Letter: Pot isn’t South Tahoe’s real problem drug


To the community,

The drug problem in South Lake Tahoe is not from cannabis, it is from alcohol. The abuse of alcohol is so rampant that rape and assaults in South Lake Tahoe are twice the national average. You heard me right, twice the national average for rapes and assaults.

Any honest cop will tell you that nobody commits rapes or assaults while using marijuana and it is alcohol that drives these violent crimes. It is time the City Council wake up and deal with real problems of alcohol and end their war on medical marijuana patients.

Steve Kubby

For the record, the only people who are protected by the South Lake Tahoe marijuana ordinances are criminal growers who can afford the time and money to jump through all the hoops created by the city.

None of the patients I know has registered with the city and all of them live in fear.

The City Council has literally thrown the sick, disabled and dying members of our community under the bus. Sadly, with respect to marijuana enforcement policies, only rapists and bad guys are benefiting from the city’s misguided efforts.

Steve Kubby, South Lake Tahoe


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Comments (19)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    Steve, I thought you called yourself a libertarian. As such you should be defending the rights of people to ingest whatever they want, not attacking them for using a different intoxicant from the one you choose to promote. There are problems inherent in any kind of overindulgence, but instead of dealing with yours, you attack others’.
    You’re no libertarian, Dude. You’re just a self promoting stoner.

  2. Dumbluck says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    Kubby is just a one trick pony. His posts are repetitive and predictible.

  3. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    the real problem is HERION

  4. earl zitts says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    As Marshall Dillon learned in yesterdays Gunsmoke episode on KOWL,liquor and men are an extremely potent combination. The bodies were everywhere after the bad boys liquored up and started shooting. At least the murderers were tried and got to dance at the end of a rope.

  5. Lisa says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    @dogula….that was my thought also…@ Steve….can you tell people are a little tired of your propaganda?

  6. lou pierini says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    Alcohol cost more than cannabis to make. Alcohol is free in Nv. Who bears the social cost Ca. Nv. interest now want even more (loop rd). The casinos should pay S.L.T. the social cost of of free alcohol all nite.

  7. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    Demon Rum! Where is temperance advocate Carrie Nation and her hatchet when you need her? Oh that’s right, she died in 1911 and didn’t live long enough to witness the oh so great success of Prohibition.

    A photograph of this very attractive woman can be viewed at the following link:

    To All: Live long and prosper!

  8. hmm... says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    dogula, dumbluck, lisa: care to respond to the information in the posts, instead of discounting what he says because of who he is? alcohol IS the number one drug problem in this community and this country. methamphetamine is second(sorry chief).

  9. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    Absolutely spot on, hmm… and indeed, it is time for Nevada to pay for their effects on California.

  10. Romie says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    Kubby’s shell game: point the finger at the other drug.

  11. Youhavegottobekiddingme says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    Drug addiction is our real problem. Be it prescription, over the counter, home grown or from the liquor store. It all has the same effects on our community.

  12. HangsUpsFromWayBack says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    I see more prescription pill heads than than anything here in town,mostly females with a drink in their hand,wedding band in their shirt pocket lonely,no kidding ,kidding.

    People in some the nicest eating places,bar,grills passing these things out like candy,on both side the state-line.

    Pot just blown off as it been around since the flowers,blues people,no big deal.The crank people usually aren’t seen in many nice places, they stay underground til they drink too much beat their girlfriends or wife’s or vice-verso .
    I watched for many years as women seem to always get the doubt while the males seem to get jail even when it’s not their fault,the girls slip through the system .I’m sure any DA can say the same thing.
    Men always take the blame for the loved ones they love ,while the females play angel.

  13. Tobaccodeath says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    90% of people in jails are nicotine addicts. Why isn’t tobacco addiction listed as a cause along with alcohol? Interesting to read about alcohol being the number one problem when smoking actually kills more Americans than alcohol, ALL illegal drugs, car accidents, AIDS, and homicides COMBINED! I agree with Dogula and “Youhavegottabekiddingme”! Drugs (INCLUDNG TOBACCO/NICOTINE which is 6 times more addictive than cocaine and heroin combined) are the real problem. Unfortunately, the obstinate casinos pro-smoking policy doesn’t help our community or the poor people who work in these toxic buildings.
    Death by Smoking/Tobacco: 600,000/yr
    Death by Alcohol: 120,000/yr
    Death by Secondhand Smoke: 63,000/yr
    Death by car accidents: 43,000
    Death by heroin: 2,500
    Death by cocaine: 2,500

    BTW, SMOKING pot still causes permanent lung and heart damage. All smoke is carcinogenic and contains 4,000 to 8,000 chemicals. Might as well suck on a diesel exhaust pipe!

    These numbers were from a few years ago. Check the CDC (Center for Disease Control) for current figures.

  14. Tobaccodeath says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    One more thing… 90% of alcoholics smoke tobacco. Smoking (tobacco or pot) also causes epigenetic damages in DNA. In other words, permanent brain damage, DNA damage. (not only to you, but your children and their children for generations to come!) The worst part is that people who smoke not only damage themselves, but destroy everyone else in the same breathing space, including their own children and loved ones.

  15. observer says - Posted: November 10, 2012

    It is truly disengenous to fail to consider the affects of all drugs on our community, and on our culture, whether you agree with Steve Kubby’s opinion or not.

    So he is a medical pot advocate….so what!

    I have friends and aquaintances who have resorted to pot to mitigate the affects of cancer treatment.
    Their doctors often suggested it as the side affects were minimal.
    Why would anyone have an issue with this?

    I have seen parents short their kids on nutrition so they could afford tobacco or alcohol.

    I have seen strange applications of laws where heavy duty painkillers were not effectively used on terminal patients because, unbelievably “they might become addicted”. What kind of sense does this make? They are dying! make it peaceful.

    Pill heads? Obviously abuse of prescription drugs is a huge problem.

    We have become a culture where we need to completely avoid pain, mental or physical. And it needs to happen instantly. Instant gratification is required, at all costs.

    And we can’t look our ages. Gone are the days when the elderly were respected for their knowledge or experience.
    A constant search for looking and acting young, for which we will do anything to achieve– surgery, drugs, vitamins, magic potions.

    Pain is usually good. It is usually your body telling you something is over stressed and needs a little rest to rebuild or heal.

    To erase pain so you can continue the stressful activity is often insanity, as permanent damage may result. And soon, “normal” means medicated.

    Our medical and pharmaceutical industry has responded very effectively to our cultural proclivities. How often do you see advertising for drugs or surgery hooked on getting us “back to life”, or “back in the game”, acting like the 22 year old you were, instantly with new procedures and new pills.

    It wasn’t meant to be…DNA dictates we die, and try as we will, it doesn’t work to change that, except sometimes, for a short time, cosmetically.

  16. JT Davis says - Posted: November 13, 2012

    Oh Steve, there you go again, using baseless scare tactics inorder to make yourself and your cause look better. What is it exactly the City is supposed to do to combat alcohol in the community? I would also like to know where you received your information regarding rape and assaults being double the national average in SLT. All you are doing is trying to shift the focus and trying to blame the City so you can continue to justify your relevance or is this just pure ego? You continue to post the most random and obnoxious posts in an effort to make your cause look legit. I don’t want a community full of stoners, pot heads or patients driving around under the influence of anything including marijuana. Marijuana DUIs are on the rise as I believe nationally 3 in 5 DUIs are marijuana related…. Alcohol is legal in all 50 states and has been so for decades, stop attacking another substance just to promote pot. It’s not like anyone is advocating alcohol and yes it causes problems but all you are trying to do is blame others in order to get what you want accomplished for no one but yourself.

  17. JT Davis says - Posted: November 13, 2012

    Oh ya, I have an interesting article from the BBC you should read, I’ll be happy to send it your way. The study finds those who smoke cannibas run a high risk of lowering their IQ!!!

  18. dryclean says - Posted: November 13, 2012

    JTDavis, It was your Dad that voted to allow cannibas in this town. Maybe you should be talking with him rather than spewing your anger here.

  19. JT Davis says - Posted: November 13, 2012

    Dry clean, tough to argue with some one who hides behind a screen name whom I have no debating here? He did due to Prop 215 being a state law that needed to be followed, I personally disagreed with his decision and vote and have said so. I also have the right to be angry and frustrated and post my opposition to this garbage just as much as you or anyone else. If you wanna come out of the blog shadows and have a serious conversation I’ll buy the coffee