Letter: Pot isn’t South Tahoe’s real problem drug

To the community,

The drug problem in South Lake Tahoe is not from cannabis, it is from alcohol. The abuse of alcohol is so rampant that rape and assaults in South Lake Tahoe are twice the national average. You heard me right, twice the national average for rapes and assaults.

Any honest cop will tell you that nobody commits rapes or assaults while using marijuana and it is alcohol that drives these violent crimes. It is time the City Council wake up and deal with real problems of alcohol and end their war on medical marijuana patients.

Steve Kubby

For the record, the only people who are protected by the South Lake Tahoe marijuana ordinances are criminal growers who can afford the time and money to jump through all the hoops created by the city.

None of the patients I know has registered with the city and all of them live in fear.

The City Council has literally thrown the sick, disabled and dying members of our community under the bus. Sadly, with respect to marijuana enforcement policies, only rapists and bad guys are benefiting from the city’s misguided efforts.

Steve Kubby, South Lake Tahoe