7 people in running for 1 South Tahoe council seat


Updated: Jan. 24 11:35am

By Kathryn Reed

The four South Lake Tahoe council members will have at least seven people to choose from to fill the vacant seat.

Five had turned in papers, with two more turning in papers today – Brooke Laine and Bruce Grego.

Laine is a former council member, having stepped down in 2002. That was the year Kathay Lovell was elected. Lovell also wants back on the council. She chose not to run after eight years on the council.

Grego was on the November ballot for re-election — to which voters said no to him.

Bill Crawford, another ex-councilmember, is also contending for the seat. He, like Lovell, also chose not to run in 2010.

Austin Sass, who has been on the Planning Commission, but did not seek reappoint this week is running. He has been on the ballot twice and voters have not selected him.

Lake Tahoe Community College instructor Scott Valentine and chiropractor Howard Bittner are the two political newcomers vying for the seat.

People have until 5pm Jan. 25 to fill out the application.

The seat came open when Claire Fortier in December quit two years into her four-year term. Laine was Fortier’s campaign manager.

All candidates will be interviewed starting at 9am Jan. 29 at Lake Tahoe Airport.

“I will be conducting a randomized alphabet drawing similar to the process the California secretary of State uses which is set forth in the California Elections Code to determine the order of interviews,” City Clerk Suzie Alessi said in an email.

The council will set the interview process that morning. Mayor Tom Davis will be participating via teleconference, which means all votes will be by roll call. The four could use a coin flip to decide who the fifth candidate is or some other method if there are not three votes for one candidate, or they could call for an election in June.




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Comments (30)
  1. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    We need a special election to fill this seat! I know I’ve said this before but I feel it needs to be repeated. Put everyone who has filed to fill the seat on the ballot as well as the other things affecting this community.The loop road, parking meters, the hole, more dog parks,city boat ramp, SnowGlobe, increased funding for city works and projects.
    Put it on a ballot and I’ll bet you’ll be surprised at the turnout at the voting booth.The good residents of this town need to be heard!
    Old Long Skiis

  2. Concerned citizen says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    More taxes? Are you nuts? Its time government lives within its means, especially SLT City.

  3. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Concerned citizen’
    What I’m suggesting is raising revenue for the city as well as local busineses not thru taxes but building on what we already have. A beautiful lake and surrounding mountains and a great little town. More tourisim= more dollars…for everybody. Thats what will help pay for the improvements I suggested. More folks shopping localy, increased tourist traffic,starting new events in the”shoulder season”. Maybe they wont entierly pay for improvements but they sure would help offset the costs of said improvements.
    How do we get these ideas going? Well there’s an old saying”sometimes you’ve got to spend money to make money”. So yes there will be an initial outlay of cash but if done properly the rewards could be great not only for the community as a whole but for the city coffers as well.
    I don’t want higher taxes but I also don’t want to see my town degrade any further into just a bunch of old empty homes and boarded up commercial buildings with for rent signs on them.
    So. Shore? WE CAN DO THIS!Old Long Skiis
    p.s concerned citizen, maybe I am nuts.

  4. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Maybe this does need to be on a ballot, as so many are jumping in. This will be a very hard decision for the council to make, and people will probably call them out, no matter who they pick.

  5. dryclean says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Old Long Skis, this council will never allow the voters to decide those issues. They don’t trust the public. Besides, with so few people voting , only 25% of the residents will decide our future. Not good.

  6. Irish Wahini says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Most issues Ols listed should be addressed at city council meetings. Maybe council meetings could be held at ltcc 1x per month instead of way out in the county. Advertise meeting agenda better &encourage student-parent attendance. Maybe a class could be offered to educate folks on how local gov,t works, & get community more engaged.

    I also think the council needs fresh blood, & Kathy & bill should back off, as we continue to stare at the hole, etc. shame on Claire, but bring in the runner-up

  7. Toogee says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    1 or 100 folks throwing their hat in the ring, there is only one correct action the sitting Council members should take to replace the seat that Claire Fortier should have vacated before the November election. And that is to appoint Austin Sass, who had Claire thought more about the city and less about herself, would be currently sitting in that seat by virtue of receiving the third most votes. Add to that that this town is itching to have new blood on the council, yet 4 of the six candidates fall into the ‘old blood’ category! Just remember council members, your own future within the city council will weigh heavily regarding what action you choose to take in this situation.

  8. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Old Long Skiis, you aren’t nuts but you are overly optimistic that city government is the answer.
    The beautiful lake and surrounding mountains are there. What is needed is a vibrant local economy which accomplishes your goals. More folks shopping locally will happen if the local business offers what residents want at a competitive price. No one wants to spend the money in gas to drive off the hill. They do it to save money. Increased tourist traffic should be attracted by businesses offering something attractive to bring the tourists to use their business as well as the lake and mountains. New “shoulder season” events is great and things like SnowGlobe came here without it costing the city money. They did it because they could make money.
    Get the Council to focus on enabling business to do their job not putting up roadblocks like paid parking, etc.
    I want our town to thrive but I don’t the city budget should be spent on things better done by business.

  9. John S says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    It’s my opinion that there should be an election. The Council should not have the final say. They should get 1 vote like everyone else.

  10. fromform says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    my original position on this was that austin sass should be appointed, respecting the earlier election results where he placed a strong third. while i maintain that this is the no brain solution to this fiasco, i can see that the current council, like any power structure, will do what it can to preserve its perceived power position and appoint another of its own. so…put it to the voters, then get a judgement against the fortier maneuver for the cost of said election…

  11. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    It is my hope that the recently adopted TRPA Regional Plan Update (providing it’s not legally challenged with the intent to delay its implementation forever) will provide the opportunity for increased investment in this community via streamlined and less costly and prohibitive regulations so that new and existing businesses, individuals, and jurisdictions wanting to perform upgrades will have the ability to do so more easily and affordably. It’s not the only answer but it’s a step in the right direction. I agree with Long Skiis that this town can’t take any further degradation into a collection of old empty homes and boarded up commercial buildings, and I agree with Careaboutthecommunity that this will be difficult for the City Council, with whatever decision made being criticized. You can please some of the people some of the time, and some people you can never please.

  12. A.B. says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    I don’t vote in this jurisdiction, so my opinion is truly objective. South Lake Tahoe just had an election a few weeks ago. Mr. Sass lost, but received the next highest number of votes to the candidate who won and now sits on the City Council. Logic dictates that Mr. Sass should be appointed. He was the voters choice. If the council cannot see the logic and equity in this, they should call for a special election.

  13. Nrtnlites says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    I hope we get someone a little more progressive in there. The current council seems stuck in 1970. The reasons presented for not approving the plastic bag ban proved our council is living in the dark ages. I am optimistic too , though , that some day this town will live up to all of its potential! We live in a BEAUTIFUL place and we need a beautiful town ! There is absolutely no reason for this town to NOT be making money and have all the suggested improvements in place. THe only problems are poor management and old school managers!!

  14. Dude says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Just a quick response to A.B. and all others calling for Austin Sass to be appointed. Just because he received 3rd place in votes doesn’t mean he was the choice of the voters. If we had been voting for 3 seats instead of two, who is to say he would have gotten that 3rd seat as people may not have voted for him in the same numbers. By appointing a new member it would give that person the power of incumbency in the next election. If the seat was going to be voted on in 6 months or so I’d say go ahead and appoint someone, but this seat won’t be up for reelection for over a year.

    As costly as it is I believe a special election is the only fair way to resolve this mess.

  15. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Well this should be interesting. I wonder if three of the four sitting Councilmembers will actually agree on one appointee. Bet this goes to a special election.

  16. reza says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Lovell ran Cole’s campaign. Lovell solicited support from people in town for Grego’s campaign. Cole, Lovell and Grego went to high school together. Crawford detests Lovell and Grego. Lovell, Grego, Cole and Crawford were cited by a grand jury for poor behavior because they could not get along. Davis is best friends with Cole. Laine has been in political hiding for what, 15 years? Now all we need is Ted Long to enter the fray and for Claire to come back and toss her hat in the ring and all will be right in the little world called South Lake Tahoe.

    Ought to be interesting and great drama or comedy depending on how you look at things. Bookies should take odds on who takes a shot at who first. Seems like Sass and Valentine will be children playing with this seasoned lot of ex’s.

  17. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: January 24, 2013


    What about Steve Kubby? That would really round out the group!

  18. Bijou Bill says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Where are the pro-worker candidates? Where are the voices of the Hispanic community? Nothing is EVER going to trickle down in this community or any other. Let’s get some people promoting the success of middle class families with living wage jobs. I’m hoping that my vote for JoAnn Connor was a start. That’s how we grow, from the middle out.. not from the top down.

  19. JSB says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    With the current council under MAJOR scrutiny and ridicule, as usual, the June ballot seems the politically correct venue to avoid any more drama.

  20. Beau says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    I think it would be best to have an election in June for the City Council seat and at the same time an initative regarding the Loop Road could be put on the ballot.

  21. tony colombo says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    My wife and I had businesses and residential property in SLT for 25 years. We were not allowed to vote on city issues because we lived in the county (2 miles away) It has been heartbreaking watching this town lose its airport, and have horrendous decisions made by inferior council members/mayors. 2 years crafting a community plan for the Y area that has been shelved. A grand jury that produced a scathing indictment on our council. Give Austin Sass his chance.

  22. Misty Diamond says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Bill Crawford! He was my high school English teacher and a great one at that!

  23. Tahoe Calm says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    To Tony:
    I agree it is so frustrating to be a business owner in the city, paying a multitude of taxes, fees and assessments but not having a vote since I have lived in the county since 1988. Not sure what the answer is to address this problem.

  24. Parker says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    While certainly not always agreeing with previous election results, in a democracy that’s how you should decide who the elected officials are! With all the blown money on consultants, I can’t believe anyone on the Council would say cost is a deterrent to holding an election. Seems more like an excuse to pick someone who’ll go along with the rest?!

    And if you want to be efficient, as others have said, put multiple City issues up for vote at the same time! But you’ve got to be kidding if you think this City needs more taxes or revenue sources!

  25. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 25, 2013

    Good comments from everyone,
    There is a glimmer of hope for this town yet! I spoke with councilwoman JoAnn Conner yesterday. She’s bright, inquisitive and willing to listen. Our new city manager Nancy Kerry also seems to be knowledgable of whats going on in the city on a variety of topics in regards to city business
    Tahoeadvocate? Yes, I am overly optimistic. Sorry, can’t help it.
    Reza? Good call. I went to school with some of these people who filed for office thats part of why I want an election, not an appointment. Let the people decide.
    4-mer-usmc. As one geezer to another, you always make sense no matter what the topic.
    Misty Diamond? Yes, Mr.Crawford was my english teacher to at STHS.Class of 72′. Go Bill!
    Old Long Skiis

  26. Ryan Payne says - Posted: January 25, 2013

    It’s my opinion that an ‘appointment’ will cost this town in a lot more ways than a special election would.

  27. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: January 25, 2013

    The comments, opinions and suggestions on this matter have been extremely thought provoking and have really run the gamut. It obvious that the City Council’s appointment of any one of these seven applicants will produce accusations of cronyism and ignoring the public’s will. To remain above reproach I think the City needs to bite the bullet and pay the $12,000 to $15,000 to conduct a June election and allow the public to make this decision. While some in the public may be unhappy with the outcome of an election and say that a small percentage of the voting constituency decided who will serve due to voter apathy, the conduct of an election will eliminate accusations that the City Council acts in their own interest and not in that of the publics. The applicants for this City Council seat not wishing to absorb the time and expense of an election campaign have the option of withdrawing.

  28. fromform says - Posted: January 25, 2013

    one more time: austin sass got the votes…however, since the council will protect its own with an ‘appointment’, the context of the city’s fiscal track record makes the cost of a special election moot. i also think said election should be limited to this council seat.

  29. Centurion says - Posted: January 25, 2013

    In light of the recent arrest of Johnny Poland it’s appropriate to remind people that Bill Crawford strongly supported Poland. Check the record, Crawford and Birdwell voted to have Poland returned to work when he was fired. Just another example of poor decisions by Bill Crawford that seriously endangered the public.

    I think an election is the best course, but if Council decides to appoint it should be someone that will not run in two years. That would give them an unfair encumbent advantage.

  30. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: January 25, 2013


    You’re absolutely correct about Bill Crawford’s support of Johnny Poland. I think that Birdwell’s support of Poland was at Crawford’s manipulation since he used Mr. Birdwell as his puppet to execute many of his dirty deeds.
    Perhaps the public should demand an apology from Crawford, much like his all too frequent demands for such by individuals whom he thinks have transgressed.

    NO on Bill Crawford!