Editorial: Nevada is wrong in busing mentally ill to California


Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the March 19, 2013, Sacramento Bee.

Nevada state mental health officials acknowledge that they bought bus ticket tickets for at least 99 psychiatric patients and sent them to California since last July.

They acknowledge one mistake, sending James Flavy Coy Brown, a 48-year-old man who had been housed in Rawson-Neal Psychiatric Hospital in Las Vegas, on a bus to Sacramento with a three-day supply of the antipsychotic medication thorazine and a few bottles of Ensure.

For the rest, they suggest, the practice is humane. They say their intent is to try to reunite mentally ill people with their family and friends. They say they’re adhering to the wishes of patients who want to leave Nevada for California.

In reality, they are abdicating their responsibility to care for vulnerable people. They are engaging in Greyhound therapy and they are dumping patients on California.

In a hearing in Carson City last week, Nevada health officials acknowledge sending 99 patients to California. That doesn’t count patients they may have sent to other states. Given California’s experience, authorities in Arizona, Utah and other neighboring states ought to be aware of Nevada’s proclivities.

Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg called on U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to investigate Nevada’s dumping of James Brown. Now that Nevada admits busing 98 other human beings to California, Sebelius should expand her inquiry.

To understand the magnitude of what Nevada admitted, consider that a top mental health official in Arizona told the Bee in an email that she could not recall any instance in which that state had bused a psychiatric patient to California.

And in a recent six-month period, Oregon returned only one psychiatric patient to California, said a spokeswoman for the Oregon state hospital. That individual’s family paid transportation costs, indicating that the person had a place to sleep upon his or her arrival back home.

As the Nevada division of mental health policy states, “it shall be the policy … to assist patients who may be transported back to their home community in order to provide more appropriate care and to remove the burden of treatment from the state of Nevada.”

Most mental health care workers view their work as a calling and an honor. The Silver State, by contrasts, believes it is important to remove the “burden of treatment” by cutting funding for mental health care and busing seriously mentally ill individuals out state.

Nevada officials seek to justify their use of Greyhound buses by claiming they have a large number of transients. No doubt that is true. But California attracts far more wandering souls than does Nevada.

To be sure, there have been outrageous instances of patient dumping in California. But mental health officials here find virtually no instances in which they bus patients to other states. When they do, their policy is to make sure that someone is at the other end to meet and care for the individual.

Nevada authorities cite patient privacy laws to support their claim that they can provide no details about how the individuals fare once they arrive in California. Our guess is that Nevada authorities have no clue what becomes of the individuals they place on buses.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (12)
  1. sam the sham says - Posted: March 24, 2013

    They should fit right in especially if sent to Frisco or the state legislature.

  2. Laketoohigh says - Posted: March 24, 2013

    Or maybe they should give them a laptop and let them make asinine posts about things they have no clue about. California should bus all of their gun loving, socially backward thinking, racist, redneck, IQ below 80 individuals to Nevada. They would get lost in the shuffle. Or wind up as government officials.

  3. sam the sham says - Posted: March 24, 2013


    Repeat 100 times, ad hominem, ad hominem, etc.
    Were you born without a sense of humor or did you go to school to learn it? Are you upset your welfare check arrived late or just coming down from a ……high or more likely a ……low?

  4. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: March 24, 2013

    Perhaps what some bloggers to this site should attempt to consider is that this story discusses ill individuals in need of medical help for the treatment of their mental illnesses which just may help them become able to care for themselves and be contributing members of society. Instead these people are just shuffled off elsewhere to have who knows what happen to them since they are incapable of caring for themselves, and they may actually cause harm to someone else. This is the epitome of indifference to the condition of the ill, and individuals who find this amusing and make jokes about this are the epitome of the degradation of humanity.

  5. Laketoohigh says - Posted: March 24, 2013

    None of the above. Just have a soft spot in my heart for the mentally ill. For them to be treated like cattle is preposterous. The government of the great state of Neveda flings them away like a monkey flings its excrement and you make what you think is a funny joke? A clever witticism on the state of California or a shot at the unfortunate individuals involved? Either way, droll, very droll.
    As for the Laketoohigh thing, think elevation, not intoxication.
    Your roll, troll.:-)

  6. sam the sham says - Posted: March 24, 2013

    More likely that soft spot is in what is left of your brain. It is time for Alex the Jones, adios.

  7. thing fish says - Posted: March 24, 2013

    Alex Jones fan….

    “More likely that soft spot is in what is left of your brain.”
    “Repeat 100 times, ad hominem, ad hominem, etc.”
    And we have a hypocrite.

  8. sam the sham says - Posted: March 24, 2013

    Wake up and smell the fish pond. Oh that aroma.

  9. 'HagUpsFromWayBack" says - Posted: March 24, 2013

    Amen……nothing like stinking rotting fish from science fair to wipe out a species in the name of data.
    Alex is alright ,lease he spits it out.

  10. wayne says - Posted: April 14, 2013

    This should be a wakeup call to the ultra conservative States Rights proponents…can you imagine 50 states busing people all over, 50 sets of highway laws, 50 sets of bridge specs, 50 interpretations of the Constitution and on and on…

  11. MTT says - Posted: April 14, 2013

    This was never news to me. Everyone has known for years that Nevada (Reno, Carson city) put homeless bums disturbed on a bus usually to Cali. the community is a magnet for transient people. Why should they just take care of everyone who lands here and has issues.

    I do not think i have a problem with it. Send them back where they came from

  12. MTT says - Posted: April 14, 2013

    I will also point out that people come over the hill to Reno, blow all their money and end up stuck on the street. It is not uncommon for Reno police to buy them a bus ticket of some gas to get home. Its not talked about but a daily event.