I’m thankful for living in South Lake Tahoe all these years,I would not want to live anywhere else! All those years of Skiing, the beaches, swimming in the lake, fishing, boating, camping, the parties and BBQ’S, and so much more.I’m thankful for my family and friends. My sweetheart who has stayed with me all these many years. I’m thankful for having such a wonderful life here at the lake.
I’m not rich monetarily but I am wealthy in spirit for my love of the Sierras and the memories of my time living here and for that, I’m very thankful.
As always, Take Care, Old Long Skiis
X LOCAL says - Posted: November 14, 2012
I’m thankful for the over 50 years that I enjoyed the beauty of the Tahoe area. There were only about 50 families that lived here year around and we all new each other and helped each other, the winters were wonderful and the summers were even better, we could go to the beach anywhere on the lake and enjoy the beauty of our area. Not like that anymore !!
But sadden by the election of Obama for a second term, the Country is going to regret this election and wonder what happened. 23 million Republicans that failed to go to the poles this year will remember this as there biggest mistake. Even the Democrats will wonder what happened when they realize the mistake that they have made,
Only God can help us now, and you all better start praying.
Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: November 14, 2012
hmmmm... says - Posted: November 14, 2012
hey xlocal…way to ruin a good post. in case you haven’t realized it yet, the election was NOT a fluke. your party’s candidates and their DARK AGES platform was soundly REJECTED. I am praying. I pray that people wake up to the truth that it’s the same Spirit looking out of everyone’s eyes…and that the divisive egos take a back seat for once. Our similarities, our hopes and wishes and dreams…are much more alike than they are different. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving.
30yrlocal says - Posted: November 14, 2012
I am thankful for my wonderful kids, my great friends and family and the fact that I am able to live in paradise. Where else can one gaze at snow covered mountains and the beautiful lake when running to the grocery store, running errands, or going to work?
TahoeKaren says - Posted: November 14, 2012
I am thankful for waking up each morning, living in such a beautiful place. I am thankful for my health, my family, my lack of want.
Toogee says - Posted: November 14, 2012
What do I, Toogee Sielsch, have to be thankful for?
I will start by saying that the list of things I’m not thankful for is basically non-existent. so in other words I’m pretty much thankful for everything I have in my life! I’m very blessed to have two sons who have rocketed past my highest expectations in who they are as students, members of the community, caring, loving individuals who have a positive outlook on life, far and away my two best friends, and in the case of my oldest, a person who has achieved an excellent career in his field of study. And since I’m on the subject of my boys, I can’t leave out how thankful I am for the fact that both of my son’s respective mothers have been so accommodating in working together with me to make it a priority to raise healthy well adjusted and caring human beings.
I’m also quite thankful that I have reached a point in my life where I am comfortable with who I am and how I relate to the rest of the world after having gone through 8 years of emotional, psychological, and financial, well for lack of a better description, speed bumps (and who hasn’t?!).
And last, but surely not least, I’m thankful that for the 30 years I have lived in a place that is arguably the most beautiful and energy filled piece of real estate on the planet, that has an extraordinary community, in the greatest country in the world!
I’ll just finish off by screaming, “LIFE ROCKS!!!”
fromform says - Posted: November 14, 2012
x local: both the nature and grammar of your post illustrate to me why i am thankful that we have re elected intelligent leadership at the top…
You know you never get over it,This year I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, Went to Barton Hospital with the worst stomach ache ,they found Cancer ,Dr Eyers my surgeon found it,I stayed in the Hospital 13 days after surgery, then was sent to Tahoe Forest cancer center in Truckee, I am in Remission now, I am now going though a journey in Lake Tahoe living my life to the fullest, God knows I am doing the best I can, I am thankful for living here, and thankful My family is standing by me ,I am thankful I am still alive,and thankful for the wonderful care I had at Barton Hospital,one day at a time I cherish each moment now ,and take nothing for granted,Life is to be thankful for.I am thankful to be alive.
Sending my wishes for a complete and speedy recovery.
Cancer is a very tough customer and I hope I never have to face it….but I might. After enjoying and being very thankful for 60+ years of mostly exceptional health, I too was admitted to Barton this past Sunday with ‘the worst stomach ache’. Many tests, some unusual findings and today a biopsy to rule out lymphoma. Dr. Eyre is also my surgeon. Ditto on being thankful for the dedicated and wonderful care I’m getting at Barton. View of Mt. Tallac out of my window. Aaaaaaaaahhhh
Deja vu all over again.
X LOCAL says - Posted: November 14, 2012
to Hmmmm
“I see this election of Obama as an ugly puss-filled boil and it has to get to a painful point where it will be lanced so it can heal.”
This quote pretty much represents the feelings of millions of Republicans and conservatives, and of the many people who have written to me these past three days. Depression is both an emotional and economic term and it is the prevailing mood among those of us still astonished—shocked—by the reelection of President Obama.
With 20-20 hindsight, it is clear that a lot of us, including myself, made a lot of wrong assumptions about the perceptions of Obama that were held by various demographic elements of the population. He did well among Hispanics and, of course, among Blacks. He did well among single women.
One bright piece of news is that among younger voters, 18 to 29, the President saw the highest defection rate from his margin of support in 2008, a six percentage point decrease. That may be an indication of how the 2014 midterm elections will go. By then, it is likely a lot of Obama voters will conclude they were fooled again. Mostly, though, Obama did well enough among those who voted for him in 2008 to retain his job for four more years.
In the end, his “majority” win was by a mere 2% in a sharply divided nation.
TeaTotal says - Posted: November 14, 2012
I’m thankful I’m not a pathetic old bigot who will claim it’s Pres. Obama’s policies they hate so much but but hey X, who do you, and I’ll agree there are millions of your ilk, think you are really kidding?
thing fish says - Posted: November 14, 2012
X Local, young people still voted in favor of Obama.
I can’t wait until old white men are irrelevant.
X LOCAL says - Posted: November 14, 2012
Thing Fish
I can’t wait until all of the people that are in the entitlement programs to get a job and start paying there fair share and not living off of those of us that pay for there everything.
The election is over, the talking is done.
My party lost and your party won.
So let us be friends, let arguments pass.
I’ll hug my elephant, you kiss your ass.
mike mulligan says - Posted: November 14, 2012
Xlocal. You should be very concerned about your party. It may be years before they are relevent again. I agree with many of their economic policies but they lost me with their war on women and their insane stance on assualt weapons and the 2nd amendment. As long as characters like Limbaugh, Hannity and Rove are the “leaders” of the party then you can expect the same results.
Parker says - Posted: November 14, 2012
Well at least you admit you’re racist thing fish! And Mr. Mulligan, in CA, Republicans have a real issue. But we’ll see what happens now that the Dems. are fully responsible for this mess of a state.
And nationally, Pres. Obama won fair & square. He deserves congrats and a good luck from us all! However, he got barely half the vote. And with everyone in the House up for reelection, Republicans maintained control! Repub. absolutely should not be celebrating and need to self-analyze a bit, sure! But it’s not like our whole country is behind the Democrats now!
X LOCAL says - Posted: November 14, 2012
Thank you and AMEN to that
X LOCAL says - Posted: November 14, 2012
Look at California, it is run completely by Democrats and is in the worst shape of any State, lets see how they handle it! more taxes ? more welfare? more food stamps? more section 8 housing? The list goes on and on,and you will be paying for it, and you can take that to the bank.
X LOCAL says - Posted: November 14, 2012
The End of an Empire
Our Constitutional Republic died a peaceful death on November 6, 2012. Having reached the point of no return in a comatose state after years of progressive and illegal immigration assaults, the fabric of conservative society is now completely unraveled and Uncle Sam’s America is no more.
The United States of America is now relegated to the dust bin of history as a “has been” empire. The Shining City on the Hill, the hope of so many millions since July 4, 1776, no longer exists. What rises from the ashes is a country that few of us will recognize, like, or learn to accept submissively.
After 236 years of existence, a new country emerges today, run by secular progressives who rejected our Constitution, what we stand for, and who we are as a nation. The Supreme Court will be forever altered after its last conservative members will be replaced by the liberal academics who call themselves “progressives.” The rule of law will be implemented by Executive Orders, making Congress irrelevant.
The communist motto “Forward” that resonated with so many ignorant Americans will plunge us into many years of darkness
The communist motto “Forward” that resonated with so many ignorant Americans will plunge us into many years of darkness from which we will never be able to recover. We have proven our Founding Fathers right, they did give us a Constitutional Republic and we were unable to maintain it.
The forces of the failed communist fundamental transformation that were driven underground in many places around the world, resurfaced with a vengeance in the United States and have now taken over.
How long we will still have freedom of speech, movement, assembly, and control of our private property remains to be seen. Faith and churches will be driven underground; allowing secularism to prosper and take deep roots among the progressives whose God is Mother Earth.
The welfare dependent Americans, unions, and illegal aliens have chosen for the rest of us the dark path of serfdom
The welfare dependent Americans, unions, and illegal aliens have chosen for the rest of us the dark path of serfdom to big government and to socialist utopia.
Who would have guessed that the very people who were complaining that the government is not extricating them from disaster or giving them the help they needed in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, would vote for the very politicians who turned their backs on needy Americans after the lights went dark when the political photo opportunities ended?
Who would have guessed that Americans were as ignorant and irresponsible as to choose fiscal destruction over fiscal sanity for their children and grandchildren, secularism and communism over faith, dependence over personal responsibility and self-reliance?
Americans have been protesting for the last four years the dismal state of the economy and the direction of our country, the corruption of our politicians, and the loss of personal and economic freedom.
Rallies in support of conservatism overwhelmed venues for Mitt Romney while rallies for our bumbling President became scarcer and scarcer. Yet, miraculously, at the ballot box, our President won all over the country.
We lost seats in the Senate. Americans chose liars and cheats to be their Senators and Representatives, rejecting those who protected the Constitution. The candidate from Massachusetts who claimed direct American Indian lineage to Pocahontas is now a Senator, having defeated Scott Brown. Representative Allen West lost his seat by a narrow margin to the infamous Wasserman Schultz from Florida.
Americans chose high unemployment, reduction of our military, communist indoctrination of their children, and loss of personal freedoms unlike we have never seen before in this country.
I am saddened by the loss of millions and millions of American soldiers who have died to preserve freedom yet we lost it on November 6, 2012. Those buried in cemeteries around the world and at Arlington must be rolling in their graves today. We shamelessly allowed their sacrifice of blood and treasure to go in vain. We have no honor because we let down all the soldiers who fought in recent times and returned home limbless with lives shattered from physical and mental wounds of war.
I mourn today the loss of my adopted country. I have fought hard over the last four years to prevent its overt and accelerated destruction but the darker forces stronger than many of us have overcome concerted efforts by millions of Americans to maintain the Republic. Mediocrity, sloth, godlessness, dependence, cowardice, using the law selectively or ignoring it, and hopeless corruption will define the new country. Only God can save us now with his mercy and grace
hmmmm... says - Posted: November 14, 2012
xlocal…. do you need your didee changed? can’t really hear your words through your crying. seems to me the ‘entitlement boys’ are the corporations and indivisduals who want to use this country’s resources, infrastructure and labor yet not pay their fair share for it as though it magically dropped out of heaven. usually stingy of spirit and full of blame for others less fortunate, they often call themselves followers of jesus, though they can usually be found licking the greasu drainpipe around the mammon trough. the majority of Americans rejected the republican agenda. just a reminder; those of us who didn’t care for cheney (he LOST the popular vote, by the way) didn’t holler ‘revolution’ while he and his lap dog dubya raped America, we persevered …so, if you don’t like the republic for which our flag stands, feel free to leave the country, move to some african or south/central american dictatorship where a few families control everything….. me, I’m thankful to be an American, I’m thankful for clear vision, an open heart, a compassionate mind, and my family.
Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 14, 2012
I’m thankful that,
P.S. hmmmm…, excellent job at A) speaking clearly and concisely and buttoning up that train wreck, and B) getting the ‘giving thanks’ thread back on track!
hmmmm... says - Posted: November 14, 2012
don’t let facts get in the way of your tirade. simple research-although to your KHmer Rouge mentality it’s got to be a fabrication by the so called educated elite tallies the number of US soldiers killed in action in all wars-including the american civil war(combat deaths)..are you ready for some science and math? less than 800,000. not to minimize or trivialize their service, but respect their sacrifice by not distorting it or using it to justify your rant. (oh-the raley’s strike ended….you can pick up your psych meds).
hmmmm... says - Posted: November 14, 2012
and more thanks….a good dump…great coffee… sunrise on upper truckee marsh watching coyotes hunt voles…the smell of rain…. brutus the gardner mountain bear(i hope he’s well)…the muffled sound of big fluffy snowflakes falling in the woods at dusk….laughter…a sky full of glittering stars….the sparkle in ‘her’ eyes when she smiles at me….fresh wild strawberries plucked from the vine…thay’s just a start! i have SO much to be thankful for. god is good
thing fish says - Posted: November 14, 2012
How exactly am I, a future old white man, racist?
Old white men have been in charge (of more than government) for longer than I have been alive and things seem to have gotten worse for everyone. The bankers? Old White Men. Insurance? Old White Men. People who created the exotic financial products that melted down and took down the global economy? Old White Men.
How much money did we spend bailing out the Old White Man corporations compared to the social safety nets that conservatives label as handouts to non-white voters? And the Old White Men complain about unemployment, food stamps, WIC, etc. While we bail out their companies and pay their social security. Oh the irony.
X Local, can you even write something original? That is such an obvious copy/paste. Can’t even link to the source that you parrot?
Go make up some bogus number Parker. I’ll take the label of old white man hater over chronic BSer any day. At least I have one foot in the reality pool.
I’m thankful for voting with my 18 yr. old Granddaughter this year. She was extremely excited to actually participate. She studied the state props and local council candidates positions and was an informed voter. She disagreed with me on several social issues and voted her beliefs. I was very proud.
thing fish says - Posted: November 14, 2012
XLocal copied that text from a right wing news site, Canada Free Press (without citation, how dishonest). Pretty typical creationist, anti-gay, anti-science content.
If you let people think for you, at least give them some credit.
I never thought I would be thankful for being at a TRPA meeting for most of a day. But it kept me from reading most of these until now.
While I am also thankful for freedom of expression-freedom of speech, I am also thankful for the people who communicate in a civil manner. I am thankful for the people who understand you can agree to disagree. I am thankful for people who still break bread with someone who they don’t see eye-to-eye with.
I’m thankful for the days, rare as they are, that I’m not disappointed by the dribble, mean-spirited, nasty comments people post on LTN.
I’m thankful for the readers, I’m thankful for the advertisers, I’m thankful for the paid subscribers.
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 14, 2012
What do I have to be thankful for? I believe that was the question of the week. A few of the comments here seem to be going somewhat off track.
Something I left off my earlier post,
I’m thankful for all of my great neighbors! All good folks, everyone of em’.
I’m thankful for all of them, a great bunch! We all help one another,from something as simple as borrowing a cube of butter to helping each other out with snowblowing or picking something up at the store when your “out and about.” I’m thankful for my neighbors.
I met so many people this summer who I didn’t know, walking by my yard that then commented on the vegetable garden. I invited them in to come and pick some snow peas, lettuce, green beans or whatever. I’m thankful for that and on top of that, I made some new friends.
Thankfuly yours, Old Long Skiis
mike mulligan says - Posted: November 14, 2012
Sorry. I got a bit off topic. I am thankful for health, family and the freedoms that we have in this country. We are all Americans before we are dems or repubs and we must never forget that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Parker says - Posted: November 14, 2012
Name calling & personal attacks shows you’re not secure in your own points of view thing fish! And identifying that you have it out for a race, and dividing society by race, is quite obviously, racist!! I’m grateful that I get the chance to explain this to you!
hmmmm... says - Posted: November 14, 2012
my apologies for my excesses
4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 14, 2012
I’m thankful that I’ve reached an age and a point that I’ve recognized what really matters is having peace in one’s life, taking joy in all the little things that strung together make for wonderful days, and for better recognizing that it’s not worth getting worked up over what I have no control over, though I still need to work on that last one. Life really is very good if we don’t continually shoot ourselves in the foot so to speak.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at LT News and to all who partake in perusing this publication and participating in the on-line dialogues and exchange of thoughts.
I’m thankful to live in a free country no matter how bad it gets,you can still flip the leaders the bird not get shot.peace
PS…don’t sit on ANY turkey neck ON THANKS GIVING…a Native American might be made up to look like a TURKEY.
Rick says - Posted: November 14, 2012
Parker your post is nonsensical – but maybe you knew that. The republican party did a mighty fine job all by their lonesome alienating just about every group in the U.S. except old white men. The elephants have split the country up with their completely asinine views women, gays and lesbians, Asians, Hispanics, Africa-Americans, young voters, etc.; and their continued anti-science positions have left them in the minority and they lost big and will continue to do so until they realize it. Romney calling people who don’t support him the 47% takers shows he doesn’t get it. As the conservative columnist David Brooks noted after the election, based on excellent research by the Pew Research Center, Asian-Americans and Hispanic-Americans are hard working entrepreneurial Americans who happen to trust their government and believe in the importance of gov role in shaping our future. Enjoy Rick
I’m thankful for living in South Lake Tahoe all these years,I would not want to live anywhere else! All those years of Skiing, the beaches, swimming in the lake, fishing, boating, camping, the parties and BBQ’S, and so much more.I’m thankful for my family and friends. My sweetheart who has stayed with me all these many years. I’m thankful for having such a wonderful life here at the lake.
I’m not rich monetarily but I am wealthy in spirit for my love of the Sierras and the memories of my time living here and for that, I’m very thankful.
As always, Take Care, Old Long Skiis
I’m thankful for the over 50 years that I enjoyed the beauty of the Tahoe area. There were only about 50 families that lived here year around and we all new each other and helped each other, the winters were wonderful and the summers were even better, we could go to the beach anywhere on the lake and enjoy the beauty of our area. Not like that anymore !!
But sadden by the election of Obama for a second term, the Country is going to regret this election and wonder what happened. 23 million Republicans that failed to go to the poles this year will remember this as there biggest mistake. Even the Democrats will wonder what happened when they realize the mistake that they have made,
Only God can help us now, and you all better start praying.
hey xlocal…way to ruin a good post. in case you haven’t realized it yet, the election was NOT a fluke. your party’s candidates and their DARK AGES platform was soundly REJECTED. I am praying. I pray that people wake up to the truth that it’s the same Spirit looking out of everyone’s eyes…and that the divisive egos take a back seat for once. Our similarities, our hopes and wishes and dreams…are much more alike than they are different. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for my wonderful kids, my great friends and family and the fact that I am able to live in paradise. Where else can one gaze at snow covered mountains and the beautiful lake when running to the grocery store, running errands, or going to work?
I am thankful for waking up each morning, living in such a beautiful place. I am thankful for my health, my family, my lack of want.
What do I, Toogee Sielsch, have to be thankful for?
I will start by saying that the list of things I’m not thankful for is basically non-existent. so in other words I’m pretty much thankful for everything I have in my life! I’m very blessed to have two sons who have rocketed past my highest expectations in who they are as students, members of the community, caring, loving individuals who have a positive outlook on life, far and away my two best friends, and in the case of my oldest, a person who has achieved an excellent career in his field of study. And since I’m on the subject of my boys, I can’t leave out how thankful I am for the fact that both of my son’s respective mothers have been so accommodating in working together with me to make it a priority to raise healthy well adjusted and caring human beings.
I’m also quite thankful that I have reached a point in my life where I am comfortable with who I am and how I relate to the rest of the world after having gone through 8 years of emotional, psychological, and financial, well for lack of a better description, speed bumps (and who hasn’t?!).
And last, but surely not least, I’m thankful that for the 30 years I have lived in a place that is arguably the most beautiful and energy filled piece of real estate on the planet, that has an extraordinary community, in the greatest country in the world!
I’ll just finish off by screaming, “LIFE ROCKS!!!”
x local: both the nature and grammar of your post illustrate to me why i am thankful that we have re elected intelligent leadership at the top…
You know you never get over it,This year I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, Went to Barton Hospital with the worst stomach ache ,they found Cancer ,Dr Eyers my surgeon found it,I stayed in the Hospital 13 days after surgery, then was sent to Tahoe Forest cancer center in Truckee, I am in Remission now, I am now going though a journey in Lake Tahoe living my life to the fullest, God knows I am doing the best I can, I am thankful for living here, and thankful My family is standing by me ,I am thankful I am still alive,and thankful for the wonderful care I had at Barton Hospital,one day at a time I cherish each moment now ,and take nothing for granted,Life is to be thankful for.I am thankful to be alive.
Sending my wishes for a complete and speedy recovery.
Cancer is a very tough customer and I hope I never have to face it….but I might. After enjoying and being very thankful for 60+ years of mostly exceptional health, I too was admitted to Barton this past Sunday with ‘the worst stomach ache’. Many tests, some unusual findings and today a biopsy to rule out lymphoma. Dr. Eyre is also my surgeon. Ditto on being thankful for the dedicated and wonderful care I’m getting at Barton. View of Mt. Tallac out of my window. Aaaaaaaaahhhh
Deja vu all over again.
to Hmmmm
“I see this election of Obama as an ugly puss-filled boil and it has to get to a painful point where it will be lanced so it can heal.”
This quote pretty much represents the feelings of millions of Republicans and conservatives, and of the many people who have written to me these past three days. Depression is both an emotional and economic term and it is the prevailing mood among those of us still astonished—shocked—by the reelection of President Obama.
With 20-20 hindsight, it is clear that a lot of us, including myself, made a lot of wrong assumptions about the perceptions of Obama that were held by various demographic elements of the population. He did well among Hispanics and, of course, among Blacks. He did well among single women.
One bright piece of news is that among younger voters, 18 to 29, the President saw the highest defection rate from his margin of support in 2008, a six percentage point decrease. That may be an indication of how the 2014 midterm elections will go. By then, it is likely a lot of Obama voters will conclude they were fooled again. Mostly, though, Obama did well enough among those who voted for him in 2008 to retain his job for four more years.
In the end, his “majority” win was by a mere 2% in a sharply divided nation.
I’m thankful I’m not a pathetic old bigot who will claim it’s Pres. Obama’s policies they hate so much but but hey X, who do you, and I’ll agree there are millions of your ilk, think you are really kidding?
X Local, young people still voted in favor of Obama.
I can’t wait until old white men are irrelevant.
Thing Fish
I can’t wait until all of the people that are in the entitlement programs to get a job and start paying there fair share and not living off of those of us that pay for there everything.
The election is over, the talking is done.
My party lost and your party won.
So let us be friends, let arguments pass.
I’ll hug my elephant, you kiss your ass.
Xlocal. You should be very concerned about your party. It may be years before they are relevent again. I agree with many of their economic policies but they lost me with their war on women and their insane stance on assualt weapons and the 2nd amendment. As long as characters like Limbaugh, Hannity and Rove are the “leaders” of the party then you can expect the same results.
Well at least you admit you’re racist thing fish! And Mr. Mulligan, in CA, Republicans have a real issue. But we’ll see what happens now that the Dems. are fully responsible for this mess of a state.
And nationally, Pres. Obama won fair & square. He deserves congrats and a good luck from us all! However, he got barely half the vote. And with everyone in the House up for reelection, Republicans maintained control! Repub. absolutely should not be celebrating and need to self-analyze a bit, sure! But it’s not like our whole country is behind the Democrats now!
Thank you and AMEN to that
Look at California, it is run completely by Democrats and is in the worst shape of any State, lets see how they handle it! more taxes ? more welfare? more food stamps? more section 8 housing? The list goes on and on,and you will be paying for it, and you can take that to the bank.
The End of an Empire
Our Constitutional Republic died a peaceful death on November 6, 2012. Having reached the point of no return in a comatose state after years of progressive and illegal immigration assaults, the fabric of conservative society is now completely unraveled and Uncle Sam’s America is no more.
The United States of America is now relegated to the dust bin of history as a “has been” empire. The Shining City on the Hill, the hope of so many millions since July 4, 1776, no longer exists. What rises from the ashes is a country that few of us will recognize, like, or learn to accept submissively.
After 236 years of existence, a new country emerges today, run by secular progressives who rejected our Constitution, what we stand for, and who we are as a nation. The Supreme Court will be forever altered after its last conservative members will be replaced by the liberal academics who call themselves “progressives.” The rule of law will be implemented by Executive Orders, making Congress irrelevant.
The communist motto “Forward” that resonated with so many ignorant Americans will plunge us into many years of darkness
The communist motto “Forward” that resonated with so many ignorant Americans will plunge us into many years of darkness from which we will never be able to recover. We have proven our Founding Fathers right, they did give us a Constitutional Republic and we were unable to maintain it.
The forces of the failed communist fundamental transformation that were driven underground in many places around the world, resurfaced with a vengeance in the United States and have now taken over.
How long we will still have freedom of speech, movement, assembly, and control of our private property remains to be seen. Faith and churches will be driven underground; allowing secularism to prosper and take deep roots among the progressives whose God is Mother Earth.
The welfare dependent Americans, unions, and illegal aliens have chosen for the rest of us the dark path of serfdom
The welfare dependent Americans, unions, and illegal aliens have chosen for the rest of us the dark path of serfdom to big government and to socialist utopia.
Who would have guessed that the very people who were complaining that the government is not extricating them from disaster or giving them the help they needed in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, would vote for the very politicians who turned their backs on needy Americans after the lights went dark when the political photo opportunities ended?
Who would have guessed that Americans were as ignorant and irresponsible as to choose fiscal destruction over fiscal sanity for their children and grandchildren, secularism and communism over faith, dependence over personal responsibility and self-reliance?
Americans have been protesting for the last four years the dismal state of the economy and the direction of our country, the corruption of our politicians, and the loss of personal and economic freedom.
Rallies in support of conservatism overwhelmed venues for Mitt Romney while rallies for our bumbling President became scarcer and scarcer. Yet, miraculously, at the ballot box, our President won all over the country.
We lost seats in the Senate. Americans chose liars and cheats to be their Senators and Representatives, rejecting those who protected the Constitution. The candidate from Massachusetts who claimed direct American Indian lineage to Pocahontas is now a Senator, having defeated Scott Brown. Representative Allen West lost his seat by a narrow margin to the infamous Wasserman Schultz from Florida.
Americans chose high unemployment, reduction of our military, communist indoctrination of their children, and loss of personal freedoms unlike we have never seen before in this country.
I am saddened by the loss of millions and millions of American soldiers who have died to preserve freedom yet we lost it on November 6, 2012. Those buried in cemeteries around the world and at Arlington must be rolling in their graves today. We shamelessly allowed their sacrifice of blood and treasure to go in vain. We have no honor because we let down all the soldiers who fought in recent times and returned home limbless with lives shattered from physical and mental wounds of war.
I mourn today the loss of my adopted country. I have fought hard over the last four years to prevent its overt and accelerated destruction but the darker forces stronger than many of us have overcome concerted efforts by millions of Americans to maintain the Republic. Mediocrity, sloth, godlessness, dependence, cowardice, using the law selectively or ignoring it, and hopeless corruption will define the new country. Only God can save us now with his mercy and grace
xlocal…. do you need your didee changed? can’t really hear your words through your crying. seems to me the ‘entitlement boys’ are the corporations and indivisduals who want to use this country’s resources, infrastructure and labor yet not pay their fair share for it as though it magically dropped out of heaven. usually stingy of spirit and full of blame for others less fortunate, they often call themselves followers of jesus, though they can usually be found licking the greasu drainpipe around the mammon trough. the majority of Americans rejected the republican agenda. just a reminder; those of us who didn’t care for cheney (he LOST the popular vote, by the way) didn’t holler ‘revolution’ while he and his lap dog dubya raped America, we persevered …so, if you don’t like the republic for which our flag stands, feel free to leave the country, move to some african or south/central american dictatorship where a few families control everything….. me, I’m thankful to be an American, I’m thankful for clear vision, an open heart, a compassionate mind, and my family.
I’m thankful that,
P.S. hmmmm…, excellent job at A) speaking clearly and concisely and buttoning up that train wreck, and B) getting the ‘giving thanks’ thread back on track!
don’t let facts get in the way of your tirade. simple research-although to your KHmer Rouge mentality it’s got to be a fabrication by the so called educated elite tallies the number of US soldiers killed in action in all wars-including the american civil war(combat deaths)..are you ready for some science and math? less than 800,000. not to minimize or trivialize their service, but respect their sacrifice by not distorting it or using it to justify your rant. (oh-the raley’s strike ended….you can pick up your psych meds).
and more thanks….a good dump…great coffee… sunrise on upper truckee marsh watching coyotes hunt voles…the smell of rain…. brutus the gardner mountain bear(i hope he’s well)…the muffled sound of big fluffy snowflakes falling in the woods at dusk….laughter…a sky full of glittering stars….the sparkle in ‘her’ eyes when she smiles at me….fresh wild strawberries plucked from the vine…thay’s just a start! i have SO much to be thankful for. god is good
How exactly am I, a future old white man, racist?
Old white men have been in charge (of more than government) for longer than I have been alive and things seem to have gotten worse for everyone. The bankers? Old White Men. Insurance? Old White Men. People who created the exotic financial products that melted down and took down the global economy? Old White Men.
How much money did we spend bailing out the Old White Man corporations compared to the social safety nets that conservatives label as handouts to non-white voters? And the Old White Men complain about unemployment, food stamps, WIC, etc. While we bail out their companies and pay their social security. Oh the irony.
X Local, can you even write something original? That is such an obvious copy/paste. Can’t even link to the source that you parrot?
Go make up some bogus number Parker. I’ll take the label of old white man hater over chronic BSer any day. At least I have one foot in the reality pool.
I’m thankful for voting with my 18 yr. old Granddaughter this year. She was extremely excited to actually participate. She studied the state props and local council candidates positions and was an informed voter. She disagreed with me on several social issues and voted her beliefs. I was very proud.
XLocal copied that text from a right wing news site, Canada Free Press (without citation, how dishonest). Pretty typical creationist, anti-gay, anti-science content.
If you let people think for you, at least give them some credit.
I never thought I would be thankful for being at a TRPA meeting for most of a day. But it kept me from reading most of these until now.
While I am also thankful for freedom of expression-freedom of speech, I am also thankful for the people who communicate in a civil manner. I am thankful for the people who understand you can agree to disagree. I am thankful for people who still break bread with someone who they don’t see eye-to-eye with.
I’m thankful for the days, rare as they are, that I’m not disappointed by the dribble, mean-spirited, nasty comments people post on LTN.
I’m thankful for the readers, I’m thankful for the advertisers, I’m thankful for the paid subscribers.
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
What do I have to be thankful for? I believe that was the question of the week. A few of the comments here seem to be going somewhat off track.
Something I left off my earlier post,
I’m thankful for all of my great neighbors! All good folks, everyone of em’.
I’m thankful for all of them, a great bunch! We all help one another,from something as simple as borrowing a cube of butter to helping each other out with snowblowing or picking something up at the store when your “out and about.” I’m thankful for my neighbors.
I met so many people this summer who I didn’t know, walking by my yard that then commented on the vegetable garden. I invited them in to come and pick some snow peas, lettuce, green beans or whatever. I’m thankful for that and on top of that, I made some new friends.
Thankfuly yours, Old Long Skiis
Sorry. I got a bit off topic. I am thankful for health, family and the freedoms that we have in this country. We are all Americans before we are dems or repubs and we must never forget that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Name calling & personal attacks shows you’re not secure in your own points of view thing fish! And identifying that you have it out for a race, and dividing society by race, is quite obviously, racist!! I’m grateful that I get the chance to explain this to you!
my apologies for my excesses
I’m thankful that I’ve reached an age and a point that I’ve recognized what really matters is having peace in one’s life, taking joy in all the little things that strung together make for wonderful days, and for better recognizing that it’s not worth getting worked up over what I have no control over, though I still need to work on that last one. Life really is very good if we don’t continually shoot ourselves in the foot so to speak.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at LT News and to all who partake in perusing this publication and participating in the on-line dialogues and exchange of thoughts.
I’m thankful to live in a free country no matter how bad it gets,you can still flip the leaders the bird not get shot.peace
PS…don’t sit on ANY turkey neck ON THANKS GIVING…a Native American might be made up to look like a TURKEY.
Parker your post is nonsensical – but maybe you knew that. The republican party did a mighty fine job all by their lonesome alienating just about every group in the U.S. except old white men. The elephants have split the country up with their completely asinine views women, gays and lesbians, Asians, Hispanics, Africa-Americans, young voters, etc.; and their continued anti-science positions have left them in the minority and they lost big and will continue to do so until they realize it. Romney calling people who don’t support him the 47% takers shows he doesn’t get it. As the conservative columnist David Brooks noted after the election, based on excellent research by the Pew Research Center, Asian-Americans and Hispanic-Americans are hard working entrepreneurial Americans who happen to trust their government and believe in the importance of gov role in shaping our future. Enjoy Rick