4 file for S. Tahoe council seat; 5th application on its way

Two former councilmembers who left on their own accord, a planning commissioner who has twice run for the council unsuccessfully, and a political newbie/college instructor are vying to be the fifth member of the South Lake Tahoe City Council.

The four are — Kathay Lovell, Bill Crawford, Austin Sass and Scott Valentine.

A fifth candidate has told Lake Tahoe News he is definitely going to submit an application — that would be another former councilman, Bruce Grego.

“I assure you I will be filing. There is no question in my mind,” Grego said Jan.16.

Anyone else wanting to be a candidate has seven working days to file for the vacancy created by Claire Fortier’s early departure. Jan. 25 at 5pm is the deadline to apply.

Interviews will be at the Jan. 29 9am council meeting, with swearing in likely that day. If the four electeds can’t decide on a person, there will be an election in June.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report