Letter: Thanks from Saint Joseph Community Land Trust

To the community,

Saint Joseph Community Land Trust wants to thank the St. Theresa Catholic Church Knights of Columbus for hosting its 10-year anniversary celebration with a free spaghetti dinner in Grace Hall. The excellent food and ambiance was appreciated by the board of directors and the many community land trust members in attendance.

Thanks also to Interstate Realty Management (IRM) who organized a free raffle for the event. IRM manages sierra Garden Apartments in South Lake Tahoe, one of the properties owned by Saint Joseph. America and Edher Sanchez, managers for Sierra Garden Apartments, obtained raffle prizes from the following local businesses: Starbucks, Key’s Cafe, Jalisco Grill, Taqueria Jalisco, 7-Eleven, and Big Daddy’s Burger. IRM also donated a free turkey for the event.

Saint Joseph Community Land Trust is a democratically-controlled nonprofit organization founded in 2OO2 to address affordable housing and life skills training needs for residents in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Lyn Barnett, president Saint Joseph Community Land Trust