Swim program trains athletes for triathlons

The Tahoe Tri Club meets for swimming at the South Lake Tahoe Parks and Recreation Complex on Fridays from 4:30–5:30pm and 5:30–6:30pm, as well as Sundays from 5:30-6:30pm.

Cost is $6 per hour at the city pool located at 1180 Rufus Allen Blvd. All ages, kids and adults (in different lanes) are welcome, but must be independent swimmers who can comfortably swim 25 yards.

Tri Swim is a training program targeted specifically toward the swim portion of triathlons: efficiency, endurance, and open water swimming. A coach prepares drills that emphasize the building blocks of a swimming style suitable for triathlons.

For more information, contact Alex Furrer at alex@tahoetriclub.com or (530) 208.9758.