Letter: It’s time to vote McClintock out of office

To the community,

So, you voted for a congressman, Tom McClintock, who promised to curb government spending. According to your news sources (Fox) the deficit continues to grow and the excessive spending has not stopped at all, even though the House of Representatives is supposed to appropriate all the funds for the government.

Perhaps Tom McClintock’s method of blocking everything and saying no to anything did not work after all. Perhaps it would have worked better if there had been some Congress people that were willing to work together and craft a solution that headed us in the right direction instead of just voting “no, no, no”. Those all-or-nothing Congress people like McClintock created the present total gridlock in our government.

Republicans block anything the Democrats propose and Democrats block anything Republicans bring forth. And it will not matter who becomes president. If congress remains as deadlocked as it is now, the government will continue to be as ineffective and wasteful as it is now – nothing will change or get done for another two years. And we, the citizens of this country, will pay the price.

If you are serious about curbing excess government spending and if you are serious about creating jobs in our region, there is an alternative to Tom’s “NO, NO, NO” policies.

Take a serious look at John Uppal. He is a moderate running against Tom McClintock and he is eager to talk and work with anybody who wants to move the government out of its morass. The tactic of voting “no” on everything did not curb government spending and most certainly did not create any jobs. Perhaps electing someone willing to listen to and work with the other side would give us a better chance to get out of the current recession.

Here is Jack’s website.


Urs Schuler, Placerville