Park City officials to tour Tahoe-Truckee for inspiration


By Jay Hamburger, Park Record

A delegation from Park City is scheduled to visit the Lake Tahoe region this weekend with an itinerary that includes stops at two mountain resorts in an effort to learn about an action-sports camp and development trends.

The travelers are scheduled to leave on Saturday and return on Sunday. The trip had not been publicized prior to Monday, when City Hall issued a statement about the itinerary attached to the agenda for a Thursday Park City Council meeting. The statement was required since a majority of the City Council is scheduled to attend.

Four of the five city councilors early in the week were planning to travel. Jon Weidenhamer, who manages City Hall’s economic development programs, said City Councilor Cindy Matsumoto will not attend. Mayor Dana Williams will not make the trip, either, Weidenhamer said.

Weidenhamer said City Hall staffers scheduled to travel include himself, Chief Building Official Chad Root and Nate Rockwood, a key figure in the budget office. The delegation involves seven people. Weidenhamer said the trip is anticipated to cost between $2,000 and $3,000.

The itinerary calls for the group to stop in Truckee, Northstar and Boreal Mountain Resort. There could be a stop in Squaw Valley as well.

The group especially wants to learn about an action-sports camp at Boreal Mountain Resort called Woodward Tahoe. There has been interest on the part of Park City Mountain Resort parent Powdr Corp. in the possibility of developing a Woodward location in Park City. Powdr Corp. owns Woodward. It also operates Woodward locations in Pennsylvania, Colorado, China and another spot in California.

Weidenhamer said City Hall wants to learn about the potential economic and community benefits of a location in Park City for Woodward. He said there are prospects of a Woodward facility being built as part of the redevelopment of the PCMR base area. He said there is interest in the year-round activity of a Woodward facility and the action sports that would be its focus.

Weidenhamer said the Park City group plans to meet executives from Boreal Mountain Resort and Woodward Tahoe.

Jenni Smith, who is the president and general manager of PCMR, and Tim Brennwald, the senior vice president of development at Powdr Corp., will address the travelers.

Meanwhile, the delegation wants to research a high-end hotel at Northstarand the wider redevelopment of the resort. A Ritz-Carlton is situated on the slopes of the resort, providing an opportunity to learn about the operations of a midmountain hotel.

He said the visit to the Ritz-Carlton is not related to the ongoing discussions between City Hall and the Treasure partnership about the development proposal on the slopes of PCMR overlooking Old Town. A member of the Sweeney family side of the Treasure partnership once said there had been talks with Ritz-Carlton about developing a property in the project. The statement was made in mid-2010, but it is not clear what sort of interest there is now. There has been little made public about the Treasure negotiations over the past year.

Weidenhamer said the Truckee stop will provide an opportunity to learn about the community’s downtown, redevelopment projects and lodging properties.

The trip resembles in some fashion the annual City Tours, which travel to different communities each year to learn about the inner workings of those places. The City Tours, though, involve a much larger group from the wider Park City area in addition to a roster of government officials. The City Tour in 2006 visited the Lake Tahoe region.

It is rare, though, for City Hall to send a delegation the size of the one traveling this weekend to an out-of-state location.


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