SnowGlobe opens with less techno than a year ago


SnowGlobe is under way in South Lake Tahoe. The gates opened at 3pm.

The music is slated to go to 10 tonight.

Snow falls at the start of SnowGlobe on Dec. 29. Photo/Kathryn Reed

This is the first of three days of the music festival on the ball fields next to Lake Tahoe Community College.

Traffic is backed up on Al Tahoe Boulevard, so those not needing to be on that street might want to find an alternative route. Also, there are groups walking in the street — wearing dark clothing.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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This article was written by admin


Comments (11)
  1. Gia Schrauben says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    What does groups of people wearing dark clothing mean?

  2. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    “Also, there are groups walking in the street — wearing dark clothing.”

    Some vendor should sell those blinking LED lighted balls like what people put on their dogs’ collars in the wintertime so they can be seen. Would have been cool to put SnowGlobe on them, SLT and 2012, then they could be a souvenir from the festival while adding a little light to that dark clothing to make it somewhat easier to see the attendees. Problem solved.

  3. admin says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    Just that they were hard to see. And they were on both sides of the road, so if vehicles head for the center, there is less room.

    It was just a caution to motorists to be on guard.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  4. Gia Schrauben says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    got it:) they do need those little light sticks:)

  5. Upper Truckee says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    Bet it’ll be heard out here!

  6. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    I live in North Upper Truckee near the Sawmill Pond and you can’t hear a thing up here–only the sound of the icicles dripping on the ground adding to the ever increasing icy patches to be better aware of tomorrow.

  7. Nancy Kerry, City Manager says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    Tonight, I’ve been driving throughout all the surrounding neighborhoods and haven’t heard much noise from the event and with the stage reversed by 180 degrees, even the lights are minimized into the neighborhoods. I also stopped and spoke with several people on O’Malley Street and they reported the event was much quieter than last year.

    I do expect the headliners to be louder than the other acts each evening – I understand they’ll go on about 8:30 or 9 p.m. first two nights and about 11 p.m. on New Year’s Eve.

    During our last event operations meeting this afternoon, everything was in place from heaters to security. The producers are very well organized and have employed approximately 300 people for the festival.

    They are communicating information via their facebook and twitter feeds to event goers(City FB and news feeds are linked with SG’s so we’re all sending the same information to everyone). The City’s (fabulous) Public Information Officer, Tracy Franklin is updating the City’s Snowglobe webpage with public information as it changes throughout the event.

    We are checking the Hotline by the hour and so far, issues are mostly related to transportation.

    I sure hope the festival goers dress warm! It is mighty cold out there.

    ~Nancy Kerry
    SnowGlobe Hotline is 530-542-7429
    City webpage

  8. 30yrlocal says - Posted: December 29, 2012

    Thank you for attention to this Nancy. The stage aims at my neighborhood, by STPUD and the sound is greatly reduced, so far, from last year, and the no parking signs seem to be working. I was really dreading this weekend

    I did just read snowglobe’s facebook page though and there are a lot of unhappy concert goers due to the shuttles not picking them up…must be why soooo many people are walking down Hwy 50.

  9. dunbfounded says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    The naysayers must be so disappointed…

  10. ljames says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    I am sure the city did a lot of things to deal with some of the issues last year, but lets face it – the snow on the ground is certainly absorbing a lot of the noise, and last year there was absolutely none! I am pretty neutral to this event (my house WAS withing ear shot last year, and it wasnt pleasant)but given the potential benefits to the town economically, it was worth a second try to see if the impacts could be better dealt with – disaapointing to hear about the transportation issues? Is Blue Go running the shuttles?

  11. Paul says - Posted: December 30, 2012

    There were lots of people walking through the streets because the shuttle transportation system organized for the event is an absolute failure. I showed up at Montbleu yesterday to find a few thousand people milling about with ZERO organization by the festival organizers. When a bus finally showed up, it was like Lord of the Flies out there… no lines, no coordination, just people pushing and shoving to get on a bus. It took people a few hours to get from Montbleu to LTCC, and, boy, were they PISSED. According to Facebook, the organizers also simply cancelled the Red Line shuttles the night before the event because there was snow on the ground. Seriously, people, no contingency plan in case there is SNOW on the ground in Tahoe in December (Amgen, anyone)? People rented cabins specifically because of that shuttle stop, and it’s just cancelled with no warning? How are people who spent all that money on housing and tickets supposed to get to the show?

    If you thought there were a lot of people walking in the streets last night, be ready for tonight now that everyone knows not to rely on the shuttles. Just hope no one gets hurt. Maybe the organizers will step up their game today since they are being eviscerated on Facebook for it.

    That said, yesterday was an absolute blast, once people got there! Great music and great people watching. Beats Antique was amazing. Stay safe out there, everyone! Bring on Day 2!