S. Tahoe man who pulled gun on bar patron going to jail

Scott Enerson of South Lake Tahoe was sentenced Feb. 25 to seven years in prison.

Enerson pulled a gun on a fellow patron at Whiskey Dick’s in June 2012.

He pleaded guilty to felony assault with a firearm and the enhancement of using a firearm during the commission of a crime.

El Dorado County Assistant District Attorney Hans Uthe said Enerson and the victim presented compelling testimony at Monday’s sentencing hearing.

“Ultimately the crime was just far too serious for us to permit anything less than a state prison commitment,” Uthe told Lake Tahoe News. “ And, although he was fortunately not physically harmed, from what the victim, a really decent guy, said at sentencing, his life just isn’t going to be the same again either, and not in a good way.”

 — Lake Tahoe News staff report