Court case debates question of off-duty marijuana use


By John Ingold, Denver Post

A case pending before the Colorado Court of Appeals could have a big impact on whether employers will be able to fire workers who smoke marijuana off duty.

The case concerns a former Dish Network telephone operator and medical-marijuana patient who was fired after testing positive for pot, even though there was no evidence he was impaired on the job. The operator, Brandon Coats, says it is against state law to fire someone for doing something off duty that is legal.

While Coats’ case concerns medical-marijuana law, it is drawing extra attention after the passage of Amendment 64, which legalized marijuana use for everyone age 21 and older in Colorado. Some employers said during Amendment 64’s campaign that they worried that the measure would prevent them from enforcing workplace drug policies that prohibit any marijuana use at all.

What Coats’ case may answer: Does it?

“These are things that employers are definitely concerned about,” said Vance Knapp, an attorney for the Denver firm Sherman & Howard who specializes in employment law. “For policy reasons, we want to make sure we have a safe workplace. And obviously, that has to be balanced against employees’ rights in Amendment 64.”

Previous cases have found that medical-marijuana patients do not have a right to cannabis under Colorado law. Coats’ case, though, asks a different question.

Colorado’s Lawful Off-Duty Activities Statute prevents employers from firing workers because of the legal things those employees do outside the office — such as smoking cigarettes, for instance — as long as those activities do not conflict with the employees’ work. Coats’ case is the first to challenge whether that protection extends to marijuana use that is legal under Colorado law but illegal under federal law.

Coats’ attorney, Michael Evans, argues in his brief to the Colorado Court of Appeals that taking a narrow reading of the law would mean Colorado’s roughly 100,000 medical-marijuana patients “would likely face immediate termination or become unemployable.”

“It should be broadly and liberally construed to effectuate its purpose, which is to protect employees from unfair or discriminatory employment practices when they are in full compliance with state law,” Evans writes in the brief.

But attorneys for Dish Network argue that marijuana’s federal status makes it ineligible for protection under the Lawful Off-Duty Activities Statute.

“All use of marijuana is illegal under federal law,” the attorneys write in their brief to the appeals court. “Accordingly, using medical marijuana is not a ‘lawful activity.'”

In countering employers’ concerns, Amendment 64’s backers point to language in the measure that says: “Nothing in this section is intended … to affect the ability of employers to have policies restricting the use of marijuana by employees.”

Knapp, though, doesn’t see that passage as crystal clear when it comes to off-duty use.

“I think there is some wiggle room,” he said.

Still, Knapp expects the Court of Appeals — which has not indicated when it will rule on the case — to side with Dish Network.

“As long as it’s illegal under federal law,” he said of marijuana, “it cannot, by definition, be lawful.”



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Comments (4)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: December 1, 2012

    Unlike with alcohol, it’s not possible at this point in time to determine exactly WHEN the marijuana was smoked. So if your company has a no-smoking policy, I guess you need to decide what’s more important to you. Your job or your fun.
    (And NO, this is not about medical marijuana. It’s about employers’ rights. They need to have a few, since they’re responsible for your medical care and everything else these days.)

  2. thing fish says - Posted: December 1, 2012

    That about the rights of regular people?
    Rights of corporations? To take away rights? Medical care? Bull droppings. The employees are allowed to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes, both are infinitely more risky and costly to insurance groups than marijuana.
    And it isn’t about fun. You are presenting people with a false decision, which is all people have these days as reasons to not smoke marijauna. Do heroin, die. Smoke marijuana… ehh, you’ll be fine, but you can’t be in the chess club and later you can’t work for Dish Network. Why?, oh we’re just full of BS.
    And you can determine if someone is high. You are wrong on that (surprise). You can tell, relatively, if someone is high with a blood test. But don’t expect the police to work hard to figure this out, they can’t be part of sensible drug policy, they need jobs.
    It’s all BS. I can’t wait until the old people go away and less ignorant people can make sensible decisions.
    And before anyone says otherwise, I don’t smoke the devil’s lettuce.

  3. Dogula says - Posted: December 2, 2012

    “That about the rights of regular people?”

    I still don’t think anyone has the “right” to force anyone else to give them a job.
    It isn’t a “right” if it costs someone else to provide it.

  4. Bob says - Posted: December 2, 2012

    An employer should have the right to hire and fire anyone at anytime. Start your own company if you don’t like it.