Bert Joseph Lucido — 1952-2013


A celebration of life for longtime Lake Tahoe Unified School District bus driver Bert Joseph Lucido will be Feb. 2 at 1pm at St. Theresa Catholic Church in South Lake Tahoe.

Mr. Lucido died Jan. 25 from injuries related to a fall. He was 60.

Bert Lucido

He was born Oct. 8. 1952. Mr. Lucido spent most of his life in South Lake Tahoe, having moved to the city in 1958.

Mr. Lucido always had a smile on his face as he drove the yellow bus and was always waving to people. The South Tahoe High grad had also worked for South Tahoe Public Utility District.

He liked all kinds of sports, but it was the San Francisco Giants and 49ers that he rooted for most often.

Mr. Lucido is survived by his wife Del, daughter Dani, mother Frances, sister Francine, brothers John and David, nephews Greg and Tommy, and niece Alexa.

In lieu of flowers, an account has been established at Wells Fargo Bank to provide for the continuation of his daughter’s college education. Donations may also be sent to any charity for the blind in honor of his nephew, Tommy.



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This article was written by admin


Comments (19)
  1. FULL TIME says - Posted: February 1, 2013

    It will not be the same in town without
    Bert and his smile. God bless Bert and his family, I’m so sorry for your loss.

  2. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: February 1, 2013

    Bert Lucido was a truly great guy. He had a big heart that was equal to his big smile. I’m gonna miss him as I’m sure many of us here on So. Shore will as well.
    My condolences to the Lucido family.
    Bob Rockwell

  3. Dogula says - Posted: February 1, 2013

    I’m very sorry for his passing.
    I didn’t know who he was. But I saw him all the time, driving by, or at the post office, or around town. He always met my eyes, and he always smiled. Like he knew me. I wondered who he was. Now I know. What a nice man.

  4. Gail Kolb says - Posted: February 1, 2013

    He always waved at us, knew our cars. Put you in a good mood. So sorry for his family.

  5. Michael Thompson says - Posted: February 1, 2013

    A true Local.

    RIP and condoences to his family and Freinds

  6. John S says - Posted: February 1, 2013

    RIP Bert. I knew Bert and he always had a smile on his face. He always used to stop by New York Pizza after getting done with his route and have a beer. He always made a point to wave at me if he saw me out running too.

  7. Michael Clark says - Posted: February 1, 2013

    So sorry to hear of this loss to our community and to his family. We will miss him dearly. I waved to Bert almost daily as he waved back while we drove around this town doing our jobs. Always a smile and a friendly wave. RIP.

  8. Cat Lapper says - Posted: February 1, 2013

    Sincere condolences to Bert’s family. I will miss his waves and that big friendly smile. As other long time locals know he was always one to improve your day. We trained our dogs together with Guy–I hope Del, Dani, and “Noodles” their dog take comfort in the community’s heartfelt sympathy-We all loved him and he will be sorely missed.

  9. Cat Lapper says - Posted: February 1, 2013

    No, It was “Nibbles”, the dog, not “Noodles”! Ooops, sorry….or “Nibs” to those in the know….

  10. Bijou Bill says - Posted: February 1, 2013

    That picture of Bert in the article is perfect. That’s the smiling face of the guy I remember busing my wife, daughters and granddaughters to and from their classrooms all over town. All the best from my family to the Lucido’s and theirs. RIP

  11. Welding chick says - Posted: February 2, 2013

    RIP Animal!!! U will be missed……u were not just a local u were a part of Tahoe! U don’t know it, however u became a symbol of our community! I am grateful for all of the years you took care of Tyler! Thank you for all the years of smiling at us, waving every time u saw us, the caring and kindness to our kids and most of a

  12. KarenAllen says - Posted: February 2, 2013

    What a very sad loss this is, for his family and also for the community at large. Bert has touched so many lives over the years and his smiling face will be missed by so many. I could always count on at least one smile to start each day as we passed on the same corner in our morning travels. Whenever Bert was driving my kids around or off on trips, I always felt safe because I knew it was Bert at the wheel. It just doesn’t seem fair that someone that provided kindness to all should be taken away so early. My thoughts are with Del, Dani and the rest of his family.

  13. Virginia Glenn says - Posted: February 2, 2013

    I was so saddened to learn of Bert’s passing. He was truly a wonderful, caring person who loved his job and took great care of all the kids entrusted to him. Even after I retired he would always wave when I saw him around town. And his smile would cheer me up no matter what my mood. He spread happiness wherever he went. God bless you Bert.

  14. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: February 2, 2013

    In honor of Bert Lucido,
    Tommorow when your watching the Super Bowl and the 49ers make their first score, raise your glass and say “here’s to you Bert”. I think he’d like that.
    Old Long Skiis

  15. 30yrlocal says - Posted: February 2, 2013

    What a nice tribute today…I was stopped at the light by St. Theresa’s and saw police lights coming with a long time of school buses behind them. The CHP stopped traffic as the buses all turned to parade by the church. Very touching.

  16. Ginger Nicolay-Davis says - Posted: February 2, 2013

    A true loss to our community! Love and Prayers to his family.

  17. Tahoe Calm says - Posted: February 2, 2013

    It was wonderful to see the long line of school buses proceeding down Glenwood this morning, I assume they were going to the service. This is such a small town and Bert obviously made an impact on so many lives in this town.

  18. RC says - Posted: February 3, 2013

    Bert was a truly a NICE man. I will miss seeing him, but will probably always look for him every time I see the little bus go by.

  19. Stacy says - Posted: February 4, 2013

    To my sweet friend Francine, so so sorry for your loss~Love you Stacy