Letter: Heavenly gang helps at Bread & Broth

To the community,

“Heavenly Mountain Resort loves supporting the work of Bread & Broth. It is so popular among the staff that there is a waiting list to come and volunteer. I enjoy helping on occasion and seeing firsthand what a difference a great meal has on the needy of South lake Tahoe. Thanks for the opportunity,” commented Heavenly’s envirnonmental manager, Frank Papandrea, at the end of his volunteer shift at Heavenly Mountain Resort’s March 11 Adopt A Day of nourishment.

Papandrea, along with Wren Buxton, dispatch supervisor; Tom Maugeri, security manager; and Jessica Sota, dispatcher represented Heavenly in supporting Bread & Broth’s efforts to serve the evening’s hot, nutritious meal.

Jessica Sota, from left, Frank Papandrea, Wren Buxton and Tom Maugeri of Heavenly. Photo/Provided

Jessica Sota, from left, Frank Papandrea, Wren Buxton and Tom Maugeri of Heavenly. Photo/Provided

The Heavenly crew bagged and distributed giveaways from local merchants and helped served the main meal, desserts and drinks. The B&B volunteers enjoy the hardworking and energetic sponsor volunteers from all staff levels of Heavenly Mountain Resort.

The B&B volunteers and the Monday evening guests feel fortunate and appreciate the monthly partnership that exists between Heavenly Mountain Resort, Heavenly employees and the Bread & Broth program. Feeding the hungry in our community is the goal of B&B and Heavenly Mountain Resort is a major time and monetary contributor to the program.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth