Letter: Bread & Broth thankful for help

To the community,

Bread & Broth’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment program provides individuals, clubs/organizations and businesses the opportunity to sponsor a hot, healthy meal for needy members of the South Lake Tahoe community.

On Oct. 22, the Tahoe Daily Tribune sponsored its first Adopt A Day dinner and sent a great volunteer sponsor crew to work side-by-side with the B&B volunteers. The Tahoe Daily Tribune crew helped with packing give-away food bags and doing all the necessary tasks involved in serving up to 100 meals for the evening.

The Bread & Broth AAD program encourages our donors to come and assist at their designated evening dinner so they have the opportunity to actually experience the gratitude and sense of community felt by our B&B guests and volunteers.

The members of the Tahoe Daily Tribune crew seemed to concur. “Enjoyed the experience and would love to do it again!” was their response to their sponsorship of an Adopt A Day.

Bread & Broth is very fortunate and grateful to have sponsors like the Tahoe Daily Tribune who are committed to improving the lives of the less fortunate members of our community.

If you would like to help Bread & Broth’s program, contact me at (530) 542-2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth