Push Fitness not changing hands


By Kathryn Reed

While one owner of Push Fitness is headed for federal prison, the other intends to operate the South Lake Tahoe gym.

“I’ll be running it,” Irene DiMatteo told Lake Tahoe News.

Her husband, Gino, has pleaded guilty to drug charges. The plea deal has him likely to receive a five-year-sentence on April 27.

The city issued a business license for the fitness center to Redemus COA 2 LLC, represented by Gino and Irene DiMatteo. Redemus COA 2 LLC is also registered with the state Secretary of State, which shows a valid business entity under the name Gennaro DiMatteo.

The DiMatteos bought the gym from Tim Christenson last year after City of Angels II, a medical marijuana dispensary they owned, closed.

The building and property where the gym are located are owned by someone else.

The feds have not seized the business or the DiMatteos’ South Tahoe residence. They have confiscated four bank accounts totaling about $40,000. Three of those accounts were in Gino DiMatteo’s name and one in City of Angels II.

“Right now the government has only filed against his bank accounts,” Lauren Horwood with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Sacramento told Lake Tahoe News.



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Comments (14)
  1. john says - Posted: January 22, 2013

    What a joke! Everybody knows that the only way the gino purchased the gym was because he made so much money in illegal transactions under COA’s protective umbrella. You would be an idiot to believe that he made enough money legally to buy his big house and all the businesses that he is now making money from. Goes to show what you can actually get away with. The justice system has failed us yet again. N Irene was doing the books and was a huge part of COA’ day to day (illegal) operation. Why is she still running a tattoo shop that was opened strictly for the purpose to launder money. She is a criminal too. To hand her the businesses that were to run which were bought with drug money is a slap in our community’s face. But I guess thats what happens when your a snitch. Along way from smoking meth allday in some dilapidated camper, huh Irene?

  2. Lisa says - Posted: January 22, 2013

    Doesn’t seem fair that they can keep all their drug money purchases. Crime does pay. While I struggle to live life legally…and poor.

  3. jason says - Posted: January 22, 2013

    I thought he was in trouble for trying to bribe a public official… not drug sales… gotta love are corporate tax laws

  4. Parker says - Posted: January 22, 2013

    Even if one believes marijuana should be legal, the reason the govt. needs to prosecute those who illegally deal it, is for a fair society! Maybe an honest citizen wanted to purchase the gym, but didn’t have as much money as Gino?

    Breaking the law shouldn’t be rewarded! Or is the message if you want to get ahead, engage in illegal activities?!

  5. Ted Long says - Posted: January 22, 2013

    Once again a lot of reaction without any facts. While I can not disclose the terms of the gym purchase I can say there was not a lot of money involved. And, as far as I can tell Gino has a mortgagee on his house just like the rest of us.
    That’s not to mention the fact, you know facts, that the dispensary was legal under California law and there are thousands of them currently operating every day in this state, Gino was closed, out of the business, for over three months when he was arrested.

  6. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: January 22, 2013

    And Gino is a saint and everyone is picking on him that is why he is in the slammer. Give me a break.

  7. nature bats last says - Posted: January 22, 2013

    good riddance to bad rubbish

  8. Parker says - Posted: January 22, 2013

    So he was arrested for doing something legal? He plead guilty to not breaking the law?

  9. Lisa says - Posted: January 22, 2013

    Ted….. I know almost every aspect of the Push deal. YOU ARE WRONG! Stop defending the people that make “legal” pot dealers look bad.

  10. hmmm... says - Posted: January 23, 2013

    oh…i thought it was PUS fitness. that’s what the sign says!

  11. Aaron says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Attorney’s are paid to defend clients. Regardless if they are law abiding or not.

  12. Virginia says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    Personally, I would never hire a lawyer who discusses ANYTHING about a client’s case in an open forum such as this. I don’t care if details were omitted or not. Tacky and unprofessional beyond belief.

  13. thing fish says - Posted: January 24, 2013

    “the reason the govt. needs to prosecute those who illegally deal it, is for a fair society!”
    (robot voice)
    *does not compute* *prosecution of marijuana offense /= fair society* *catastrophic logical paradox* *initiating self-destruct procedure* *3….2…..1….*
    *execute consume_ethanol.bin*
    *reality crisis averted*

    that was a close call. you almost destroyed a robot.

  14. Parker says - Posted: January 25, 2013

    Sorry you can’t understand the concept of a level playing field?!