Nobel Prize winner to talk climate change at Tahoe forum

Chris Field, a 2007 Nobel Prize team winner and lead author of the study on the effects of global climate change, is the keynote speaker at Operation Sierra Storm Meteorologist Conference in Stateline on Jan. 10.

Field, was the co-chair for Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the 2007 Peace Prize with former Vice President Al Gore. He’s the director of the Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science at Stanford University and a 2009 Heinz Award recipient.

The three-day conference combines education, topical and newsworthy discussions, networking opportunities and live broadcasts from news affiliates throughout the West Coast. Attendees include television meteorologists from Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Diego, Sacramento, San Francisco and Reno.

This year’s conference will examine current and future climate change expectations, policy matters, Hurricane Sandy and avalanche forecasting, awareness and safety.

Field’s presentation is open to the public. It will be from 8-9:30am at Harveys Cabaret Theater. Seating is limited. RSVP online by 5pm Jan. 7.