Videos about water could earn students cash

By Diana Lambert, Sacramento Bee

High school students can win cash and the chance to be part of a television advertising campaign in the 2013 Water Spots Video Contest.

The contest, sponsored by the Regional Water Authority and the Sacramento Bee Media in Education program, challenges teens to create a 25-second public service announcement on water efficiency.

The theme is: “Check sprinkler systems every month for water-wasting problems and make repairs within 48 hours.”

The contest is open to high school students in Sacramento, Placer and El Dorado counties, as well as in the city of West Sacramento.

The spots will be judged on creativity, entertainment value, accuracy and originality. Winners will be announced at a Sacramento River Cats game in the spring. The winning spots will be displayed on the big screen at Raley Field.

To submit entries or to get more information, go online.