Vehicle plows into classroom in Meyers


A vehicle doing doughnuts at the magnet school in Meyers on Friday night lost control and took out the entire front wall of a kindergarten classroom.

No one was injured in the 9:30pm Dec. 14 incident.

According to Lake Tahoe Unified School District officials, the person was in the parking lot and and back field. No one is in custody.

A vehicle on Dec. 14 slammed into a classroom in Meyers. Photo/Provided

On Saturday morning maintenance personnel were framing and constructing a new exterior wall.

The summer remodel plans include adding barriers in the front to prevent another such incident.

School officials believe it was a large white truck or SUV judging from the extent of the damage.

The California Highway Patrol is investigating. Anyone with information is asked to call (530) 577.1001.

 — Lake Tahoe News staff report




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Comments (18)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Wow. Two horrible car accidents in SLT.
    Guess we’d better ban cars.

  2. Hang Ups From Way Back says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    People think 4 wheel drives are sherman tanks that’s the problem.


    Slow down enjoy the ride.

  3. Janice Eastburn says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    @Dogula: If the person driving the car had been wielding a gun rather than a car, an entire classroom might be dead. As it is, nobody was. If guns were regulated half as heavily as cars are in this country, deaths by guns would be considerably diminished.

  4. thing fish says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Beat that straw man dog. Beat it good.

  5. Dogula says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Exact same logic, people.
    It isn’t the car, it’s the driver.
    It isn’t the gun, it’s the shooter.
    Why not focus on mental health instead of the inanimate object that is the gun?

  6. MtnChick says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Wait…You’re saying someone smashed in and drove away? There is no one in custody? Where is the freaking police when we need them? Oh wait…they are probably eating at Red Hut because that’s the only place I EVER see police cars in this town. SUCH A SHAME to know our community has to stoop this low!

  7. MtnChick says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    And this someone is probably the same douche that spun donuts Thursday morning at Regan Beach…

  8. Local Yokel says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    @ Dogula:

    So are you saying we need to mandate psych evaluations for the entire population? What focus on mental health will catch a nut job? You know that these kinds of people will always slip through the cracks.

    The majority of mass killings in the U.S. are done with legally obtained weapons.

    We can make guns more difficult to be obtained by crazy people. Yes, people kill and not guns, that doesn’t mean we should make guns available to everyone who wants one. The 2nd amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms but says nothing about exempting crazy people or assault weapons. If you take it to the literal limit than one could argue every child should be provided a gun at birth and allowed to do as they please with it (something most reasonable people would argue against).

    This country is past due to regulate guns. Every state should require gun safety classes with semi-annual renewals as well as gun safes or trigger locks. You can have your gun but you need to know how to use it and keep it secure so that your crazy kid doesn’t go shoot-up your local school.

    I know, the Washington Post is a Liberal rag…. How does that change these facts?

  9. John S says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    MtnChick — This happened in Meyers. Meyers is outside the SLTPD jurisdiction. Meyers is patrolled by Sheriff and Hwy patrol.

  10. Robert says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    MtnChick – the highway patrol & sheriff’s
    hang out at starbucks!

  11. Janice Eastburn says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    @Local Yokel: Bravo. Very well said. Virtually anybody can go to a gun show and buy a firearm; no background check, no shooting lessons, no mental health exam, no waiting period. I can’t drive a car off a car lot without a drivers license (proof that I know how to drive a car safely) and proof of insurance (liability for any harm my car does). Shouldn’t proof of competency and liability be a bare minimum of what is required to own a handgun? I’m tired of hearing all these gun people yell about their rights following this latest horrible incident. Didn’t those children have the right to go to school and leave there alive? Let’s have some sanity!

  12. Dogula says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Janice, you are wrong. You can’t buy a gun without a background check. Just try to do it.
    Again, WHY, every time one of these instances happens, do you always want to take away the rights of the people who did not commit the crime?
    Want to talk about killings in schools? Remember Kent State?
    How about drones in the middle east? Don’t the children killed there have rights too?
    You say you have to have a license and insurance to drive? LOTS of people (in this town!) drive with neither. I worry a lot more about THEM than I do about my law-abiding, gun-owning neighbors.

  13. Say What? says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Why don’t we all show some restraint and let the parents bury their children before we try and make political hey out of this tragedy.

  14. thing fish says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    That is more a transitive property between ideas than logic. But we all know logic is difficult for you so we’ll give you a pass for trying.

    What you meant to say was ‘these people want to regulate guns like cars and ban them, they are dumb-dumbs’

    Pro gun and Pro life. You don’t want the government to put any limits on people owning guns, but when it comes to people in love you want the government to step in.
    So yeah, tell me more about logic….
    How does that work?
    Oh and magnets, how do they work?

  15. barf12 says - Posted: December 15, 2012

    Actually, spinning donuts is a lot of fun, you just need the proper space. Thirty years ago I did it alot in the Heavenly Valley parking lot. Didn’t hit any thing. I’m sure that there is too much security and cameras to do that now.
    As to the school shooting. Isn’t it just wonderful how the media feeds off of these events. The media coverage is as much to blame in these episodes as the right to bear arms or the perpetrators. These shooters, and it seems to be happening weekly, want and know that there will be massive media coverage. It gives some kind of final meaning to their otherwise useless lives. So who is to blame here? Look in the mirror, and reflect on how many dead people you have seen this evening in make belive cop shows or superhero flicks.

  16. X LOCAL says - Posted: December 16, 2012

    Janice Eastburn

    You are as dumb as a post, what the H@#l do guns have in common with this article?
    Get your head out of the sand and go skiing. Or better yet GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND.

  17. Janice Eastburn says - Posted: December 16, 2012

    X Local:

    You are absolutely right. Guns have nothing to do with this article. I was simply responding to the first post, by Dogula, that made that analogy.

    We are all entitled to our differences of opinion on any issue. There really is no need, or justification, for name-calling.


  18. SLT Local says - Posted: December 16, 2012

    This is terrible, some people really don’t care. I am just glad no one was hurt in result of this idiots actions.

    There are houses bordering this school, no one saw or heard anything?!