Push Fitness not changing hands

By Kathryn Reed

While one owner of Push Fitness is headed for federal prison, the other intends to operate the South Lake Tahoe gym.

“I’ll be running it,” Irene DiMatteo told Lake Tahoe News.

Her husband, Gino, has pleaded guilty to drug charges. The plea deal has him likely to receive a five-year-sentence on April 27.

The city issued a business license for the fitness center to Redemus COA 2 LLC, represented by Gino and Irene DiMatteo. Redemus COA 2 LLC is also registered with the state Secretary of State, which shows a valid business entity under the name Gennaro DiMatteo.

The DiMatteos bought the gym from Tim Christenson last year after City of Angels II, a medical marijuana dispensary they owned, closed.

The building and property where the gym are located are owned by someone else.

The feds have not seized the business or the DiMatteos’ South Tahoe residence. They have confiscated four bank accounts totaling about $40,000. Three of those accounts were in Gino DiMatteo’s name and one in City of Angels II.

“Right now the government has only filed against his bank accounts,” Lauren Horwood with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Sacramento told Lake Tahoe News.