Letter: McCall Realty appreciated by Bread & Broth

To the community,

Bread & Broth’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment on Sept. 24 was generously sponsored by McCall Realty. An Adopt A Day sponsorship provides a nutritious evening meal to approximately 100 needy individuals in the South Lake Tahoe community.

To serve this number of meals, B&B has a regular crew of volunteers and generally four to five volunteers from the AAD sponsor who setup, serve and cleanup. The McCall Realty sponsor volunteer crew on Sept. 24 consisted of Cynde Cain, Beatte Miering, Jill Moffett and Mike Yagi. One of McCall’s volunteers provided this comment regarding their sponsorship of an Adopt A Day “At McCall, we are committed to helping our community. The Bread & Broth program provides to those who are in need and it was our pleasure to sponsor this event and take part.”

This was the first time McCall Realty has sponsored an Adopt A Day and is looking forward to continuing their support and involvement in this program.

Bread & Broth would not be able to continue this vital service to the Lake Tahoe community without the support of businesses like McCall Realty and is very thankful for their monetary and sponsor volunteer crew contribution.

For information on any monetary donations or volunteering, contact me at (530) 542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth