Snippets about Lake Tahoe
• El Dorado County will no longer maintain an older version of its website address. The website address will be decommissioned Jan. 31. The county’s current website address,, will remain unchanged.
• The Nevada Small Farm Conference is Feb. 21-23 at John Ascuaga’s Nugget in Sparks. For more info, contact (775) 351.2551 or email
• Parents affiliated with Whittell High’s grad night are organizing a fundraiser at the Raw Bar. “Whittell’s staff is not involved, nor is this a school sponsored activity,” Principal Crespin Esquival is letting LTN readers know. Other parents have raised concerns about the location of the fundraiser.
• Whittell High School’s Winter Formal, which is for all grades, is Feb. 8 at the Presbyterian Conference Center at Zephyr Cove. Tickets are $30 per couple for students in grades 9-12, and $10 per person for students in grades 7-8. The high school dance is from 8-11pm, and middle from 5:30-7:30pm.
• “Vagina Monologues” is Feb. 22-23 at 7pm at the Blue Angel Cafe in South Lake Tahoe. Tickets are $15. The money goes to CASA, Live Violence Free, Tahoe Youth & Family Services, and Zawadisha. Tickets are available through CASA and at the door.