Ex-department head sues South Lake Tahoe


South Lake Tahoe’s former Community Services director has filed a lawsuit against the city.

Stan Sherer worked for the city from January 2011 to July 2012. He was hired by then City Manager Tony O’Rourke and fired by City Manager Nancy Kerry.

Five allegations are in the suit. They boil down to wrongful termination and age discrimination. Department heads are at will employees and do not have contracts with the city, nor are they part of an employee bargaining unit.

Stan Sherer

Sherer told Lake Tahoe News he is not able to comment on the suit at this time.

Nira Feeley, deputy city attorney, said the item would be on closed session March 5 for the City Council to discuss.

In the next week it should be decided if the matter will be handled in house or if outside counsel will be hired. City Attorney Patrick Enright leaves in May and Feeley is expected to go out on maternity leave in the summer for a short while.

The city was notified of the lawsuit on Feb. 11. There is a 30-day window to respond to the initial filing. The suit did not come as a surprise because Sherer had filed a claim against the city last year, which the council denied. This is the normal precursor to a lawsuit.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report



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Comments (10)
  1. Bob says - Posted: February 15, 2013

    Can the city sue Sherer to recover attorney costs after he loses this case?

  2. Aaron says - Posted: February 15, 2013

    Hmm, I’m seriously conflicted here. I went to Stan for help. He refused to do the right thing. I went to the City for help too, but they refused to do the right thing. Both Stan and the City failed to do what was best for the community. Merely passing the buck back and forth. That said, I take pleasure in knowing Stan is suing the City. Unfortunately, I’m no fan of the guy.

    I’m also curious as to who is representing him.

  3. reza says - Posted: February 15, 2013

    Kerry’s first lawsuit caused by actions she took. Lets see how this plays out and whether or not the city council will take action against her if the city loses or settles out of court. At her salary and little management experience it will be interesting to see if Cole, Davis, & Swanson made another bad choice. Anyone want to provide the early line?

  4. S. Cophant says - Posted: February 15, 2013

    Have you ever considered the scenario that all of these people and Gov’t agencies and the majority of citizens think that your opinion of the right thing is nonsense?

  5. copper says - Posted: February 15, 2013

    It’s going to be a long time before O’Rourke’s “thug” administration finally fully unravels and the city can get back to having a professional government. Not likely to happen until the voters quit putting the same old council relics back in place.

  6. Firebreaker says - Posted: February 16, 2013

    Seemd like there a lot of lawsuits in South Lake, what happened to the teacher’s lawsuit who was tased 3 times by the South Tahoe Police?

  7. Ginger Nicolay-Davis says - Posted: February 16, 2013

    @ Reza, Nancy Kerry is one of the smartest, hard working women I have ever met. You can ask anyone at the city right now and they will tell you the leadership has never been stronger. Her staff respects her and they are all working together for the first time in a long time. I am not sure where you got your info. on Nancy’s resume, but she is an amazing manager, just ask anyone on her staff or attend a city council meeting. She has a very difficult job and is doing it well! There is not enough money that would convince me to take a job like hers, working 7 days a week and 20 hours a day. It would be nice to see that our community stepped up to support our leadership instead of jumping to criticize them at every opportunity.
    Keep up the good work Nancy!

  8. Firebreaker says - Posted: February 16, 2013

    Even a tough critic of the City is going to give Nancy Kerry a chance to let her show us she can manage this city. The feedback is good as Ginger Nicolay-Davis says ” You can ask anyone at the city right now and they will tell you the leadership has never been stronger. Her staff respects her and they are all working together for the first time in a long time”

    So this is good and we need to support this.

  9. Laurie Brazil says - Posted: February 16, 2013

    Second that on Nancy K…there will be many good things to come from this proficient manager!!!!

  10. Aaron says - Posted: February 17, 2013

    S.cophant, do tell? You speak as if you know what my issue is.

    The issue overall is, all the parties involved are getting what they deserve. They are all incompetant bafoons. The more inept governing, the more lawsuits will be filed.

    What about that lawsuit where that skating coach is suing the City?