Gun rights advocates gather in Carson City


Thousands of people gathered in state capitals across the nation Saturday to rally against stricter gun control measures.

One of these “Guns Across America” rallies happened in Carson City.

Hundreds gathered outside the capitol and Legislature buildings in Carson City around noon Saturday. They waved signs about the second amendment as passing drivers honked in support.

Participants do not agree with the gun control proposals being discussed in Washington, D.C.

“We are not criminals,” said Corey Hornemann of Carson City. “These are the faces of actual, working, adult people that own weapons and we go out shooting and we have a good time. It’s a sporting event.”

A couple of days ago, President Obama unveiled a sweeping package of gun control proposals. Those proposals come after last month’s deadly school shooting in Newtown, Conn.

“Every time we have an incident like this in our country, all of the progressives, the liberals, the elites, they think they know better,” said Bill Miller of Carson City. “Well, you know what? We the people know better. Been that way for 300 years. Not going to change.”

The crowds also say Saturday’s rallies are about protecting the Second Amendment.

“This is not a partisan issue,” said P.J. DeGross, an organizer of the event. “This is not Republican. It’s not Democrat, black, white, old, young. This is about our Constitution, and this should be important to every American citizen to preserve our rights. We can’t afford to have legislation to take away our rights.”

DeGross says the second amendment also protects Americans in their right to protect themselves.