3 people complete application for S. Tahoe council seat


Three people have submitted applications for the vacant South Lake Tahoe City Council seat.

The three are Kathay Lovell — who stepped down from the council in 2010 after serving two terms; Austin Sass — who has run twice and not been elected, the last time being in November; and Scott Valentine — a newcomer to the scene, who is a geology professor at Lake Tahoe Community College.

The seat is open because Claire Fortier quit in December halfway through her four-year term.

People have until 5pm Jan. 25 to turn in the forms. Forms are available from the city clerk. Interviews will be before the council in open session on Jan. 29 at 9am. The person is expected to be sworn in that day assuming consensus is reached by the council. If no one is chosen, an election would be conducted in June.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (16)
  1. Belugas says - Posted: January 11, 2013

    Go Scott, Go!

  2. Toogee says - Posted: January 11, 2013

    I’ve been quite openly advocating for the South Lake Tahoe City Council to appoint Austin Sass to this recently vacated seat. I, and I believe many of the voters in the last election, have a fairly good grasp as to Austin’s comprehension and stance on many of the issues facing this term of council members. I would also think it only fair that any candidate throwing their hat in the ring that hasn’t run for that position in the last four years would have the good manners to enlighten the voters to who they are, what they know, and how they feel about pertinent issues. This would give us the voters a chance to make a decision on who we feel most qualified candidate would be and then let all the council members currently serving know exactly how we feel about it before they make their decision.

    I will reiterate that I truly feel that Austin Sass is the only correct choice to fill this seat, but I do urge all the folks that feel this is an important turning point for our town, and whether you agree with me or not, please let the council know how you feel! It is their job to listen to their constituents, so please speak up!

  3. Concerned citizen says - Posted: January 11, 2013

    Lovell. Go away.

  4. Bob says - Posted: January 11, 2013

    The public voted for Sass, not the other 2 unknowns. Thanks, Claire.

  5. Robert says - Posted: January 11, 2013

    Thats what we need the unknowns!
    The public did not vote for Sass
    he is a two time loser!hey need new blood.

  6. Steve says - Posted: January 11, 2013

    End the nonsense. Dissolve the city.

  7. Krista says - Posted: January 11, 2013

    2g. How’s it going? Happy New Year. I was thinking Scott since I took a class with him a while back. But, in all fairness I tend to agree with you.

    Come see us

  8. Deb Vreeland says - Posted: January 12, 2013

    I’m really impressed to learn that you have taken an interest in helping with local politics, Scott! Best to you –

  9. Irish Wahini says - Posted: January 12, 2013

    Lovell should go away — made enough mistakes for one city. We don’t know Scott or his intentions, but Sass was the runner-up & should be given a “go”!

  10. Ted Long says - Posted: January 12, 2013

    First, I love Steve’s comment, “dissolve the city” Despite the obvious out datedness of cities and the incredible financial waste and that the El Dorado County Grand Jury, after an extensive study strongly recommended that the city was no longer relevant and wasted thousands of dollars of tax payers money, no one, I assume to protect there vested interested, even bothered to look.
    On the issue of the appointment, first Claire should of stepped down sooner and let the election decide, she knew she was going and the people should really be allowed to make the choice. Having said that, the only one to actually stand was Austin, the others could have and one of them certainly knew the process very well. I assume it was determined that there was a better chance of getting appointed then elected, and it is a lot cheaper, so don’t run and rely on past connections to get appointed. The council really should let the people decide, that means Austin who would be the choice had Claire stepped down, and the only one to run.
    It seems of little matter that he is also qualified, let’s end the “popularity” contest and elect some one that actually knows what they are doing.

  11. Alex Campbell says - Posted: January 12, 2013

    Ted long !

  12. Centurion says - Posted: January 12, 2013

    It really is hard to understand the rumble to place Sass on the Council. Twice we (fellow City voters) choose not to elect him. Really, what part of that is confusing?

  13. fromform says - Posted: January 12, 2013

    glass half empty or full: austin sass got the third highest vote total, so logically he is the next in line and should be appointed.

  14. dumbfounded says - Posted: January 12, 2013

    Decommission the City, now.

  15. Garry Bowen says - Posted: January 12, 2013

    Only South Lake Tahoe politics could rationalize 3 “applicants” (same number of ‘candidates’ in the now 3-month-old election; normal succession in such a short timespan would be the next highest number of votes, which we know is Austin Sass – but true to SLT’s convoluted politics, the rush is on to have “another election”, this time giving the Council the choice (outside the election cycle) – a sure recipe for “more-of-the-same”.

    As to comments about Mr. Sass being a “2-time loser” (ridiculous!), please note (1) the vote differential between 2nd & 3rd in November, and (2) the overall total in the whole SLT election, which has always been low enough to keep the “same old” in place, as old-timers know they can count on the same voters over & over & over.

    As a ‘default’, Mr. Sass would still qualify as “new blood”, in that Mr. Grego had two terms and was voted out, and also Kathy Lovell had two terms, but chose to step down, like Ms. Fortier.

    Does anyone still wonder how we ended up where we are under such conditions ? If not, why not?

    Another case of SLT shooting-itself-in-the-foot. Put Mr. Sass in Claire’s place, and let the correct election cycle happen.

  16. reza says - Posted: January 13, 2013

    To Ted, Gary and all, why should the sitting council do the obvious and put Sass in? Do you think council cares about the will of the voters? What are the consequences if they put their special boy or girl in? Voter revolt in the next election? Love to hear everyone’s thoughts because this is about plain and simple fairness and doing the right thing.