South Lake Tahoe City Council to appoint fifth member; Lovell-Sass-Grego want the seat


By Kathryn Reed

Three people familiar to South Lake Tahoe voters have told Lake Tahoe News they want to be appointed to the City Council – Kathay Lovell, Austin Sass and Bruce Grego.

With Claire Fortier abandoning her seat midterm, it means the four remaining members were left with the decision to either appointment a replacement or call for an election. On Dec. 27, they unanimously agreed to have people apply, then go through a public interview process before the council picks the fifth member.

Any registered voter living in the city limits has until Jan. 25 to apply. Applications should be available next week through the city clerk’s office.

Interviews will be conducted Feb. 5 at the start of the regular council meeting. It’s then likely that person will be sworn in that day and expected to have read the agenda in order to be able to vote on items.

The term expires in December 2014.

Lovell was on the council for two terms before deciding not to run again in 2010.

“I feel like there is more to do and I want to be part of it,” Lovell told Lake Tahoe News.

Lovell said when Fortier first indicated months ago that she would not fulfill her commitment she began thinking about getting back on the council.

Sass, who came in third in the November council race, and Grego, who was fourth, were at Tuesday’s meeting listening to the council weigh the pros and cons about how to fill the vacancy.

The council had the option to pick someone who was on the November ballot. While the electeds did not go that route, nothing is preventing the men from filling out the paperwork for consideration.

Sass and Grego said after the meeting they each intend to file an application.

At the meeting John Cefalu, Kenny Curtzwiler and Mike McKeen spoke in favor of Grego being appointed.

Grego has the distinction of being one of less than a handful of people to ever have been appointed to the council. This happened after then Mayor Terry Trupp was arrested in June 1989 on a slew of federal drug charges stemming from Operation Deep Snow. He was not elected after the appointment expired. Grego was elected four years ago before being voted off seven weeks ago.

Four letters were read into the record – all in support of Sass being on the council. Those were from Harold Anino, Pat Pohl, Josh Benin and Toogee Sielsch. Sass has twice unsuccessfully run for the council.

The cost of an election – which could have been as much as $15,000 – was the overriding reason the council chose the appointment route. Second, was the desire to have a full council before the next possible election date. Had it been a mail-in election, May would have been the time frame; the soonest a traditional election could have been called was June.






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This article was written by admin


Comments (46)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: December 27, 2012

    Many ***** about how things have been going in this town for the last six+ years, then advocate appointing one of two people that have to bare some responsibility for where we are at now?

    If the voters wanted Mr. Grego more than Mr. Sass, then Mr. Grego would have received the third most votes in the election held less than eight weeks ago, right? And Does Mr. Curtzwiler vote in the City Of South Lake Tahoe?

    And didn’t I hear a collective sigh among many SLT voters when Kathy Lovell chose to not seek re-election for her seat?

    Appointing Mr. Austin Sass IS the ONLY logical answer here!

    Mr. Davis and Ms. Swanson best think long and hard about how their decision on this matter will effect their chances in two years!

  2. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: December 27, 2012

    All of the current options have too many questions. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone whose motives cant’ be questioned came forward?

  3. Parker says - Posted: December 27, 2012

    15k is half a consultant’s fee! How the City chooses to spend money is just beyond any sense of logic!! Blow the taxpayer’s dollars on the stupidest of things, but they won’t pay just a little bit so we can have a democratic resolution to this? Third World Countries must be looking at our City as the ultimate backwoods, dysfunctional governing body!

    And as far as those choices, Not Good! But Grego? I can’t believe he’s even thrown his hat in the ring? Unless Grego’s been tipped off that he’s got the job. But appointing him, over someone that got more votes, would establish yet another low for our town!

  4. Bob says - Posted: December 27, 2012

    I agree with biggerpicture. It’s also a shame Claire put SLT in this situation which I presume was on purpose to give Council the decision instead of the public. If you ever wondered why citizen’s doubt the city, then this should be reason enough. Sass came in 3rd – give it to him. He was voted in by the citizen’s Ms. Kerry – not Council.

  5. Tahoe78 says - Posted: December 27, 2012

    I agree with the above comments, Austin Sass should be appointed to fill the seat.

    The current council should stop using the “what’s best for me” type of decision making and start using fair sound decision making. We just had an election 8 weeks ago, it doesn’t get any easier than this.

  6. Zorrro says - Posted: December 27, 2012

    The following is an excerpt from a Nov. 2, 2010 LTW news article. Pay close attention to how this came down. Kathay Lovell was on the Council at this time:
    South Lake Tahoe officials and the City Council were given a written reprimand by the judge overseeing the Lakeview Commons contract dispute.
    El Dorado County Superior Court Judge Steve Bailey issued his written opinion of the case Nov. 1. Though the outcome does not alter the decision rendered in court last month, the 30-page document explains why he sided with plaintiffs Clark & Sullivan.
    The construction firm sued to have work at Lakeview Commons stopped under the belief the bid was unfairly awarded to Reeve-Knight Construction.
    The court document is a blow-by-blow recount of how city staff practically held Reeve-Knight’s hand to get the documents in proper order. That isn’t allowed. Despite much of this coming out during two summer City Council meetings, all but Councilman Jerry Birdwell agreed to go forward with awarding RKC the bid. (emphasis added)
    The judge’s decision says, “The city acted arbitrarily and capriciously and abused its discretion by accepting a bid that was non-responsive on its face and that material and substantially deviated from the invitation for bids and bid documents. The city further abused its discretion by allowing RKC to revise its bid after the bids were opened; by assisting RKC in correcting the bid irregularity; by providing an opportunity for RKC to withdraw its bid without penalty; by designating specialty items after bid opening; and, by waiving a material element of the bid and awarding the contract to RKC.”
    The court points out how allowing the contractor to change its bid violates Public Contract Code.
    Now the city is essentially at square one, with the fall building season having been wasted. The original plan was for the foundation of the boathouse to be completed by Oct. 15 and framing to be done this winter. Construction was to be done in July. No date has been given for when Lakeview Commons might be something other than an unusable fenced off area.

    The soon-to-be-gone City Attorney John Enright is also deeply implicated in this debacle which created SLT’s other “hole” and cost us a summer season and some fines to be sure. Again, Kathay Lovell voted TWICE to go ahead with this illegal bidding process. She has NO business being on the Council.
    Biggerpicture has it right. Put Sass on the Council as he was the next highest vote getter. With all his experience, I’ll bey HE knows how to write a proper, legal contract.

  7. fromform says - Posted: December 27, 2012

    voters in south lake tahoe have already made this ‘appointment’. austin sass got the nod. how simple is this? an investigation regarding the ‘fortier maneuver’ will probably ensue, with inevitable litigation and wasted taxpayer money. as a fiasco, it would be difficult to write this stuff any better.

  8. Julie Threewit says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Where’s the much needed new blood?

  9. Not Born on the Bayou says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Bring in Sass. He was the best of all candidates to start with, and still is.

  10. dryclean says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Grego was voted out. The voters did not support him because of the way he handled the position.
    Lovell did not want the position other wise she would have run. I also appreciate the above comments from Zorro on Lovell’s past voting record.
    Neither Grego or Lovell deserve consideration for this seat. Take heed Davis and Swanson.

  11. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Who wants the last seat on the Titanic?

  12. Claire Fortier says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Even this “thick-skinned politician” has had enough of the carping and insulting tone and content of this blog.

    First, I did not “abandon” city council, as Kae Reed has described my departure. I stayed in Tahoe without my family, leaving my spouse alone during a very challenging time in her life, to see my commitment through with city council. I also felt strongly about fulfilling my commitment to our community to see a TRPA Regional Plan become a reality so that our town would have the tools to move forward with our own general plan.

    For those who don’t remember the timeframe, my spouse was offered a job in late May. At the point this blog published that information, no commitments had been made or contracts signed. Publishing when Kae chose to do so put my spouse’s potential job at risk. Kae may have had the scoop but she certainly didn’t understand or care at the toll that information made public took on our family. In light of the fact that no decisions had been made when she published the story, it created tremendous stress at a time of great joy: it was also the weekend of our son’s graduation from college.

    While Maria ultimately accepted the position in Washington, we decided that I should continued on with City Council until my term as mayor was completed and the TRPA Regional Plan was passed. Had I chosen to leave in July, which is when I would have had to vacate my seat for a November election, it would have left council with four members during some very critical times over the summer and fall, including a significant change in city managers.

    After six months of living apart, Maria and I realize it is not financially feasible or emotionally sustainable to continue living apart. I therefore made the decision to resign from council on December 13th. Even my spouse didn’t know what I would do until the night before I resigned. In truth, I had hoped to serve out my term, but it was simply impossible for me to continue on.

    While there is no good time for a city council member to resign, I felt my timing in this case gave council every opportunity to consider alternatives without being under a time constraint. The reason I choose to give that information as an exclusive to the Tahoe Daily Tribune is because I feel that the Tribune has treated me, and the entire of city council fairly and without rancor.

  13. doesmyopinionmatter says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Sass came 3rd. He should be appointed.

  14. Dogula says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Seriously, you’d have done the city a service if you’d decided to resign BEFORE the election instead of immediately after it. Things can’t have changed that much that quickly.
    It was selfish, and poorly executed.
    I still think you’re a nice person. I just don’t like how this was played out.

  15. Janice Eastburn says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    I agree that the position should go to Austin Sass as he would be next in line by the will of the local citizens.

  16. Phil Blowney says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    All tho I have lived here for half of my life, have owned and operated a business for 26 years within the city limits, raised two sons, and love my town I cannot vote for or against any city issues or personnel!How is it possible that thousands of citizens of the area have little say yet pay dearly to live here? I and others I know have posed that question to Austin. If it was up to him he would like to see changes in voting rights but it is complicated. I am vocal at times and care a lot about our area yet I actually have no vote!

  17. Bob says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Thanks for the timeline Claire. If only Hal Cole would come forward with his timeline of events as to why he was involved in the hole without a clue of what a performance bond is. And now he’s back online on the same project. Pure corruption in SLT Kerry. This man should not be working on projects such as the hole. And either should Lane. Think of the public for once. SLT obviously has its own agenda. And it seems to be screwing the taxpayers and the locals. The city needs to be more transparent as to why the people who got us into this mess are still involved. Don’t you get it Kerry? An explanation from you similar to Claire’s should be offered to us locals. It’s pitiful what local gov’t has done to this small community.

  18. Todd says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Claire — favorites with the media in one thing, but you told a paper you were leaving before you told the council or city manager. How unethical and childish is that? Go away Claire. Many of us are happy you had a reason to quit. Quitting is the one thing you excel at.

    Bob — Why are you blaming the city manager for the hole. Blame the voters for putting Cole and Davis back in office.

  19. Steve says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Just as some people leave, others with special talents and experience arrive. A fresh, unbiased, untainted perspective would likely be healthy and more beneficial to this isolated, relatively unsophisticated enclave than the same old roster that regularly emerges. Like it or not, a new election is the only way to find the best available.

  20. dunbfounded says - Posted: December 28, 2012


    “1. To withdraw one’s support or help from, especially in spite of duty, allegiance, or responsibility; desert: abandon a friend in trouble.
    2. To give up by leaving or ceasing to operate or inhabit, especially as a result of danger or other impending threat: abandoned the ship.
    3. To surrender one’s claim to, right to, or interest in; give up entirely. See Synonyms at relinquish.
    4. To cease trying to continue; desist from: abandoned the search for the missing hiker.
    5. To yield (oneself) completely, as to emotion.”

    The first definition’s “especially in spite of duty” makes it pretty clear that Ms. Reed correctly described your leaving. Definition number 5 is also especially poignant.

    The term wasn’t predicated on the TRPA when voters gave their support to you, Ms. Fortier.

    All the best in your new life. The turbulence you leave behind you will continue.

  21. Irish Wahini says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Claire, your personal history is not relevant to the responsibility you owed to the City, voters & taxpayers! You should have quit before the election, period! If you had done so, Austin Sass would be sitting on the Council today! And you would not be causing more dysfunction & grief for SLT. Hopefully this City Council will appoint the way the people voted – Austin Sass.

  22. Reza says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    As recent as last week, Davis was telling folks his circle of friends that there would be an election. Now we have an appointment process and Lovell is in the mix.
    We all know about Cole’s relationship with Lovell and his friendship with Davis. Is the fix in? Looks like it.
    Lovell will be the next city council person. Watch!

  23. Parker says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Excuses are the easiest things to produce! But it’s clear then that: #1 Kae did her job as a journalist. Since after all, Claire is a public figure/elected official. #2 Claire’s significant other was looking to leave. Didn’t just get some out of the blue great offer. So that must mean Claire was looking to leave. And #3, Claire’s standard for quality journalism is the Tahoe Daily Tribune?!

  24. Tahoe78 says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Claire- It was still really tacky. You know its time to go when someone feels that her opinion matters more than the citizens of South Lake Tahoe.

  25. Sarah says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Claire, leave already!!

    Totally agree with Irish – “your personal history is not relevant to the responsibility you owed to the City, voters & taxpayers! You should have quit before the election, period! If you had done so, Austin Sass would be sitting on the Council today!”

    Council – its your responsiblity to do the RIGHT THING – the city has already voted, Sass should be the next member….certainly NOT Grego! He was voted out and should stay out!

  26. A.B. says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    First off, give Claire a break. She is leaving to be with her family. Not a decision she took lightly.

    More importantly, I am familiar with an appointment to public office post-election. At that time, Placer County appointed the candidate who had lost but had the next highest number of votes to fill a vacancy of a public entity.

    There was an election held just last month. Mr. Sass was apparently the “runner-up”. He therefore should be appointed to fulfill the voter’s choice.

    I do not know him, nor am I eligible to vote in the matter.

  27. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    The preferred way would be to have the council select a new member independent of who ran in the recent election. Those who come forward in the next few weeks should be interviewed in detail to determine why they want to be on the council and, if they did run before, who their financial supporters were since those backers would indicate outside pressure on their decision making.

  28. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    I can’t help but wonder why anyone would want to be a City Councilmember or even work for the City of SLT since the treatment is thankless and the degree of criticism is unparalleled. But since there is a Councilmember vacancy and since filling it doesn’t even require the time and expense of a candidate running an election campaign, perhaps those individuals demanding new blood on the Council should complete and submit the application form and take on this task. There will never be an easier or less costly time for someone to try to get on the City Council than right now.

  29. 30yrlocal says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Claire: Thank you for your service to this community. As USMC said, it is a thankless job to serve in our town. I appreciate your dedication and time and wish you well in your new home.

    I am not “thick skinned” so would have such a problem being in a political office! Why is everyone so critical yet not running for office? I wonder how many critics really think everyone else is on the same page? I think it would be safe to assume that there are a lot more willing to give “high 5s” than those with verbal lashings at the time of their tongue (or fingertips). There are always more than 2 sides to an issue and more than 1 way to get a job done.

    Happy New Year everyone!

  30. FULL TIME says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    I’m with you 30year, and thank you Claire. I’m sure most of the anti-Claire people on this board have done nothing for this community AT ALL. It is easier to point a finger than to use it to help someone else, good luck Claire.

  31. old long skiis says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Claire Fortier,
    You quit your job as mayor of our little town. Now we are in a mess trying to fill a seat on the city council. Kae, fotunately, didn’t quit her job as a journalist.She did what she was supposed to do…you didn’t.
    Claire you can call it “carping and insulting tone” here at LTN but what I find insulting is that you left your position on the council as mayor
    and now SLT is in a quandry as how to best fill that empty chair.
    What I also find insulting is that I voted for you because I thought you were “the real deal”. Enjoy Washington. Old Long Skiis

  32. Bill Swim says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Here we go again, We know what’s best for you type of government! The people voted, Sass is next in line! This whole thing smells bad!

  33. Jill Stanton-Bricker South Tahoe Association of Realtors Local Governmental Relations Chair says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    After much research, deliberation, candidate roundtables,and more, the South Tahoe Association of Realtors endorsed Hal Cole and Austin Sass for South Lake Tahoe City Council, in the November 2012 election.

    Recap of the election (% of votes)results per EDC Website:

    Cole 26.25
    Conner 25.35
    SASS 20.1
    Grego 18.56
    Schue 8.96

    Lastly, kudos, to Claire Fortier, for her OUTSTANDING service to South Lake Tahoe, her immense dedication to seeing through to the end of the TRPA’s New Regional Plan, the Tahoe basin and beyond. Claire, you will be missed.
    Best wishes to you and yours.

  34. Dick Fox says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    OK let’s gossip! The Claire/Katherine/Susan feud goes back to the Tribune days when all were multi-talented journalists and fighting for bylines and stories. That much talent at a smalltown paper at once was bound to have some friction involved. Claire ended up as managing editor of the Trib eventually and Kae and Sue went on to their own successful ventures. I have respect for them all.

  35. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    What’s the salary again $400 or $600/month + medical insurance?

    We’re lucky we can find anyone that’s not deep in someone elses pocket, that’s willing to take on this ungrateful job!

  36. admin says - Posted: December 28, 2012


    Your history is off a bit. I’ve never worked with Claire at any publication.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  37. fromform says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    historically, SLT council members have been instruments (tools), and it is not always obvious for whom, be it the voting public or some arcane special interests. they get their ‘salary’ one way or another. we need new blood. SASS.

  38. Eric Taxer says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    It’s sad that the same handful of people consistently talk smack of issues surrounding the community, whether it be the TRPA, City Council, or in this case Claire’s resignation. It’s tiresome and somewhat annoying that this vocal minority tends to hold various issues issues hostage to suit their own needs.

    Claire has served this community well, and she has done so for almost 20 years. During her tenure as editor of teh Tahoe Daily Tribune, she raised the quality from what it was to something that the community could take pride. (Remember the days when the casinos had advertisements on the front page?) She has volunteered for numerous non-profits and committees in our community, and sat on the board for various organizations as well. Who among you has contributed as much (or at all) to our community?

    Claire did not take this resignation lightly. She was committed to seeing the TRPA Regional Plan Update through its adoption. She fought long and hard to protect our community (and the entire basin) from special interests that would rather halt any redevelopment from occurring. She maintained the voice of calm during her term as mayor during personnel changes at the City and during a multitude of other issues. And she did all this without a salary.

    Who among us is willing to step up to the plate and continue to carry the torch – without pay?

    I, for one, will miss Claire, and I wish her and her family well. Claire, you did an excellent job and you should be proud of all you’ve done.

  39. cheepseats says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Cracks me up, those of you ripping on Claire. Your narrow-minded, often blatantly biased, and reactionary opinions on why she did things the way she did them are plain silly. Welcome to the real world. She did what she thought was best for every facet of her life. Who are you to question it, even as a registered voter? She owes no one an explanation, but gave one nonetheless. That’s true humility, and I applaud her for it.
    And while there’s a certain truth to the statement of understanding the past to avoid mistakes in the future, sadly SLT’s track record proves this statement unreliable. Truth is, most of you spend way too much time bitching and moaning, taking things personal, and nothing gets done. That includes the folks who run this otherwise valuable community service of a news source.
    As for moving forward, while I agree that Sass seemingly deserves the nod, there’s really no way to know that, if Claire’s spot was vacant, the recent vote would’ve gone the same way. It’s all assumption.
    A special election seems to be the only right and fair (democratic) thing to do, despite the ancillary issues of cost, timing, etc …
    We shall see.

  40. John says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Well I have a suggestion. The city has a website with all the e-mail addresses and phone numbers for all the council members. Contact them and tell them what you want. If they don’t do the right things representing us, Then don’t vote for them again,and again. We get what we vote for!

  41. reza says - Posted: December 28, 2012

    Interesting how lovell donated to grego’s campaign and now
    she is running against him. Seems like at least one of therm will drop out. as she rules him, Bruce will probably not submit the paperwork to file. especially given tha
    comments in this blog. Bye Bruce. no love today. but thanks for trying. just did not work out dude.

  42. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    I bet Lovell’s interest in serving on the City Council for the remainder of this term is because it’s only for two years and not the normal four years. That’s probably why she supported Grego during the election but is now seeking the same vacated seat for that shorter term.

    I still wonder why anyone would want to be a City Councilmember and put up with all that disrespectful and thankless treatment from the public along with the constant criticism while doing all that work for a lousy $600 a month plus medical coverage, but good luck to all those submitting applications.

  43. Dogula says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    That “lousy” $600 a month plus medical could make a real difference to most families here in Tahoe.
    Heck, if I lived in the city limits, I might get involved myself. ‘Course, with my opinions I don’t think I’d get more than a vote or two!

  44. Dick Fox says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    When solving complex problems it is always helpful to find out what the Wrong answers are through experimentation and failure. I would vote for you because you would add this important and valuable component to the council simply by voicing your opinion on any subject under discussion.~

  45. Larry Ward says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    Austin Sass came in third according to City of SLT voters. He should be chosen to replace Claire. City of SLT, put aside your own agenda for once and LISTEN TO THE VOTERS!

    Also, is anyone else tired of hearing Ken Curtzwiler? He doesn’t even live in the City and has no business making recommendations to the City Council. Maybe his agenda has to do with his wife who works for Bruce Grego.

  46. dryclean says - Posted: December 31, 2012

    With Kerry’s success and praise from sitting council members, maybe the council should allow her to pick the next city council member.