Drug charges levied against 2 S. Tahoe residents

South Tahoe officers arrested a member of the Brotherhood motorcycle club on March 25 and confiscated weapons. Photo/Provided
Two South Lake Tahoe residents were arrested Monday on drug charges.
Police Officer Travis Cabral allegedly saw Ryan Marino, 29, buy drugs in a parking lot at the Y on March 25. Marino, who is a member of the local Brotherhood Motorcycle Club and an ex-felon, was stopped by Cabral outside a residence in the 1800 block of 10th Street. (Marino was riding an unregistered motorcycle.)
Cabral said he saw a fixed blade hunting type knife under Marino’s arm affixed to his vest, which led to Marino being frisked. During this search, Cabral said he found hypodermic syringes inside Marino’s vest and clear plastic packages
of what is suspected to be about a half ounce of methamphetamine in each baggie.
A warrant to search Marino’s residence was obtained.
Officers said in the room Marino shares with his 37-year-old girlfriend Shaleen Pierson they found a sawed-off shotgun, 12-gauge shotgun ammunition, a flare pistol and paraphernalia used to package illicit drugs for sale. Pierson was then arrested.
Both were charged with maintaining a residence to sell controlled substances, as well as a variety of drug and weapons offenses.
The investigation is continuing and additional arrests may be forthcoming. Officers intend to pursue with the District Attorney’s Office enhancement against Marino and Pierson for allegedly committing criminal offenses in the furtherance of a criminal street gang.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Get these kind of people out of this town!
No kidding! I would have guessed the woman was in her 50’s, yikes!
I watched that same woman in a drug deal recently. I watched the hand off. I called the people out on it and she told me she was handing the guy an NA card. Rigghhht……………..
Stupid is as stupid does. When you create a “nanny state” and people don’t have to work,contribute or be responsible this is what you get. We have developed generations of moochers.
The decline in society is and WAS predicted. For the 40 years since I was a kid predicted and warned about.
It not rocket science. It is history all over again.
Sure there are always the lowlifes but we are having an epidemic of the moocher class and it WAS predicted for Decades.
California, you are where you are because you follow who you follow.
Good job, Officer Cabral. God bless you and keep you safe.
I agree with Dogzombie. Also, It sounds as though Digital Content is posting on a different article….or needs to take a drug test…or go back to taking his psych meds…
Maybe you need to learn to read, hmmm. Our society is crumbling and DC pointed that out. Was your welfare or disability check late?
Good obs Officer Cabral. And what is the “allegedly” all about? Either he did or didn’t see what was going down.
I can read just fine, thanks. I am also quite capable of thinking for myself. When a “poster” takes the opportunity to go off on a rant that attempts to connect an arrest for possession of drugs… ostensibly with the intent to sell them, being a felon in possesion of an illegal firearm etc. to an unidentified and ubiquitous ‘prediction’ of doom for our state(country/species/planet/ universe) as a way of advocating who knows what it makes me think the “poster” is not wrapped too tightly. For you to jump in with your comments and ridiculous insults is laughable. Makes me wonder whether you two are wearing tin foil hats crafted from the same roll. Would care to tell me more about my source of income? Or would you rather comment regarding something you actually know something about? Now, as far as our society crumbling…i agree with you…and him. We would probably disagree on the causes of it though.
Sorry Kay…
Once again, Tahoe’s own does his job and does it well….now that’s a paycheck well earned…Thanks Travis!!!
Thank you to Travis and all the SLTP for keeping these druggies off our streets. These two people lived near our neighborhood and I am totally freaked out by just looking at them and having a gut instinct about their activities. There are several more of these types in the neighborhood of the Y (between patricia and tahoe Island drive) that are growing and selling drugs right out their front door. Please get them out of our neighborhood!!!!! If you want to find them just follow your nose-SKUNK!!!
Have any of the Good Old boys been in touch with Terry?
No good old boys have contacted Terry Trupp, Alex – unless they’ve gone to the great beyond. News outlets reported in August 2008 that he died of a staph infection somewhere down near Crestline, CA.
Digital Content is a either a complete moron or (more likely) a complete loser who gets his kicks posting inflamitory comments. Have you seen his video that “explains it all”? What a laugh! He or she keeps posting that SLT and California are horrible and corrupt. Let’s take up a collection and send this person a one way ticket to anywhere else.
This article tells a story about a simple drug bust. With the amount of heroin overdoses in our town in the past year, this bust should be one of many. Good job by a good officer.
Let’s hope this is only a start to cleaning up this small town’s huge drug problem.
Get off your hi-horse people, everybody goes thru hard times and makes bad choices, especially when on drugs. I know Ryan personally and he is the nicest most down right dude anyone could know. Sure he’s gotten himself into trouble, but none of you chumps know how he got there. As for you worried that he lived near you, you couldn’t have been more lucky to have him as a neighbor. Ryan doesn’t deserve all the jail time he is looking at. What he needs is a rehab facility and prayer. I will pray for all you judge mental people and for my brother in Christ Ryan Marino.
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Matthew 7:1-2
Brandon, 1) I dont care about your ideas on religeon. 2) Ryan earned what he is facing. Nobody forced him to choose to have a sawed off shotgun in his home while dealing. 3) Grow up, this isnt a middle school playground where people call each other names to start fights. 4) Glad we have that scum off the street.
High Horse indeed. Go look in the mirror. It should be time to acknowledge that both the war on drugs and merely incarcerating addicts and criminals WITHOUT serious rehabilitation have been expensive failures both economically and socially. You can’t just kill citizens, you can’t lock them away forever, you can’t just slap them on the wrist and have them talk about their ‘traumatic childhoods'(childhood trauma is a primary factor in a variety of adult’ issues’ and needs to be addressed, but that is a lifelong endeavor and certainly NOT a reason to excuse criminal behavior. You also can’t let addicts and serial criminal offenders just prey upon the populace. Maybe i am being judgmental..maybe. When I read “ex-felon…observed buying drugs…knife concealed against vest…sawed off shotgun(with ammo)….hypodermic syringe…clear plastic packages(as in ‘more than one’)with a half ounce of suspected drugs in each baggie and what appears to be intention to sell …AND driving an unregistered vehicle I think this is a bad egg. My judgmental nature says he’s not merely making a few bad choices. I have a hard time viewing him as a victim, regardless of him being a ‘brother in Christ’ or not. Turn him loose and you are asking for trouble. Tahoe has a drug problem. Tahoe is developing a gang problem, and with it a violence problem. I do not know the way out of the house of horrors we have created. What to do? There are no easy answers, which makes me think we’re asking the wrong questions. Hmmm…
What about the people that sold the drugs? Get all U white trash warriors outta here!
Brandon, thank you.
You all act like you’ve never known anyone, including yourself, who has ever been dealt a lousy deck of cards. Sometimes people aren’t as lucky as everyone else to not have to worry about how they’re gonna eat their next meal, or where they’re going to sleep next. Sometimes these are not personal decisions to go down this path of life, children learn by example, or learn survival methods like selling drugs because they never had a better example to look up to. These children become adults, and those things stick in their heads forever.
Ryan was a very good person. Excuse me, let me correct myself. Ryan IS a very good person, despite what happened. Tattoos don’t make a person, neither do drugs. Every ******* drug is all the same, a DRUG. That’s meth, cocaine, pot, heroin… And here’s a few possibly familar ones to you..?? ALCOHOL, NICOTINE, CAFFIENE… Any of you have ADD/ADHD? Guess what? Those people basically take meth in a pill, FDA approved. But those aren’t tweakers, right? They’re just struggling from a psychological disorder. How about anyone who has severe chronic pain somewhere in his or her body, like someone with arthritis for example, and is prescribed narcotic opiates so they can manage the pain. Most people become addicted to these. Grandparents become DEPENDANT on their pain killers, not because they’re in that much pain, but because its another narcotic legally dispensed that can and will become addicting. Heroin = opiates.
What I’m getting at, is if none of you personally know ryan or his girlfriend, don’t be so quick to judge. Guns don’t mean a damn thing either. Right next door in Nevada, no one would drop their jaws if they knew their neighbor had guns. It’s expected. Just because you may not be an ex felon, doesn’t mean you’re so perfect. Ryan was not a child molester or a murderer. Ryan’s a very, very respectful caring person, and a loving father and my heart breaks finding out about this, and reading these comments. Stop being so ignorant, and stop thinking so highly of yourselves. Everybody has a story, a story most people don’t know about. And until they do, they have no room to open their mouths. Open your minds a little bit, you will benefit from it in the future.
The only person in this world who has the right to judge anybody is God himself. I love how u dumb cops make it seem like it was so much more then it was. It’s funny how u have to exaggerate the story to make ur self look that much better. Nobody is perfect so to all of u out there making assumptions go to Hell.
I’m personally tired of bad behavior and poor and often dangerous decisions that can seriously impact other innocent people being blamed on having been dealt a lousy hand, having poor parental examples, or poor treatment as a child, which applies to probably 90-percent of the population. Nobody gets the “perfect” life. And when exactly do people ever need to assume responsibility for their own decisions, actions and behavior? Booze and drugs get blamed for a lot of society’s ills, but a bottle of booze doesn’t just pour itself down your throat, the individual makes a decision to acquire it and then drink it, and believe me the alcoholic knows they’re an alcoholic and what they’re doing is not a good choice, but they do it anyway and blame their addiction because they can’t comprehend not feeding that addiction. It’s the same thing with other drugs, and making excuses that an addictive agent is wholly responsible for someone’s bad behavior and dangerous actions removes all responsibility from the individual and places it elsewhere. But for some people and their enablers I guess that’s the intent. Denial perpetuates continued addiction. People have choices and they need to grow up and take responsibility for those choices.
@Realist-NONE of us had perfect childhoods. All of my siblings had hard, trauma filled childhood- so I guess I did too.. I have put my demons to rest. It is a daily process. I am still responsible for what I do or don’t do Not sure where you bought your Chemistry, Sociology and Psychology degrees but i hope they came with a 30 day money back guarantee. Your Quote….”Every ******* drug is all the same, a DRUG’ …Really? Please continue to educate us about the intricacies of brain chemistry and the similarities between hallucinogens, opiates, stimulants and high fructose corn syrup. “Guns don’t mean a **** thing either..” While you are at it, please give us some verifiable facts about gun ownership and gun violence in our country-
That’s ALMOST funny’non-ya’….first off…to Christians, god is NOT a person, and is NOT ‘in this world’ except through their Savior whom they readily and ignorantly kill daily, through his proxy(all of us)-and their church. Mystics seem to have a more direct access though. Secondly, you go after people for expressing an opinion by telling them not to judge and then you call the cops ‘dumb’ and accuse them of exaggerating specifics of the situation. Were you there? If you were, please clear things up for us. Thirdly, you continue your hypocrisy by telling those ‘making assumptions’ to go to Hell(No contradictions there!). Here’s the thing: a free society hinges upon accountability and personal responsibility(something our politicians, bankers and corporate leaders should remember). Ryan is a citizen, he knew what was expected of him as an ex-felon in relation to his freedom to possess weapons and drugs, and he chose to violate those tenets. He will have his day in court. Who knows, maybe we’ll both sit on the jury. If not, maybe I’ll see you in the Hell you in your Christian wisdom and charity and non-judgment have just attempted to consign me to. But I doubt it. Happy Easter.
Im still very thankful that these two druggies and gun lovers are off the streets and out of my neighborhood. Everyone has a past and a story. They hopefully will have years and years of nothing but time to think about their choices and write their stories. Hopefully the ending will be something worth writing about.
@ hmm says. Unless u know Ryan personally then you don’t know anything about him or his childhood or how he’s was raised, so I suggest u keep ur mouth shut. And if I was or wasn’t there is nobodies business but I do love that those pigs sugar coated everything they could and it wouldn’t matter if I really told what happened that day or not because all any body is going believe is what the pigs said happened, and unless u were then I guess u really don’t have anyroom to talk either. I sure wish I could meet u in person to see if all this talk matched up with the face.
Ya that’s what I thought
@ non-ya…I’v been thinking about your recent posts directed at me for a while, carefully considering my words….and I’m sort of split in three directions. Your words and the tone of them sound like those of someone looking for a fight. There are insults, curses and a veiled challenge-I remember 7th grade too. Sorry, you won’t get these from me. Regarding your friend and his alleged crimes: Nobody here is stupid. Everybody knows what they are doing and if Ryan has had issues with the law, and addiction, he knows exactly what will and won’t get him in what kind of trouble. He knows how to get help. He also knows he won’t get a pass because of his upbringing. Regarding his past: You are right… . I don’t know anything about his childhood; how he was raised, what he’s been through, what he is a survivor of. AND I DON’T CARE. Not because I’m not a caring person(I am), not because I don’t think our families, and society doesn’t mess people up(-I do, wholeheartedly). Not because I don’t think addiction is devastating to individuals and families in particular and society in general. I think it is. I KNOW IT IS. I don’t care about his childhood because it’s none of my business. What he DOES IS, if it puts me or my family at risk, even inadvertently through the ripples it creates. That’s the problem with addiction: Nobody lives in a vacuum. Addiction treatment in this country is a joke…doomed to failure from the onset because our society doesn’t want to admit that it makes people crazy, or look at how it makes them crazy and make the changes necessary to do otherwise. Better to blame the individual. The history of my own family is full of stories of addictions and the painful fallout from it-I am not unique in that. Some of my friends do drugs, some are ‘addicted’ some are not. That’s just how it is, and I do my best to care for the people I love, and support their making smart, healthy decisions. I try to be ‘there’ for them. If Ryan, or you for that matter were part of my circle of friends I would be reaching out, offering to help in what ways I could. But I’m not. I hear of an addict with a knife and shotgun and ammo in his house in a neighborhood I recently moved from. I gotta tell ya that doesn’t make me feel safer. Him being a ‘brother in Christ’ doesn’t make me feel any safer either. And you, telling me to go to hell, telling me to shut my mouth, talking some codedcrap challenge – about ‘seeing if the talk matches up with the face’ -(sounds like ‘meet me after school to settle this like ‘men’) doesn’t worry me much. Like I said, you’re not gonna get a fight. We are free to say what you want in America, shy of hate speech, making threats or yelling ‘fire’. What we DO is a different story, we are a country of Law…flawed as it is. If you want to live in a country where people aren’t allowed to express their opinions, maybe you want to look towards emigrating to Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Myanmar or North Korea or any of a host of other countries. I truly hope your friend gets the help he needs. I am also glad he is off the streets though, because when my friends kids wants to buy drugs, at least it won’t be from him. As for you…not sure what to say. As a brother in Christ I hope you find peace.