South Tahoe Raley’s workers part of strike
By Dale Kasler, Sacramento Bee
Raley’s went on strike early today, the first time in its long history, after three days of marathon negotiations failed to produce a new contract.
Leaders of the United Food and Commercial Workers told their members to head to the picket lines at 6am, when most Raley’s and Nob Hill Foods stores across Northern California opened.
The company said every one of its 130 stories would open.

Raley’s workers at the Y in South Lake Tahoe assemble about 9am to get instructions on picketing the store. Photo/Provided
“We expect all our employees who are scheduled to work on Sunday to show up for work. We have plans in place to deal with any job actions to keep our stores open and operating,” the company said in a statement shortly before 6am.
UFCW officials said health insurance remained the main sticking point. The company was proposing changes to the plan, including elimination of coverage for Medicare-eligible retirees.
“For 15 months Raley’s has tried to dictate a laundry list of takeaways including devastating members’ and retirees’ health and welfare plan and nothing has changed,” said Local 8 President Jacques Loveall in a memo to his members. “It’s clear from their actions it’s time to teach them the meaning of respect.”
Striking workers said they were willing to take concessions to help the struggling grocer regain profitability, but Raley’s demands are too steep.
“We know that things are competitive. That’s why we gave up things,” said Lori Thurm, a picket captain at the store on West Capitol Avenue in West Sacramento, barely a mile from Raley’s headquarters. “We offered numerous concessions.”
For instance, workers were willing to forego bonus pay for Sunday shifts, she said.
In his memo to workers, Loveall said it was “obvious” that the last three days of negotiations “was nothing more than a sinister and shameful delay tactic designed to allow managers more time to lie to, threaten and intimidate our members. Clearly their goal was to persuade you to abandon your union.”
Raley’s says the strike is its first in its 77-year history. The company had set a midnight Saturday deadline for reaching a deal. The talks went on another two hours, and then broke off. Raley’s then unilaterally implemented many of the terms of its “last and final” contract offer. The basic wage rate stays the same, but there will be a 2-year pay freeze and the elimination of bonus pay for working Sundays. Holiday bonus pay is scaled back.
The strike doesn’t immediately affect Bel Air stores, whose workers haven’t yet taken a strike-authorization vote. Union officials said such a vote will occur soon.
While the strike has the support of allied unions, such as Teamsters Local 150, Raley’s should be able to keep operating. Spokesman John Segale said the drivers are expected to deliver goods to the vicinity of the stores, and then store managers will retrieve items from the trucks and bring them inside.
But getting shoppers inside will be another matter. One early morning customer drove by the front of the store, realized a strike had begun, and drove off. “I support ya,” she told the pickets.
Bob Reynolds, a former Safeway executive who’s now a supermarket industry consultant in Moraga, said workers and the company will both get hurt by the strike. “Raley’s is going to be hit very hard,” he said.
Even with the stores open, some departments will probably just limp along, and even many of the most loyal Raley’s customers will go elsewhere. “You never want to show your most loyal shoppers where the alternatives are,” he said.
Yet in West Sacramento, store director Wendell Helton said his staff was working on getting the store completely operational.
Segale, the company spokesman, said, “We are continuing to provide a level of service and maintain product on the shelves.”
As of today, anyway, some customers were willing to cross the picket line.
Joel Barton of Elk Grove, who bought 12-packs of soda at the Land Park Raley’s store, said he had no reluctance to shop there. “Not a bit – Raley’s is a good company,” he said.
“I told (the strikers) on the way in they ought to be picketing Wal-Mart,” he said.
Raley’s and other traditional grocers have been losing market share to nonunion stores like Wal-Mart, which pay their workers roughly half as much as the union chains.
Raley’s top pay for union workers is $21 an hour plus benefits, although most workers aren’t at the top of the pay scale.
The UFCW did agree to concessions at struggling Save Mart Supermarkets of Modesto in September. Raley’s says its final contract offer was more generous to workers than what Save Mart employees accepted – a statement flatly denied by the union.
Anyone know if the stores at Tahoe and in the Carson Valley will be picketed? If so, I won’t be crossing any picket lines.
All the good people who have been serving our community for decades are struggling just to maintain the wages and benefits they already have. They want to be able to feed their families, pay their rent, educate their children and keep their health insurance. Perks allegedly enjoyed by the higher ups in the company (17,000sq ft summer house on the lake, family “spiritual” journeys to Africa)and so forth are fine but really, you want to take money away from the people who have served you faithfully for decades to make your life even more luxurious? I have shopped at Raley’s for 30 years and see the same employees year after year. They are always polite, helpful and knowledgeable. If these fine folks are forced to go on strike then our family will support them.
I wish the public would understand that many employee’s are happy to approve the contract Raley’s offered us a week ago. And that the Union kinda sorta makes us go out and strike… kinda sorta. I want to be in there right now… working and helping the local shopper. I want to support Raley’s in return for the years they supported me, but I can’t because of other peoples agendas. I hope local shoppers understand that the struggles between the Union and the company has nothing to do with the local employee’s willingness to sreve the community, I hope you know that the service we are known for is authentic and is only put on hold as a result of larger matters and not employee greed. As well, the employees were never given a chance to vote on the last contract offer made by Raley’s a week ago, the last vote to be had was months ago when the offer was not in place. I feel we should have been allowed to vote again, not just hearded out the door by the Union and told to hold a sign. I don’t think there is a way to be “right” here, it’s hard. I only write this because in articles past, I have read blogs from some who have assumed employee greed as the factor behind the “possible strike”. Now, the strike is here, and it’s not because of employee greed. This is a great community and it’s hard for those employees standing out in front of Raley’s to do what they are doing, it’s very hard. Thank you.
To Copper: Carson Valley is Nevada…Non-Union.
Shopped at Safeway for the first time in over 5 years today… While Safeway is great- it just wasn’t the same… No familiar faces, not the same friendly service and no one handing out cookies to my kids while we shopped! Hope this all gets worked out so I can start shopping at Raleys again.
The handwriting is on the wall, no matter if Raley’s management eventually gives-in; or, the Union does, or, some compromise is finally reached. The bald fact is that with the changes in the health care laws; and with Medicare, Raley’s has a monstrous burden if they continue to provide top medical benefits to those who are eligible for Medicare. THAT was THE sticking point.
“A Raley’s Emp.” is pretty much right on correct about all the rest.
The Union is only hurting the employees. Raley’s is only doing what other companies have done even one whose CEO is on Obama’s “debt comission”. Honeywell forced their employees to take 2-5 weeks off without pay. They forced employees to take a 10% pay cut. They charged retirees double what an employee paid for healthcare until they were Medicare eligible, then make you switch to a different health plan which costs more than if you went out to buy one on your own. The company response to complaints is “leave if you don’t like it”. Raley’s deal sounds good compared to some of the other things today.
Sure glad that we have Lira’s Market out here in the boonies. I think Raleys’ employees are going to quickly find out that their union bosses all decended from a family with the last name of Hoffa. With todays economy, particularly in
Tahoe, I think any job should be cherished and coveted. Raleys could hold a job fair next weekend and 20,000 people would show up, maybe more.
Study the history of Unions and Labor in this country some time. Let’s not be stupid enough to go backwards on wages and benefits. And the changes in health care laws, mostly originally proposed by the likes of the Heritage Foundation and GOP leaders including Bishop Romney, are All positive outcomes for business, and workers regardless of the crap from fox so-called news and the putrid, porcine pill-popper. It’s time to stand up, strike, get in the streets if necessary… our forefathers did.
All Unions should be busted up. They did nothing for the City employees either except take their dues.
So, say we elect Obummer for another four miserable, scary years. If we survive as a nation, are we really going to be that stupid to elect Joe Biden to follow? I still think Bush junior created most of our current economic morass. It is pretty obvious by now that Bush senior, and his Operation Desert Storm led directly to both of the World Trade Center tragedies.
I’m sorry they’ve gone on strike. Nobody wins.
Unions may have once been necessary, but in today’s highly regulated world, there are enough government protections for workers without unions. I truly believe that union leaders are ONLY interested in their own well being, not that of the workers. Employee dues are taken straight out of the paychecks whether they want to belong or not. And until 32 passes, those dues are often used to promote causes and candidates that may be completely against the beliefs of those employees.
It’s a bad system.
The head of Raley’s was recently listed in Forbes as a billionaire. She wants to make her workers minimum wage like Wal-mart. I don’t shop at Wal-Mart much because it doesn’t help our neighbors here and because I like the service at Raley’s. Some of those people would lose their jobs if Raley’s gets their way. Raley’s lost my sympathy when they cut workers hours, people who had been there for years, to 24 hrs a week (just enough so they can’t get partial unemployment) and then refused to work with them at all when they tried to get another job to supplement. Raley’s family doesn’t seem to be hurting at a billion dollar income, they sound like the “greedy” ones. They certainly can’t, in all honesty, call themselves “the family store” anymore. Sad.
I think Raleys and their employees are going to take a haircut. I shopped at Safeway today and they were busy, and adequitely staffed which came as a surprise, lol.
And if Raley’s caves to the unions, how many of you will moan and complain because your grocery bills go up again? Because it is inevitable that they will. There Ain’t No Such Thing As a Free Lunch. Somebody’s gotta pay.
Wouldn’t a 24-hour a week schedule also make employees ineligible for medical coverage? I’m unfamiliar with their Union but at most other places where medical coverage is offered, if you only work 24 hours a week you’re not eligible for medical benefits.
the unions at Safeway charge employees full dues even though they are given 24 hours a week. Doesn’t seem fair.
21 bucks a hour are you kidding me, city workers make at least 3x as much. I support private sector unions not public sector ones. The public sector union members (they have no choice union dues is required) can never get fired or locked out, well maybe 1 in a 1000.
Safeway has the same union Raley’s does. Again, there is no choice whether you belong or not. Union dues are taken straight out of your pay check.
How many people in this town make $21 plus vaca plus medical?
How many people in this town even have a full time job instead of having to have 2 or 3 and catch a few hours here or there with their families? Seriously.
The union is NOT looking out for the workers. It’s looking out for itself.
Dog, There is a BIG differance between publc and private sector unions, you know that.
16 hours a week was required to keep medical benefits. 4 weeks paid vacation for long term employees. If you don’t pay your union dues you get fired! Time for the union to go away. That is very unfortunate the employees did not even get to vote in this. I’m not going to Safeway it is still the UFCW union. I am crossing the picket line!!!
Lou, of course there is. A huge difference. I’m totally against public employee unions. But I’ve been an involuntary member of the UFCW in the past and I quit a job I liked becaus I could not abide being forced to belong. Public or private, corruption stinks.
Douglas, $21 an hour is top pay, Iam more than sure that is what the employees who have been there for years & years are making. Someone close to me has been there for 5+ years and is only making a little over $10, as a cashier, stocker. Also did you not get that Raley’s has cut hours for long time employees to just 24 hours a week, does that sound like full time to you? Seriously, would you put up with that, I wonder? For you to think “they should be happy just to have a job” , I know for a fact that ” they” are only asking what is fair for the work they do for ” Mrs. Raley’s”. Um would old Tom Raley, be as greedy as her??
There is seniority. You can’t give someone with less seniority more hours.
Pine tree, I agree and that is understandable.
To JoAnne Conner… you sure don’t sound happy with Raley’s? How about your son, is he happy as the meat Mgr. at the stateline Raley’s? In as much as my talks with him, he seems satisfied to me. I don’t mean this in any harsh fashion, it just seems to me that you should be happy with the way better than average wage your son is earning, I wish my son were earning that much!
what is the educational requirement to get a job at any grocery store?
I think Hiker chick & JoAnne have it right, I will NOT cross their picket line.
To a “Raley’s employee” – you know me and you know my son, and you share details on this blog, but you don’t write under your real name – how come? My son does like his job, but he does not like what is happening to his co-workers and he is striking to keep the jobs of some of the family people who have less seniority than he – you are likely one job he is fighting to keep. By the way, one of my friends was on Craig’s list today – she said she saw an ad where Raley’s is advertising for temporary employees to cross the picket line. They are offering to pay them more than they probably pay you. As for your son, is it just jealousy? If someone else is making more than you or him, you don’t like it? My son has been at that job for twelve years, and he started at the bottom.
Sad, but I believe that the union, which has been unsuccessful in infiltrating Walmart, would rather take down an excellent business than look bad to its members. This is all about pride and union power in a changing economy. RIP Raleys. RIP union.
JoAnn, given your past involvement with legal trainning… you know full well why an employee of a company should not disclose names as we are not in the capacity to represent the company, this is “as to be expected”. As for the other comments, your son ,(no names mentioned), your son isn’t involved with my position in anyway, he isn’t striking for my better. My earlier comment was not about your son, it was about you, and your perspectives and position on Raley’s… Your son is not the only person in your family benefitting from his position at Raley’s. I think that as is the case with me, Raley’s has been there for us for many years, we have built our families around Raley’s, we have raised our kids and bought homes and had great medical care from Raley’s. From time to time we get out of hand and still, Raley’s treats us fair and square. And with your insider, firsthand knowledge of such, it kinda bothered me to hear you say anything negative about Raley’s in any way because the truth be told, Raley’s is fair, they have treated us good, they aren’t trying to do to us anything that hasn’t already been done to everyone else in any other industry, and to say that you are willing to turn your back on them because of such actions… well, you ought just turn your back on America becuse the entire social structure of our country has been shifted to this kind of buisness tactics, and to single out one company as is the case with this Union action, to single them out seems unfair to me. I think you should be thankfull for the past efforts Raley’s has made and for the direction they are trying to take us. Raley’s is a good gig and I’m thankfull for that. If anything, people should be pointing fingers at non-traditional markets such as Walmart, that is in essence the very reason Raley’s and other traditional markets are forced to do what they are doing Joann. And yes, I do know you and if need be, I will approach you privatly the next time I see you, but don’t rack your brains on this, I’m really not all that intriguing. Again, no offense meant… just want to get the word out that Raley’s is good and not every employee wants to strike and that in as much as I could tell, most employees were ready to vote to accept the contract offer Raley’s gave us a week ago… but the Union would not let us. Thank you.
A Raley’s Employee, I salute you!
America is Great, we can picket and not worry about being shot or run over by tanks. I’m on the picket line with my friends. This is what makes our country great. Join us.
I hope Lake Tahoe News will be working on getting this story on their own ( this one is from Sac. Bee), and for sure get the perspective from ones who are on the picket line.
A Raley’s Employee: I salute you also.
Lou Pierini: My wife briefly worked for the City and she did not make $63 an hour. She was paid $15.53 and had those crappy Union Dues taken out of her check, and I agree that Public Unions should be eliminated.
I’m not a fan of any Union and think they’re nothing more than a self-serving organization to keep the Union Representatives and Union Officials employed and drawing fat salaries and enjoying great perquisites while they strong-arm their members into doing their dirty work via striking. I was forced to be in the Teamsters many years ago just so I could keep my job and when we were required to strike I never made up the lost wages when we were out. I have no use for Unions, and apparently had this Union just allowed its members to vote on this latest offer then maybe this whole mess could have been avoided. Why didn’t the Union give their members the option of voting; who are they really representing?
Loveall! Respect is not taught. It’s earned!
“A Raley’s employee” – I know very well why you will not use your name? Yet you gave every detail BUT his name, so it is evident who he is :”How about your son, is he happy as the meat Mgr. at the stateline Raley’s?”
You throw others under the bus, but not yourself. Yes, you could have approached me privately, but you would rather attempt to embarass and intimidate me and my son while you hide.
Look at the wages and look at the Raley’s family. They want to cut wages, jobs, hours, and basically become like Wal-Mart to compete. I happen to believe we should stand up with the employees and not allow minimum wage to become the standard in an industry that is not hurting as much as they say.
This is more destruction of the middle class. What many don’t see is that when workers who make decent wages and benefits lose that, the effect ripples out to everyone. Middle class workers who spiral downward can no longer pay their rent or mortgages, see the doctor as needed, dine out, buy clothes, food, and other day-to-day items. Everyone who provides these goods or services then suffers too. Our country needs to have a vigorous middle class or everyone but the 1% suffers. Unmitigated greed is ugly. For some people, there is never enough and this will destroy the country as we know it.
A Raley’s Emp., Do you really believe that Raleys will continue to provide jobs like you have after they get rid of the unions? Jobs where you could get a decent wage and raise your family, buy homes and get good medical care from the company? BS. When the unions are gone Raleys will begin to implement the exact same business model as Walmart. There will be no raising kids and buying real estateand health care under those conditions. Blindly accepting these corporate inspired austerity measures as the new normal for America is for the duped and weak. For all you misinformed union haters and management suckups, I’ve got a salute right here for you.
Gosh, Tea, how do they manage to provide grocery employees in non-union stores and non-union states?
You socialists have no idea about how real free market economies work.
Those who provide the best service, work hard, take the risks, are the ones who thrive in a free market.
Those who accuse those people of being “misinformed union haters and management suckups” tend to be socialists, wanting to take the fruits of others’ labor without putting in the effort to earn it themselves.
Name calling is so juvenile.
Hey Dogula,
Non-union stores and right-to-work-for-less states provide employees from a labor pool of those willing to accept jobs for min. wage because they’re desperate. And you can work hard, provide great service, and take all the risks you want and only the very few at the top in your delusional Randian free-market society are going to “thrive”.
haha…dogula…calling someone a socialist is not ‘name calling”? gimmee a break! an honest look at unions will reveal them to have had incredibly positive impact on this great nation, AND serious flaws, inconsistencies and abuses. to assume that ‘free market’ economics results in a ‘free society’ is naive and smacks of social darwinism. time to get my copy of machiavelli’s ‘the prince’ out.
The irony is flows freely from some people.
Hmmmm: No, calling someone a socialist is not name-calling. If you are a socialist you should be proud of it and not consider it an insult.
I’m certainly proud to be called a free market capitalist.
The union has every right to strike, but the striker’s do not have the right to intimidate or harrass people that choose to shop at Raley’s. Many people have prescriptions that need to be picked up at the pharmacy and some people need to have access to Wells Fargo Bank. My elderly neighbor returned home yesterday very upset as she was afraid to cross the picket line. The striker’s should have to be a certain distance from the entrance of the business and people should be able to get in and out of their vehicles without being harrassed. I am having a difficult time supporting the striker’s when they use strong arm tatics.
I went to Raley’s today. Basically it was fine, no problem. I like Raley’s, and I like the employees. Nobody got pushy, but the cat-calls some of them are making are rude. However, the union has a lot of people out there who are NOT local employees. Those are the only ones you’ll need to watch out for. They don’t care about the local people. Just union hacks.
Some people just have that Scab friendly kinda mindset. And the little old lady vs. the dangerous union thugs crap has been used by management and the bootlickers at every grocery store employee strike site since …ever. Everyone on the picket line understands this and wouldn’t bother anyone that says they are doing banking and pharmacy stuff.
lets put this in perspective-must I explain that I am picking up a prescription,let alone do my banking? I think not…. P.S. for all you hateful no name responders, let it be known I do not cross picket lines..
The strikers should be careful with their public image. There are limited opportunities for grocery shopping here. If I need to get something then thats the way it is. Right now I am pretty much supportive of the strikers but if I get harrassed then that can change very rapidly. Being polite will win friends in this mess.
So, some questions … Will the union help their striking employees went it’s time to pay the mortgage and bills? How much, if anything, do these striking workers get paid? And what happens to their health benefits while striking?
Also, while these strikers are trying to prove a point on behalf of a union that “wants to teach respect,” these same strikers are our families, friends and neighbors. Many of them were barely getting by before and are going to be hurting really bad, really soon.
Support the Raley’s employees! Do not cross the picket line! Their union is only asking for what is a fare wage and benefits package. Locals supporting locals!
Never been a union guy myself, but I’m glad the unions are out there. Somebodys got to stick up for the working class guy or girl.
How would you like to be fired or laid off and then be offered a job back at your old company for a fraction of your previous pay? Sounds crazy but it’s happening all the time,trust me.
The head honchos go after those with the most seniority because they are getting the most pay and those loyal employees heads are on the chopping block. Why pay someone 20 bucks an hour when you can find some desperate soul willing to work for $10 an hour? The new business model for America? Screw the hard working local long timer and continually hire people who will do the job for next to nothing.
Stay strong Raley’s employeees and you have my full support. Old Long Skiis
I have said it for a long time now, Raley’s want’s to break the union. What is sad is Raley’s will be able to recover from this strike, the workers on the other hand will have a harder time. If the workers just look at what they are loosing today to be out on the line it will take them years to make it up even if they win this thing. Remember the union bosses are still getting their full pay so there is no reason to move on anything. I will support the locals that are out there and hope all turnes out alright for you but if you have anytime look for more work. As much as unions say they are there for the employees, it’s just not true, they are there to make money for the union.
I am always for people standing up for what they think is right but I wonder what the effect is going to be. There are a lot of people in our community without benefits or full time work due to the economy. I wonder how many of them would look at what Raley’s is offering and say “lucky employees?”
There may be some issues with where the strikers are standing too. At the Y..people go to UPS store, KMart, Donut place or any other shop are now accosted by strike signs as they pull into the driveway. At Stateline I see the picketers backed up to the store yesterday, were they intruding on business at the other stores? Just curious.
Not against the strikers, just thinking out loud.
According to Raley’s, they are operating at a multi-million dollar loss. I totally support the workers’ right to strike, but they shouldn’t expect me to stand with them. They get a much better benefit package than do I (and I work for a profitable company).
I think it’s great that the union can flex its muscle and try to make Raley’s bend, but the fact is I don’t have a horse in this race, so I won’t change my shopping habits.
I will cross picket lines and try to support a business that has done so much for this community. Imagine what will happen to the local economy if Raleys decides to close one or both stores. We should all be working together to make this a better place to live and work and not worrying about what business agents in Roseville think.
30 year local: (me too)… So you would remember the strike at Lucky’s. I supported the employees and did not shop there during the strike. A ways into the strike though I was driving past the store to the post office and a striker stood in front of my truck and wouldn’t move (which was against their rules). He wouldn’t look at me or move and I’d worked at the place his kids went to daycare. I never set foot in Lucky’s again after the strike ended. He just assumed everyone was the enemy so I took my business elsewhere. They need to be careful not to obstruct the other businesses.
Support business’ producing jobs.
Not special interest unions!
Please cross the picket lines.
Let’s all work together and support the wonderful job creators so we can get rid of those anti-American living wage jobs the evil Union thugs and elite libruls try to force on our freedumb. If I have to work for lousy min. wage w/no bennies then everybody else should too! And once we crush these Union Bosses we can urge our wonderful representatives McClintock and Gaines to Lower the min. wage to spur even More Jobs and Growth! Please cross those picket lines and show your solidarity for Liberty!
Believe it or not, Mr Fox, there are still people in this country who would rather support their families by their own honest labor than by taking handouts and by bullying others into paying them more money than a job brings in.
In this country, if you don’t like your job or what it pays you are free to move on to another one.
I love the (local) employees at Raley’s but I think their union is treating them much worse now than the store ever did. This is a misguided effort. Demanding more now will only make prices we pay for groceries go up, and cause the store to be able to employ fewer people.
Economics 101.
Believe it or not, repeating delusional right wingnut talking points and insinuating that local Raley’s workers aren’t supporting their families by their own honest labor and that they’re bullying others into paying them more is insulting malarkey. They have made numerous concessions and are just trying to maintain some level of compensation above poverty. Your views are not Econ. 101, more like Advanced Teabagger 103.
No such insinuation, Fox. I’ve said MANY times before I like our local Raley’s employees. But you pick and choose what you want to hear.
Why didn’t the union allow its members to vote on the offer? In whose interest IS the union working? Only their own.
“and insinuating that local Raley’s workers aren’t supporting their families by their own honest labor and that they’re bullying others into paying them more is insulting”
10:25am: DW state “No such insinuation, ”
” …who would rather support their families by their own honest labor than by taking handouts and by bullying others…”
‘But you pick and choose what you want to hear.’
Now that is funny. You said it 2 hours earlier and deny it. Its right there. Who is one with selective memory?
Why wouldn’t a union work for it’s own interests? Is that really what you criticize them for?
Please see next article posted today… the 6th.
Please see your local Mental Health Clinic if you think Raleys is going to maintain your present compensation if they destroy the Union. You might as well fill out an application at Walmart right now because if you’ve been there awhile and make a decent buck and benefits it won’t be long until cost cutting will result in your being “laid off”. Here’s a newsflash: They are Not some beneficent Family Owned company that will take care of their own, they don’t give a flyer about you and if they can save $1 by getting rid of you… you’re gone and good luck.
We live in a very rural town in Calif. near Oregon Border.
Recently our small WalMart was made into a superstore. We had 2 decent stores to choose from.
When WalMart went to a big superstore it hurt Raley’s business.
This county is poor and has a very high unemployment rate and if you are lucky enough to find a decent paying job it usually is part time or back up work with no benefits at all. My husband works for the County and is in this position. The County is Union but only for full time employees. There are no full time jobs to be found here anywhere, so, we had no choice but to take this job and hope someday he would work his way up to be allowed benefits.We are very close to our 60’s.
The problem is then we have to pay into Union dues and the Union has nothing to offer the employees. The Union dues is a present for the union not the employees. Nobody in their right mind would strike up here and take a chance in losing their homes or not be able to feed their families.
They have us over a barrel.
If my husband did get a permanent part time position the heath benefits copays are so high we would be right back where we started financially. Trying to get food stamps, health care, EDD until that is cut off in December.
I don’t believe America is working right anymore. It used to be help the neighbor if they needed it, now, it’s who is my neighbor.
I owe nothing to Unions so I will take my freedom seriously and shop wherever I want to.
If Raleys is crying over retirement benefits then they should have been saving for that all these years instead of buying toys and the best of everything to show off with.
Ya just don’t get it do ya? Our country is slipping through our fingers and all you can think about is what is in it for you!
Try living like us.One part time income with no benefits and wonder where we will be in 10 years because of the selfish upperclass who stole our country and you let them.
You will not get what you think you are fighting for. It is a delusion.