Fortier quits, but forgets to tell anyone at city hall


By Kathryn Reed

“Today is the first day of a whole new adventure. No more politics. No more mayor. No more Tahoe. I am soon off to Redmond, WA. Better make some room in the closet for my clothes, Maria. I am on my way.”

That is what Claire Fortier wrote on her Facebook page Friday morning just before 7.

The South Lake Tahoe (former?) city councilwoman forgot one step in the process. She has not given the city a resignation letter – either in the professional way of being on real paper or the less professional way via email.

Claire Fortier

Lake Tahoe News first reported in May that Fortier was unlikely to finish her term that expires in December 2014 because her spouse had taken a job in Washington state.

Fortier long held the belief she was the only one on the council who could shepherd the Regional Plan update through the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. With the TRPA approving that plan on Wednesday, Fortier believes she has done her job even though the people elected her to do a job that lasts another two years.

The process is that the remaining council members must decide within 60 days of a council position being vacated whether to appoint someone or to call for an election. There are three specified dates in 2013 when an election could occur — March 5, June 4 and Nov. 5. The election cannot occur less than 114 days from the date it is called. So, the soonest there could be an election to fill that vacated seat is June 4.

But the council cannot go forward without a letter of resignation.




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Comments (12)
  1. grannylou says - Posted: December 14, 2012

    How tacky……

  2. Parker says - Posted: December 14, 2012

    Remember when I questioned her committment and some people bit my head off?

  3. harold Krammer says - Posted: December 14, 2012

    Dont let the door hit you in the a– on the way out!!!
    What a pompous piece of work this women is.City staff, Hillary Roverud,could have done the RPU wiyhout any help from the long winded former council person.City Council,please dont waste money on an election,appoint the third place person in the last election to fill out her term.

  4. Doug says - Posted: December 14, 2012

    I doubt they will hold a election, more than likely they will appoint someone and whoever was appointed would need 3 votes to get the seat. I dont think the winners of the last election will appoint the third place winner, as I am sure they will have a bad taste in their mouth, so it will be interesting who they appoint.

  5. fromform says - Posted: December 14, 2012

    austin sass

  6. Joe Doaks says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    I am for Mr. Crawford. We need at least one contrarian to hold back the
    Cole-Davis juggernaut.

  7. Les Wright says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Common sense says appoint the 3rd place finisher. Austin Sass. The election was just last month. Appoint him next meeting and lets move on.

  8. lou pierini says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Common sense says that more people voted against sass and for one of the others.

  9. dryclean says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Pierini, that is about a dumb a comment as could be stated. More people voted against every individual candidate than the collective total.

  10. SLT EX PAT says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Sounds like there is some ulterior motive to walk away 1 month after the election. Could have and should have “quit” prior to the election so there could be one less debacle for the city to have to deal with. City politics at its best,,,

  11. Kristi Boosman says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Thank you Claire, for all your hard work on behalf of the citizens of SLT, the Regional Plan Update and the Basin. I know it was at great personal sacrifice to agree to be separated from your family for 6 months as your partner moved to Seattle to begin a wonderful opportunity at Microsoft, and I want you to know that many people here noticed and thank you for your commitment to us and the lake. As Angela Swanson said at the CTC board meeting yesterday, our personal lives do not always align perfectly with our other commitments and we all do the best we can. Thank you for all your work and effort here, and to Maria for allowing us to keep you as long as she did. Good luck Claire. You’ll be missed.

  12. Pine Cone says - Posted: December 16, 2012

    You think Claire was bad? Try Sass, you’re in for a true nightmare!