South Lake Tahoe finance director gives notice


By Kathryn Reed

Four months into the job and Michael Nakama knew the public sector was not for him.

Nakama at the end of the year will leave his post as finance director for South Lake Tahoe. He gave notice in October, but no one at the city chose to let anyone know until now.

Nakama had been laid off from Southern California Edison when former City Manager Tony O’Rourke tapped him for the $130,000 year position. The hire was made one week before O’Rourke left his job with the city.

Michael Nakama

Nakama had no experience working in the public sector. What O’Rourke touted was Nakama’s MBA from Stanford. But apparently that degree didn’t translate into real world government know-how.

Nakama was not available for comment. He is returning to Southern California, where his family has remained since he started the city job in June.

City Manager Nancy Kerry told Lake Tahoe News she is taking her time to assess how to structure the finance department. In the interim she plans to hire a consultant to work on special projects. This person would be paid on an hourly basis. She has conducted phone interviews and plans to do in-person interviews in the next month so the person could start in January.

Kerry said the main issues she wants the interim person to address are the budget (to do a cost-benefit analysis), health care (it accounts for one-sixth of the budget), Harrison Avenue (becoming a business district), and the parking garage (bonds may be refinanced).



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Comments (20)
  1. Bob says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    I’m not sure experience had anything to do with his leaving. Could it be he missed his family, had altitude issues or didn’t get along with other employees since O’Rourke left town? I’m all for a less experienced go-getter at $65000 instead of a $130,000 pro. Especially when your under water with expenses. Hopefully Kerry takes this under consideration – the $$$.

  2. dryclean says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    Two thoughts –
    1) Another poor hire that was ultimately approved by this city council while Kerry was being onboarded. First O’Rourke, then Enright and now the finance director after 4 months. How long can this lack of judgement continue?

    2) Is this a morale issue? Less than 20% of city employees have RSVPed to the city Xmas party hosted by the city manager.

  3. John says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    Bob, why waste $65k on an incompetent. The city has complex finance issues.

  4. Steve says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    This gentleman with a Stanford MBA most likely recognized the naivete and foolishness he was surrounded by.

  5. Sundance says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    And will the City be reimbursed for the moving expenses paid to him to move his family to Tahoe? Same as O’Rourke, paid for his moving expenses yet never moved his family either.

    Glad to see amist all the layoffs that the City has all this extra money for moving expenses when the people never move here, sounds more like a signing bonus to me. What happened to getting receipts of the move before reimbursing?

  6. dryclean says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    Sundance, good points. Maybe an explanation will be forthcoming. Though probably not.

    We have yet to hear any comments by city council members or the city manager about the police chief “dropping the ball” on the DiMatteo case. I guess they suspect this will just go away like most everything else.

  7. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    First 44 city employees were let go and others were forced out, mostly street maintenance and parks and rec. workers. Three Fire Capt’s let go. Now the police chief is also the fire chief. The city manager quits halfway through his contract. The mayor announces she’s moving away…she didn’t last long!

    The city attorney puts in his notice and now the city finance director gives his notice that he’s leaving after just a short stay.

    What’s going on around here? Sure I’m all for getting some new people in city govt. But this is getting crazy! Constantly paying consultants to look for new people to fill these upper level management jobs? Meanwhile all those full time, loyal, good, reliable snowplow drivers and other city workers are left with no work. Something is wrong here.
    Is this the town I grew up in?
    Old Long Skiis

  8. David Kelly says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    Steve may hit the nail right on the head “This gentleman with a Stanford MBA most likely recognized the naivete and foolishness he was surrounded by,’ and how do we know “2) Is this a morale issue? Less than 20% of city employees have RSVPed to the city Christmas party hosted by the city manager,” dryclean?

  9. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    He didn’t seem like a good fit for the town, didn’t move his family here, came from a totally different climate. I think he just needed a job, and this was all that was available at the time, I bet he’s found something back home ;)

  10. orale says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    Wait, what? The mayor is moving?

  11. k9woods says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    This is indeed unfortunate and we’ll probably never really know all the reasons.

    To think you could fill this position successfully with a “hourly consultant” or for a mere $65k/yr is naive at best.

    The city needs someone a turnaround magician. Someone who can challenge the old ways of thinking and bring some creative change to how the city is run and financed.

    I’d like to see us look for someone who has accomplished just this elsewhere and is willing to take us on.

  12. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    And someone, who would love to live here :)

  13. sunriser2 says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    Everyone who looks at the cities books runs for the hills.

  14. HangsUpsFromWayBack says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    Face it ….”this town so screwed up period”,
    way better places to go to be appreciated ,paid better,and you don’t need a lake view to be happy.
    Maybe Hell looks like lake Tahoe, who can really say?

  15. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    Yep, thats what I read. Claire is leaving. Now whether that will actually happen , I don’t know. There was talk of someone being appointed to the council from those that ran in the last election and I would imagine one of the old timers would take over as mayor.
    Ever play musical chairs as a kid?
    Look at whats going on in this town. Trying to keep my spirits up!
    Old Long Skiis

  16. Concerned citizen says - Posted: November 28, 2012

    Yep-the mice are jumping ship. Hope you don’t need experienced city services. They are all inexperienced. And, its not the pay, its the culture of our dysfunctional City.

  17. orale says - Posted: November 29, 2012

    Thanks for the info Old Long Skiis-

  18. Tahoe CPA Comment says - Posted: November 29, 2012

    I have lived in Tahoe more than 30 years now and happen to be a licensed CPA -I have to admit I was floored when I saw what the City Finance Director was offered cosidering he had absolutely no experience (almost 45% more than I made at that time with 30 years experience in accounting). That position requires someone who has years of governmental experience – regardless of where their degree is from – Not to be snobby, but I would rather see a CPA than a MBA in that role as the CPA is mandated to have 40 credits every year in continuing education in the accounting industry ever single year so they remain current on rules, regulations and other governmental requirements (a CPA is required to have the same amount of accounting units as a MBA these days – at least 5 years of college) and a CPA has to successfully pass 4 very difficult tests which includes governmental accounting to be licensed so you can be sure they understand accounting and stay tuned into the ever changing regulations.

    Lastly, what the heck is going on at the City? Time to let the past go and move forward as a team before it is too late -change has to start from the executive level and work its way down, so management – please get it together.

  19. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 30, 2012

    Just learned Bob Albertazzi has put in his notice and that he is leaving his position as code enforcement officer for SLT. There was also discussion among the city council in regards to installing parking meters in some areas of town and parking permits to park in front of your own home in order to raise revenue for the city budget. Nice, eh?
    Just another day in good old south shore.Take Care , Old Long Skiis