Avalanche at Squaw injuries 2 on KT-22

By Kathy Escobar, News-10

An avalanche was triggered Sunday morning at Squaw Valley.

Amelia Richmond a spokesperson for Squaw Valley said an inbounds, post-control avalanche was triggered by three snowboarders on a portion of the KT-22 peak at 9:50am.

Several witnesses, including a ski patroller riding the lift line reported the avalanche.

Richmond said ski patrollers were on the scene of the avalanche within a minute, responding to two skiers, neither of whom were burried in snow.

One skier, a 39-year-old woman, was transported and released from a medical clinic. A second skier, a 16-year-old boy, was treated for a shoulder injury and transported to Tahoe Forest Hospital in Truckee for further observation, Richmond said.

Although witnesses reported not seeing anyone else caught in the slide, the resort initiated a full search to confirm no other people were involved.

The search was concluded at 11:50am after all guests and staff who had ridden the KT-22 ski lift were accounted for.

Richmond said the KT-22 chairlift closed after the incident and remained closed Dec. 23.