Letter: Wyndham gives time to Bread & Broth

To the community,

Bread & Broth would like to extend its appreciation to the Wyndham Vacation Ownership for their sponsorship of an Adopt A Day of Nourishment on Feb. 18 at St. Theresa Church parish hall. Their generous donation of $250 provided the funds for the food, supplies and utilities needed to provide the hot, well balanced meal that was served to over 80 guests.

Sue Harley, Robert Trew, Jason Clarke, Jennie Asdal of Wyndham. Photo/Provided

Sue Harley, Robert Trew, Jason Clarke and  Jennie Asdal of Wyndham. Photo/Provided

Bread & Broth was also pleased to have four enthusiastic Wyndham Vacation Ownership associates working side by side with B&B volunteers. One Wyndham associate was Jason Clarke, marketing manager, who “thought it was a rewarding experience helping the less fortunate of our community and we plan to do it again.”

Joining Jason were his fellow associates Jennie Asdal, quality assurance rep; Sue Harley, recruiter; and Robert Trew, director of sales.

The sponsor volunteer crew did a great job packing give away bags and working on the dinner serving line.

As a nonprofit, non-denominational, all volunteer program, the efforts of B&B are contingent upon the generosity of individuals, organizations, churches and local businesses like Wyndham Vacation Ownership. Bread & Broth would like to thank Wyndham Vacation Ownership for their commitment to the South Lake Tahoe community and B&B’s goal of feeding the hungry.

For more information on Bread & Broth’s program, please contact me at (530) 542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth