Human factors of avalanche safety topic of forum

Tahoe Backcountry Women’s mission is to come together to share stories, experiences, and education about backcountry skiing and boarding. Women of all ages and abilities are welcome.

On Jan. 9 from 6:30-8:30pm is a class called Avalanche Safety — The Human Factors.

It will be at Alpenglow Sports in Tahoe City.

Megan Michelson will share her firsthand experiences from last year’s Steven’s Pass avalanche. Michelson wrote about this tragedy in Outside magazine.

After sharing her experiences on Steven’s Pass, Michelson will lead a discussion about the human factors of avalanche safety, an ever-growing field of study. What is human nature when traveling in groups? How does group mentality contribute to, or hinder safety? Does gender play a role?

For more info, email or call (530) 583.6917.