Law enforcement working to stop underage alcohol abuse

To help eliminate alcohol related collisions involving minors, combat underage alcohol abuse and help ensure the overall safety of the community, the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office is collaborating with regional law enforcement agencies regarding juvenile parties and other incidents in which alcohol and/or illicit drugs are contributing factors.

The sheriff’s office is partnering with the Nevada Highway Patrol, Reno Police Department, Sparks Police Department, Washoe County School District Police Department and the University of Nevada Police Department.

These partnering agencies all share the same message; alcohol-related collisions, crimes, incidents, emergencies and tragedies are absolutely preventable and it is never a responsible decision to drive impaired.

Local law enforcement agencies are taking a proactive approach in helping to ensure each person enjoys the holiday season. Their objectives are to prevent tragic incidents that are a direct result from underage alcohol consumption and/or illicit drug use.

Law enforcement officials will also be visiting numerous businesses and establishments that sell alcohol to check for up-to-date alcohol awareness training cards.