Dinner at Ernie’s to help S. Tahoe woman with cancer

Ernie’s Coffee Shop is donating 50 percent of its proceeds from dinner on Nov. 9 to help Chris Alper in her fight against breast cancer.

A South Lake Tahoe local for 33 years, Alper was recently diagnosed with a recurrence of breast cancer. She has worked at the local car dealership Cardinale Way Toyota (formerly Shehadi Motors) for more than 14 years. Two surgeries have left her in need of assistance with medical bills and living expenses during her recuperation and treatment.

The dinner is Friday form 5-8pm. Ernie’s is at 1207 Emerald Bay Road, South Lake Tahoe.

There will also be a raffle and silent auction.

For more information or to make a donation, contact Gia Richards at (916) 704.6900 or grichards@cherrycreekradio.com. An account for Alper has been set up at Bank of the West: Christine Alper, Account No. 029201988.