Frigid temps no deterrent to fun at SnowGlobe


By Kathryn Reed

With temperatures below freezing, musicians were blowing on their hands to get their fingers working and the main stage of SnowGlobe included two heaters.

But for those in the audience Dec. 29, dancing and disrobing seemed like a good idea. People were looking for the coat check and others were showing skin on a night when the low was slated to be 16 degrees.

The most warmth could be found in the Tent because heaters were keeping the sound technicians cozy and the entrance was narrow.

The music fest SnowGlobe starts its three-day run Dec. 29 in South Lake Tahoe. Photos/Kathryn Reed

At the Sierra Tent one side was completely exposed to the elements.

And the main stage was wide-open on the ball field.

Most people moved as close as possible to all the stages and were moving to the music. Plus, there was the body contact of friends and strangers to keep them warm.

The three-day music festival started off much better than a year ago when area residents were caught off guard by the bass-driven sounds of the techno rich music. Not all of the performers are traditional bands. Most acts are disc jockeys bringing together sounds through their computers. Even many of the musicians are assisted by technology.

Early feedback based on comments posted on Lake Tahoe News is things are dramatically different from 2011.

City officials said after the concert came to an end at 10pm no one complained about anything the city had control over — including noise levels.

Turning the stage 180 degrees so the audience on the community ball fields is facing Lake Tahoe Community College was done as an attempt to have the sound be less of a factor to the neighboring residents.

To make sure the decibel level doesn’t exceed the limit, a guy wearing a backpack with a meter was measuring the output.

Those in attendance on the first night were clearly enjoying themselves – swaying and bouncing to the music, smiling and making snow angels.

Jared Clark brought his 15-year-old son Dylan up from Minden for the show. The elder Clark had seen Beats Antique before – and was excited when he found out they’d be the third act to take the main stage on Saturday. The younger Clark, a fan of Wiz Khalifa, was excited to hear his favorite next.

Sandy Meyer of Reno is also a Wiz Khalifa fan. That’s why she bought a one-day ticket and made the drive to South Lake Tahoe.

Ryan Wingo and his buddies from Santa Cruz opted for the three-day pass. Wingo was at SnowGlobe a year ago and wanted back for more fun.

The Santa Cruz guys were excited to hear Minnesota – the last act in the Sierra Tent on Saturday – because they are from the same beach town.

“He has progressed so much this year,” Wingo said of the disc jockey.

Wingo is glad there is snow this year – it meant being able to snowboard at Sierra-at-Tahoe the day before.

“It was beautiful, except there was no snow,” Wingo said of 2011.

No worries about that this year. The snow was coming down good at 3pm when the gates opened. The skies parted a bit more than an hour later and patches of blue sky could be seen. With the moon full the night before, the globe in the sky and the early snow made for a snow-globe of a different kind.

The combo of being able to ski and hear good music lured Brett Schwerin to Tahoe. The 30-year-old Maryland resident has an Epic pass, which allows him to ski at all Vail Resort properties – of which there are three in the Tahoe area. He’s here for 12 days – not just for the three-day concert.

This is Schwerin’s first time to Lake Tahoe. He said the combo of being able ski during the day, take a shuttle to the music venue and then be able to hang out with a California crowd that was putting out good vibes made for the perfect day.

(Click on photos to enlarge.)


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Comments (23)
  1. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Good video :) We tried to hear the sound as we drove by on Al Tahoe after 6pm, and could not make out any music. As we walked over, we finally could hear the music once we were on the campus. I don’t know what is muffling the sound: snow, turning the stage, adjustment of sound systems, but it’s working, hope it continues to work through the festival ;)

    Music sounded good inside for concertgoers, crowd was good, there was a few smallish snowballs being tossed around near the main stage, but nothing major.

    Overall a good night :)

  2. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Thanks for a quick report. It sounds like the event has been improved and hopefully will continue for years to come.

  3. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Thanks for the good report on what sounds like a much improved circumstance from last year. It would be so nice if this turned out well for all.

    Happy SnowGlobe to all, stay warm, and enjoy good fun!

  4. Gia Schrauben says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Thanks for all the articles and the updates. I wish I could hug the guy walking around with the backpack and a meter. Good job everyone. It is a much more pleasant experience then last year! I couldn’t hear a thing in my house, as it should be:)

    Guy with backpack, keep up the good work!

  5. John S says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Much improved from last year. Couldn’t hear anything inside our house and outside it wasn’t that bad. Not nearly as disruptive as last year. Thanks to all for the changes that took place.

  6. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    SnowGlobe 2012,
    What a difference a year makes! I could barely hear it.Thanks to everyone involved, the promoter and staff for making adjustments and to city manager Nancy Kerry for coming to the neighborhoods that were so impacted last year.
    I think several lessons were learned last year and I’ve done a complete 180 on my take of this event. I was really a grump after last years mess. Keeping my fingers crossed that the next two nights go as well as the first.
    I just turned 59 yesterday so can we book some acts there next summer for us folks of a certain age? I guess that’s what the Harveys concerts are more geared towards.
    Keep on Rockin’, Old Long Skiis

  7. Steven says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Old Long Skis
    Congratulations on being an old fart!
    What kind of music would you like to hear?

  8. Paul says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Dear City and Festival Organizers-

    Please help! The shuttle transportation system organized for the event is an absolute failure. I showed up at Montbleu yesterday to find a few thousand people milling about with ZERO organization by the festival organizers. When a bus finally showed up, it was like Lord of the Flies out there… no lines, no coordination, just people pushing and shoving to get on a bus. It took people a few hours to get from Montbleu to LTCC, and, boy, were they PISSED. According to Facebook, the organizers also simply cancelled the Red Line shuttles the night before the event because there was snow on the ground. Seriously, people, no contingency plan in case there is SNOW on the ground in Tahoe in December (Amgen, anyone)? People rented cabins specifically because of that shuttle stop, and it’s just cancelled with no warning? How are people who spent all that money on housing and tickets supposed to get to the show? If you thought there were a lot of people walking in the streets last night, be ready for tonight now that everyone knows not to rely on the shuttles. Just hope no one gets hurt. Maybe the organizers will step up their game today since they are being eviscerated on Facebook for it. Maybe the City can prod them to get their act together…

    That said, yesterday was an absolute blast, once people got there! Great music and great people watching. Beats Antique was amazing. Stay safe out there, everyone! Bring on Day 2!

  9. janet young says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    happy BD old long skies, you still rock.

  10. Robin says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Much better than last year! Sounds like all the concert goers are having a great time. My windows are not shaking this year, 5 miles year maybe something for the 40+ crowd?? Just a few other acts sprinkled in would get me there!

  11. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Janet, Steven and JoAnn Conner,
    Janet you still rock too girl. Steven thanks for Knighting me as an old fart!
    Steven you asked what music I’d like to hear at my proposed “GeezerFest”.I’d break it up into different types of music for each night.
    One night would be Wille Nelson headlining and opening would be Jerry Jeff Walker followed by Robert Earl Keen.
    Day 2 would be Bluegrass like Sam Bush and then some folk music like Greg Brown, John Pryne and to get every body up on there feet, Mumbo Gumbo. Boy, I wish The Live Wire Choir was still around!
    Day 3 would be good old Rock and Roll! Neil Young as closing act also David Byrne from the Talking Heads. It’s a Beautiful Day and some other classic 60’s performers filling the bill. I would also add classical music for the early hours as well as LOTS of local musicians.
    Food vendors from local resturaunts, Sprouts,Naked Fish, Teps, Freshies and so many others

    JoAnn Conner this is where you come in. You asked me for more ideas as to create revenue for the city. If The city could get a small percentage of every ticket purchased for this event it could really add up. Alot better than what we would see from parking meters.
    Lets fill some vacation rentals and motel rooms. Lets see this town buzzin’ like it was in the 60’s.
    If this soccer field is for rent lets turn it into a money maker for local businenss and a place to see some great entertainment. Old Fart Skiis

  12. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Thanks, Old Long Skiis! I’ll work on this. Please keep the ideas coming – I am only one vote and I still don’t have a magic wand, but I am here to serve and like to know what the community wants. My cell phone is 530-208-7307 and my email is

  13. Gia Schrauben says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    I want to hear from people that were affected the most last year, Sierra Tract, O’Malley Drive, how are you?

    I don’t know who Old Long Ski is, but I like what he/she has to say

  14. 30yrlocal says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Gia….as its been mentioned, we haven’t heard much at all! I am in a small neighborhood by STPUD. It could be the snow pack muffling the sound, it could be the change of stage and sound levels…a combination of everything, but whatever it is it’s worked so far! Yippee! We haven’t had anyone parking on our streets due to the signs. I appreciate Nancy Kerry and her concentration on all of the issues that made it so awful last year!

  15. Bill Swim says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Seems like Nancy has a better grip on this situation than Mr. O’Roarke did, maybe because she really cares about those who are full time here. It’s going to be really cold tonight good luck to the Globe-sicle’s. HNY!

  16. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    I’m a guy who has had the the good fortune to have lived here since 1962. Just a crusty old timer who loves this place despite all its failings and unpredictable weather, politicians, govt. agencies telling you what we can and can’t do…arrgh! Don’t get me started on all that nonsense!

    Yes I was affected by last years SnowGlobe. This year was a MAJOR improvement. Sorry to hear about the transportation problem. With any new event there is going to be corrections made for the next go round.
    I just walked outside at 4:30 p.m and could barely hear it. Heck my neighbors are noisier than that and their all mellow folk.
    I hope those kids are dressed for the cold as it’s gettin’into the single digits tonight.
    Take Care, Old Long Skiis

  17. John S says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Gia — We live in Pioneer Village. It was much better last night then last year. I do want to mention it is considerably louder tonight than last night. Saturdays volume was better.

  18. Ernie Claudio says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Great photos – thanks Kae.

  19. Tahoerun says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    Live across from Sierra House…no complaints…great for the town, but it is definitely a lot louder than last night. Nothing an ear plug can’t fix :-). Hope their having fun!

  20. Sarah says - Posted: December 31, 2012

    Last year I could lie in bed & listen to the music (I live in Sierra Tract). This year I had to walk outside & could hardly hear the music. Much improved!

  21. Donna Rise says - Posted: January 1, 2013

    Living in Sierra Track, last year the house literally shook, and frightened one of my dogs – this year, couldn’t hear anything inside the house. Well done!!

  22. Whip says - Posted: January 1, 2013

    @ Gia Schrauben,
    We live near the corner of O’Malley and Elwood. Last year was hell on earth, this year was great. When you could hear it, it was so muffled it wasn’t a problem at all. Thanks for the changes!
    Now can you do anything to get the boulders removed the city trashed our neighborhood with?
    Thanks again.

  23. Aaron says - Posted: January 1, 2013

    A step in the right direction that’s for sure. I heard nothing. It was hard to believe the whole thing was actually in effect. A vast change from last year where I wanted to cut my ears off with a saw.

    Since the noise has been contained, I would be more than happy to support this event each year due to the financial impact it has on the economy here.