the “learning curve” is, to which Mr. Pierini referred. Can ANYONE provide enlightenment on this?

    Thank you.

  29. Scott Blumenthal says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    My opinion is reason can produce rage when things hit a nerve. Maybe anger is a better word. Anger is neither good nor bad in and of itself, but the results of anger can be either. I feel angry over some of the things down in this town over the past few years. The “hole” situation definitely angers me. The Loop Road as it came down, angers me. The decisions – not all – of the city and the council anger me. Now how can one productively channel their anger is what is the goal. Getting new blood, the right blood, in the city council this election is a productive channeling of anger. Taking steps to do something positive is what we the people/residents of South Lake Tahoe need to do. Everyone has their own thoughts on what positive steps are, but taking action rather than whinning (different from anger) or doing naught is what will make the difference. It is okay to get angry, even to the point of rage when circumstances dictate. It’s then that reason needs to take over and guide.

  30. K.A.E. not to be confused with Admin says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    4mer-I think Mr. P basically said you were stupid. And the opinion of the Mayor resonates of the opinion of some dictators of the past that would emprision you or kill you for thinking, let alone speaking against the “establishment”. Can you say Dada? or Cambodia?

  31. Garry Bowen says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Being somewhere around the 30th responder, I’m one of the “reasoned & moderate” voices ever in danger of being drowned out – but here goes: “progressive or provincial” is a good way to ask, but the right question has yet to be asked: what is it about this town that causes continual “shooting themselves in the foot” ?

    Is it the “picture-postcard mentality” that causes all to obsess about their little “slice of heaven”, as Claire so inelegantly puts it ? The idea of a smaller & smaller pie may have something to do with that, especially if one’s smaller & smaller opinion is all they get.

    The only wisdom to impart for now is the one scorching experience I had in a General Contactor issue decades ago: dealing with one who had “35 years ” of experience nevertheless cost over $ 100,000 in damage; to the job itself, to reputation, in illl-will, etc.

    The “35 year” question then became: was that length of time spent getting ever-better at one’s trade, or was one year just done 35 times ? That is the question for South Lake Tahoe, as the “incumbents” all tout about how they’ve “learned the ropes”, but from whom ?

    When the City was formed (1965), the economy was booming – the Tahoe (Daily ?) Tribune declared: “A City is Born” (November 10th) – and the “City” could go about it’s business: becoming a City.

    Since then it has deteriorated into “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic”, since it’s most viable large employers now only talk about their decline, with no recollection of how or why they got dynamic – and then blame CHANGE (“it’s a changing world”) for the downside. . . no wonder the newer residents don’t have much to look forward to wanting to participate in a progressive change: there’s only so many ways that deck chairs can be arranged – – – as the ship continues to sink.

    In my humble opinion, we’ve been reliving that “one year” over & over & over with simply different players, not a new game requiring learning any new ways.

    It is a changing world; are we to benefit from that change – – – or not, as it now appears. Progressive or provincial may not be the point – but modernity may be. . .

  32. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    K.A.E., NEVER in life to be confused with Admin (more like the KKK):

    Thank you for informing me that Mr. Pierini said I was stupid; I’m sure he’ll appreciate your speaking on his behalf.

    I think your mindset more resonates of bigotry and intolerance for individuals with a differing opinion than the Mayors. What a disappointment to be cognizant of people like you in our community.

  33. Garry Bowen says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    I rest my case. . .

  34. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Mr. Bowen:

    I completely agree with your comprehensive analysis above and believe the acceptance of change is imperative if one is to guide and direct their destiny versus assuming the reactionary posture of a rudderless boat. Thank you for your thought-provoking insights and contribution.

  35. Headroom says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Gary, I’m mot sure I get your points, but whether we are considering “progressive or provincial”, some essential needs remain the same. We need, for example, neighborhood streets that are kept in decent repair; I can remember when the county oiled these streets and kept them maintained. They didn’t hand wring for years before getting it done either.

    We need neighborhoods with families, and that takes developing nurturing places that aren’t an extension of the business district. No family wants to raise children in the midst of an ever rotating crowd of party seeking strangers.
    How has our city or their partner in recreational development the Conservancy, cared for and nurtured our neighborhoods? Residents in this town are in the way of progress–the city’s great leap forward. That is why Claire and some others are so angry and impatient with us.
    Right now, most of all, we need a sense of NORMALCY: our town is not a forever construction zone full of the blown out dreams of forever politicians; the place of ten thousand plans, many of them paid for with millions of tax dollars but never implemented and gone obsolete long ago.

    Progressive or provincial or any other definition you want to apply, the people of our town are the purpose for its existence. The city’s first duty is to provide essential services to citizens. If it cannot do this without driving us all constantly crazy, then let us stop tormenting one another and seriously consider rejoining El Dorado County.

  36. K.A.E. not to be confused with Admin says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    4mer: I’ve never thought your opinions were anything but right. I was siding with you. What a jerk.

  37. Garry Bowen says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Thanks to these last two for some critical thinking (it is in fact a category of its’ own) on our town. . . as said, when created, the City could do what it was supposed to: be a City and deal with municipal affairs. Somewhere along the way (perhaps along with the rest of the country) became a way to “pick which side you’re on”, which does not account for the entire electorate or the best interests of municipal duties – especially with declining revenue streams.

    The ‘modernity’ I mentioned need not include trendy or questionable directions, but rather a return to common sense that is not very common anymore. That is what most humane folks hanker for, but the increasing pressure to be on one side or the other (when both are derelict) does not allow other ways to prevail. . .

    That the City is beholden to other than its’ charge & citizenry is part of the problem; “other than” knows no more, so how and why are we beholden to them, especially if no solutions can be tendered.

    Back to the drawing board !!

  38. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    K.A.E. not to be confused with Admin:

    I extend my apology. I interpreted your comment that you were calling me stupid and using Mr. Pierini as the vehicle to make that statement. I apologize if I misinterpreted the meaning of your comments and offended you, and would further note my great sense of relief that I was incorrect. Thank you for setting the record straight.

  39. dumbfounded says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    Thank you all for your comments. It seems to me that SLT is a microcosm of our country. Our politicians have kicked cans down the (pothole-filled) road for decades and we should be outraged. But not at each other, at the politicians. Funny that a politician should say that rage should be replaced with reason. They have not used reason for decades. We need to do our homework and vote with knowledge, not emotion. All the best and God Bless South Lake Tahoe and America.

  40. K.A.E. not to be confused with Admin says - Posted: October 6, 2012

    4mer: accepted. Thank you.