Santa to turn lights on in center of South Lake Tahoe
The Community Winter Tree and Menorah Lighting will be Dec. 7 from 5-7pm in South Lake Tahoe.
Bring a camera for pictures with Santa.
Hot chocolate, cookies and complimentary Borges sleigh rides are planned.

A Liberty Utilities crew strings the lights across from Harrison Avenue in South Lake Tahoe. Photo/LTN
Lake DJ will provide holiday music. There will also be a performance by members of the South Lake Tahoe Children’s The Art League and museum are having open houses that night.
Organizers are also accepting donations of canned food and toys for Christmas Cheer and Caps for kids.
The event is at the Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority California Visitor Center, 3066 Lake Tahoe Blvd.
Do I love PC. Just one suggestion to clean up the title of this occasion. Winter tree is just perfect, perfectly stupid, so lets follow suit and call the Menorah a candleabra. There we go.
“The Community Winter Tree and Candelabra Lighting Ceremony.”
No meaning or significance for Christmas or Hanaka is allowed.
I am an atheist. I have to agree, “winter tree” is really bad. It really seems pagan in fact and that is a religeon.
SLT is doomed to fail. Who the heck runs this sinking ship? To our feckless leaders: What do you have to say about this nonsense. Who is going to be fired for coming up with the name.
Driving down hwy 50 from the casinos to the y last night, Sat Dec 1st, the lack of lights on the businesses and city owned parts of town was incredible. It was actually depressing. Those places that had lights were really pitiful. Let’s go people, get those Christmas lights up and turned on. And make those lights colored, not just white.
There is no way to please everyone. If this tree was referred to as a Christmas tree there would likely be people writing in to criticize that too. It’s just nice to live in a community that still provides and encourages public participation in celebrations, versus living in a metropolis that sends their public works employees out to hang jumbo artificial candy canes on the streetlight poles 20-feet above the main thoroughfare where people can maybe get a glimpse of them as they speed by at 50-mph, unless of course the gridlocked traffic is at a dead standstill.
I do agree with Steven that lights on the towns dark businesses would look more festive.
Happy “whatever you’re comfortable with” everyone!
Spouse of 4-mer-usmc
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” Abraham Lincoln
not fooled.
it’s a Christmas tree.
Merry Christmas!
“You can fool some of the people all of the time.” That’s why we should tax the churches. The reason for the season is the winter solstice.
Dick, Jesus is the reason for the season. Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ.
The best way to send a message to the Chamber of Commerce that you are not happy with their political correctness is not to attend the lighting of their PC tree.
It is a Christmas Tree. In honor of the birth of Jesus Christ.
And the Menorah is an important symbol of Judaism.
They are what they are and pretending that they’re something else doesn’t make it so.
Our family always celebrated Christmas as family time, nothing to do with religion at all.
I don’t care what you want to personally call the tree, or this time of year, just be respectful of others, cause we all have our own beliefs, and they are all ok :)
Hey everyone. This is the perfect time for this little story about the truth of the Christ store.
The Christ story is not unique.
It is found in dozens of cultures and predates Christianity by thousands of years. it contains virgin birth, 3 wise men, and all of that good stuff. The entire story is told by the stars. The 25th is not random. It is the first day that when using ancient technology, the change in direction of the rising sun moving north can be detected. The solstice is on the 21st… their precision was only a few days.
Hence the imagery of ‘i am the light’. The 3 wise men are stars. The fish imagery in the new testament is also documented in the stars. 2000 years ago we were entering the age of Pices. There is a lot more to it. But in summary, it is a story told by stars, and has no historical basis beyond that.
It is all summarized well in a video that I will share a link to once I find it.
The Christ story is great, lots of good messages and parables, all tied together with the movement of the stars. It is a story that has been told for thousands of years and we can all learn from it. But don’t take any of it literally.
Pretty neat.
Here you are. This is just a short summary. I am sure that people who don’t want to see this won’t read anything of substance about this, so I won’t bother to link to that. But if you are interested in astronomy and mythology, here is the story of the origin of the Christ story.
Which dates back 10,000 years. Way before JC.
It doesn’t mean that JC shouldn’t be someone you look up to as a character, but everyone should understand that this story is not unique.
Which actually makes it universal truth.
also: ‘Dick, Jesus is the reason for the season. Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ.’
Actually, the winter solstice is the reason for the season. It is not unique at all, including everything up to Easter.
12 disciples, 12 signs of the zodiac, dead for 3 days and rises, it takes 3 days for the movement of the sun northward to be noticed by ancient ancient astronomy. Virgin birth, the constellation Virgo is involved in the winter solstice.
so don’t take that book of yours too seriously.
christmas is a celebration of the stars.
Happy Holidays and Merry Snowglobe to all! Only 25 days ’til the birth of the Big BoomBoom!
it is amazing how many of you folks do not belive in Jesus
I suggest that you remember your theology
when you hit the Pearly Gates
last years tree lighting was wa enjoyable event
the myth of ‘jesus’ is textbook solipsism
No matter wether you live by any faith or beleif and analyze every word someone else finds comfort in, I refer to when the world started to keep track of time by when Jesus was born. Hence BC and AD. I think we are about to celebrate 2013 AD? Prior to that wasn’t it Before Christ?
As to our community Christmas tree, I thank Bob Dodds again formerly the BOSS here of Liberty Energy for lighting the tree and entire Visitors Center. My input as to the ammount of lights and type is on record. We use many hundreds of colored LED lights on our Sessions tree and I use white icicle lights on my back yard tree all year. Hope the neighbors don’t mind on some weekend nights? Those type of lights would make a statement! Last time I saw the beautiful tree at the Y lit up with a strong wind blowing it looked stunning!
Lets face it. We have MANY empty store fronts along 50 and that alone is sad and distressing so when those that have made the small effort string some lights it has zero to do with religion but plenty to do with faith. Faith in our long suffering city that is still here hoping for support from visitors and locals as well.
I have heard the “CORPORATE” excuse from TJ MAX as well as several other managers that claim there is nothing they can do to dress up their location and attract business. I say BS and I will enjoy my shopping with those that present some entheusiasm for this wonderful season we can call winter. SOS from Phil. Thanks.
Well put Phil, Happy Holidays, & Merry Christmas