Letter: S. Lake Tahoe has enough on its plate

To the community,

If Mayor Claire Fortier is serious about the city honoring Marjorie Springmeyer and her Johnson brothers, then the city should build a city hall to honor them because years ago they gave 6 acres to the city for a hall that never was built.

At a council meeting the police chief reported that the school district has a problem with unexcused absences. Apparently there’s a deal between the district and city for cops to be truant officers. It’s ill advised because the city needs to focus on city affairs. The district should employ a truant officer. The city has enough on its plate.

Bill Crawford

Also, at the council meeting there was talk about recreation. The city and El Dorado County are talking about, if possible, blending city and county programs. A city committee has been created. Again, it’s ill advised because the city should focus on city problems, not distractions.

Also, the city is straining for the city recreation program to contribute to the city’s bottom line. Public recreation programs were never intended to be for profit. And where is the financial report on the private management of the ice rink?

There has been a blunder in the leasing of the city building across the street from the rec center. The city attorney was in the dark about the deal. It should be a given that all contracts should be sent to the city attorney before any contact is signed.

The city hasn’t an assistant city manger. So when the city manager isn’t available to manage, who will be in charge? There should be a city line and staff chart that shows the order of command.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe

PS: John Steinbeck wrote that a cynic is one who sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. I agree.