Opinion: DA is committing crimes of his own in DiMatteo case


By Ted Long

Once again El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson is using his office to discredit someone.

First, let us not forget that he dismissed all charges against Mr. [Gino] DiMatteo, and he has never offered any proof of any of the charges throughout this miscarriage of justice. He is using the federal arrest to try and make it look like he might have had something. Remember, the feds are allegedly now prosecuting for what is legal under California law.

They have “sealed” the charges; in other words kept them secret.

He also says the bribery investigation is on going. Sure, until you, the public forgets.

Ted Long

In the mean time, Angela Swanson is left destroyed and Mr. DiMatteo’s 30 employees will no doubt be out of work as his very legitimate business is being destroyed. That’s not to mention the thousands of dollars of damage to his home. All of which could have been avoided by a phone call. Mr. DiMatteo always was offering to cooperate, to sit down and talk, yet Mr. Pierson refuses.

They arrested him on Labor Day weekend knowing he can not get bailed for at least four to five days. They take him to Placerville — 90 miles away — instead of South Lake Tahoe, just blocks away to make it hard and more expensive for his attorneys to see him.

They then arrest his wife, keep her for the same weekend, releasing her with no charges. They destroy his business and his home. They actually threw a bomb in to an empty house. Now they dismiss all the charges. Oops! I guess they got even for the years he legally operate the dispensary and they could not stop him. Boy, they showed him.

Yes, I have been critical. I have tried for weeks to communicate with the DA and he has not had the courtesy to return a phone call.

Mr. DiMatteo was always ready, willing and able to cooperate with any investigation, yet the DA chose to ignore that and steamrolled his way through the county, trampling everyone’s rights, leaving destruction all around him, costing the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars, for nothing. Now he attacks me for standing up to this violent abuse.

Vern Pierson was a friend of mine. When he first ran for DA he came to my house and asked for my support, which I gave him. He promised me he stood for justice to all. I have served three terms on the grand jury; once as its foremen. In that capacity I worked closely with him and Jim Clinchard on many cases. Vern and I enjoyed lunching together on several occasions.

When I was first told of the alleged bribery investigation, I urged Mr. DiMatteo to cooperate fully and called the DA at least six times to set up a meeting so that we could understand the situation. No call was every returned or acknowledged, no meeting held. Some have said I was entitled to at least a call saying he did not want to talk.

When I arrived at the gym [Mr. DiMatteo owns] on the day of the arrest I renewed our request to cooperate. I made it clear to all that if there were a corrupt politician, we want it exposed just as much as they did. They refused to even talk about it. It was at that point that I saw they had Mr. Di Matteo restrained and clearly in custody. I asked to talk to him as his attorney. They not only refused, but threatened to arrest me if I continued to attempt to protect his rights.

It was at this point that they told Mr. DiMatteo that they were going to arrest me also. That brings us to the tape that the DA is spreading all over the county, that of the statement of Mr. DiMatteo and my political future. If they played the entire tape for you, you would clearly hear that he was protecting me. Yes, protecting me. He did not want my involvement to be construed as any way involved with his situation. By saying what he said, he made it clear that I had no involvement, which I did not. He did not want to see me arrested also. I did not even know who he was until the dispensary issue was already over. I met him through the purchase of the gym, after which he asked me to be a business advisor and consultant.

The district attorney knows full well that I was right all along. They had no case and they used excessive force throughout this case, when no force was necessary. He is now using the resources of the county to cover his mistake at my expense, his friend, the person he broke bread with, the person he came to for his own election, the person he trusted and confided in as a dedicated citizen serving his county.

In conclusion, he would like you to think my assistance of Mr. DiMatteo was to forward my political future. I will be 80 years old at the next election. I have just recovered from my second heart attack and my wife has promised to leave me if I get involved again. Draw your own conclusions on my so called political future. The statement by Mr. DiMatteo was made to protect me as the DA was threatening to arrest me for standing up to their force that day. I find the distinct attorneys’ behavior despicable and not what is expected from our county’s highest law enforcement officer.

Perhaps I will get involved in the next election.

Ted Long is one of Gino DiMatteo’s attorneys.



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Comments (21)
  1. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    In a city that recently, at minimum, has a double the national average of rapes and assaults, good guy finishes last.

  2. Dale says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    Why is anyone surprised by this it’s EL DORADO COUNTY for GODS sake this county is so corrupt i’m amazed the FEDS have not walked in an taken it over!!!

  3. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    Perhaps the Statue of Liberty should be removed from her base so a statue honoring Mr. Long could be erected in its place. Don’t forget to softly play the Star Spangled Banner and/or God Bless American as background music when you read the above diatribe.

    Please Ted, go away, don’t go away mad, but just go away.

  4. Red Dog says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    I would think at this point the DA has a case against Long for defamation. Ted’s attempt to use any source possible to tell his own story is not unlike what he’s been doing for many years, from his book where he claimed to invent the internet to this where he now claims he alone knows the truth and facts. Typical defense attorney style, when the facts are not on your side, go after the DAs or cops anything to distract people from looking at yourself or your client. In this article he goes so far as to drag Swanson into the mess even more, which only supports those who say she should no longer be serving.

    How about Mr. Long you quit flailing about, gnashing of your teeth and arms pointing at anyone and anywhere but Gino and we’ll wait for the (obviously) drug charges to be duly evaluated by a jury and judge. In spite of you and your wild claims the legal system has worked astonishingly well for oh about a few hundred years.

  5. earl zitts says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    Vern, we trusted you and backed you and believed in you. Secrecy and bullying are tarnishing and diminishing your office. Please shed whatever light you can on this messy case. You owe it to your constituents, the citizens of El Dorado County.

  6. Bob says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    I’m starting to believe it’s not Nevada that has destroyed SLT. It’s the local police and fire depts. Not to mention El Dorado County as well.

  7. Dogula says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    Why does Ted insist on exposing details of this case to the public? I always thought there was supposed to be confidentiality between a lawyer and his client, and that trying a case in the court of public opinion was the lowest, most dishonest tactic of a bad lawyer.
    On one hand, it seems wrong to give him a platform here in the paper, but on the other, it’s good that he is being exposed for what he is.
    Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

  8. White Ghost says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    Well done Ted Long,
    The people of this community are so afraid to stand for what is right. Hiding behind our jobs, relationships, and partnerships. It hurts to think we are raising children in the shadows of the leaders of our community.
    I think the people should realize the connection between Tim Christenson and Sherriff John A’gostini.
    Hey John “why did you personally arrest Irene dimatteo”?
    I think the people of our community should know about the Vern Pierson Campaign Fund where any individual can donate 5k to the pursuit of criminal activity of their choice. Hey Tim whom did you pursue with your donation.
    I think the people of our community should know about California Penal code 832.7 pertains personal investigations to peace officers as classified. Isn’t that right discharged Reserve Officer Timothy Paul Christenson.
    Hey Tim Targeting the Dimatteo’s for your revenge will only bring you more bad karma.
    Hey Tim when your wife that you brought over from Brazil was held for deportation, how many people did you have to roll over on to keep her in the country? How many people that were your associates in Reno know this Tim?
    Hey Tim ,”Why do you still carry a gun in that hip pack that you wear”?
    Are discharged officers allowed to carry guns?

    The “White ghost” stood up for justice cooperating with the F.B.I., United States Customs, South Tahoe Internal affairs, and Chief Uhler in the discharge of a reserve officer.

    Hey Tim you have the wrong target.

  9. Alex Campbell says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    DA Gary Lacy played the same game. Gary had the support Dan Lundgren and his brave prosecuter of Elli Nessler,Scott Thorp. The good old days of Mark, Walt, John and the two retreads,Jack and Ray

  10. Ted Long says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    Only to 4-mer-usmc, I can only hope that some one would stand up por you. its not about me or Gino, its about the balance of the incredible power of the police and your rights. The rights that are the thin line between this great country and the stuggles of the middle east. Good luck to you.

  11. Steve says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    I find it hard to believe local law enforcement actually “threw a bomb into an empty house”, destroying it. A photo would make this claim more credible.

  12. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    Mr. Long:

    I’m not unfamiliar with being harassed by the Police. As a hot-headed young man just out of the Marines I was constantly harassed by a Police Officer who pulled my vehicle over for no reason every time he saw me. I was never cited for anything but this Cop who just didn’t like me and who had some degree of authority wouldn’t let up. I finally went to the Chief of Police (this Cop’s boss) and with other Cops present to hear the discussion advised him of the harassment and suggested that if this guy had a problem with me that we should get into the ring for a three-round smoker and end the B.S. After that the harassment ended. I was not then, nor am I afraid now to stand my ground when my convictions are threatened.

    I just don’t buy into your high drama Ted, and I agree with Dogula that an attorney trying a case in the court of public opinion is a low and dishonest tactic.

  13. Garry Bowen says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    If what Ted has to say about the number of unacknowledged, unreturned phone calls, then the 4th Estate (Press exposure) becomes the only avenue for our Constitutional rights to heard – such hearing has been the bane of the corrupt for decades, leading to the idea of cleansing issues by bringing them into sunlight, not to fester or rot in the dark.

    A single precedent case in our legal history needs now to be pointed out- that of Gideon (no, not the hotel bible) – Gideon was the case which ended up creating the Public Defense mechanism, because it was realized by the Supreme Court that our rights are meaningless in the face of rampant government offense, because the ‘government’ has “all the marbles” in their corner to use, usually at OUR expense. . . the rules created by Gideon recognized that such treatment as that described by Mr. Long is in violation of the most fundamental reason for the establish of our renowned Consitution: protection of & for the individual citizen, so misjustice is minized or eliminated. That’s what justice is: a balance for each side to be sure to be heard. . .

    Gideon is why one hears “if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you” in defense, so supposedly every person can be apprised of what rights they have under the law, as apparently the prosecution doesn’t always want you to know, therefore will not tell you, leaving one’s fate in their hands ONLY – clearly not what was intended by our forefathers.

    Ted is correct in his approach, given no alternative.

    Read yesterday’s post on Colorado’s stance: an exercise in reason & maturity in marijuana issues, absent El Dorado County melodrama & questionable conduct.

  14. dj short flo says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    I can’t discredit Ted for using the local media to get this story out. As a tax payer I would really like to know, what the heck went on here? This whole thing stinks and we as citizens deserve some answers.

    It’s obvious that they couldn’t charge him based on California Law and have handed this over to the Feds to save face and hide all the corruption that was involved.

    Our Police have the responsibility to follow the law too. What they did to Angela is really wrong and I feel she was deliberately targeted for her support of prop 215. I hope she seeks retribution.

  15. SLT Voter says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    I would like to thank Ted once again for
    clarifying the details of this fiasco to us “the community”. The politicians and the law enforcement in this town seem to have there own agendas and clam up anytime we “the community” would like to know what is going on in our own backyards.

    Instead of focusing on what we can do to improve our local economy, and help mold South Lake Tahoe into the place it has so much potential to be. Our City Government and Authorities focus their attention and resources on a bogus case and in the process destroy the lives of multiple people, and strip away more jobs from us citizens.

    I am sure that a few of you on here will criticize what I am saying and make comments about how we just don’t understand how the Law and Government work. I understand quite well how my governmental agencies are “supposed” to work and I wish for the day when that will be a reality.

  16. SLT Voter says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    To 4-mer-usmc,

    “Perhaps the Statue of Liberty should be removed from her base so a statue honoring Mr. Long could be erected in its place. Don’t forget to softly play the Star Spangled Banner and/or God Bless American as background music when you read the above diatribe.”

    Your first comment on this article is the first thing I have ever heard you say here at that makes any sense.

  17. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    SLT Voter:

    To each his own. We’re all entitled to our own opinion.

  18. Not a Gino fan says - Posted: November 5, 2012

    Well Ted, for those of us who know the things this guy is really guilty of, he’s lucky he’s only being charged with the things being mentioned. Why did he use an alias? Why didn’t he disclose he was a convicted felon? This guy needs to be locked up for life. His wife too, she is a co conspirator on ALL of this.

  19. JT Davis says - Posted: November 7, 2012

    Ted, give it up, you are nothing more than a phoney media hound who will do anything and everything to stay revelant. Even Gino believes you are doing this for personal and political gains. You ran for office three times and only one once, so give it up.

  20. Aaron says - Posted: November 19, 2012

    Most of these comments gave me a damn good chuckle. I mean no disrespect to those that made me chuckle though. In all fairness, each comment was valid in some ways. Ted should go away. Please just go Ted.

    BUT, we do have a problem here in SLT and it is corruption. Sadly, it’s because of decades worth of bribary, lies, distortortion and ,manupulations. This place was founded upon corruption and built around corruption. It’s the staple of what makes things go round here. And when you piss off the wrong people, they will and do come after you. There is a mean and malicious spirit here that I have yet to witness elsewhere.

    Cops harassing people for no other reason than because they don’t like them? Man, I can’t count the times I’ve hard that one..from reliable sources. Heck, just recently I found out a cop was badmouthing me to people. This newbie to the force does not know me, but he’s decided he does not like me and has been trying to get dirt on me to use against me. I wouldn’t put it past him to trump up some dirt either.

    Contrary to all his supporters and their accounts of this wonderful guy, Gino is the epitome of shady criminal. As one comment suggested, he is lucky he isn’t being charged with worse. And Gino should understand that. Still, there is worse going on in this town that the average person can’t wrap their mind around. It’s because of this lack of trust in the system that people like Gino gain so much support. Seriously, a glorified drug dealer/felon is gaining sympathy in the community while the legal system implemented to protect us from guys like this, is being looked down upon. And who do we have to thank for this idiocy?

    I applaud those who don’t have a problem speaking up and taking steps to protect their civil liberties, but overall there is a reason why this community does not have faith or trust in law enforcement or the judicial process. And the only people to blame are those in law enforement and in the judicial process.

    I once supported those agencies and individuals, but it didn’t take long to learn what was really going on.
    They have all lost my support.

  21. former resident says - Posted: December 6, 2012

    My question is who is the biggest threat to the American way of life? A citizen like Gino, guilrty or not however innocent until proven guilty, or a deceitful DA’s office that will stop at nothing, including crime, for a check mark in the win column? I have personally dealt with the DA’s office as a public employee and as a parent of a not so troubled child. I sat and listened to lies and witnessed outlandish trumped up charges from a power mongering government officer that thinks this is all a game. In my opinion, a Guy like Gino (whom I know personally) is a lot less dangerous to our society than a crooked cop ie DA’s office.