‘Monsanto Protection Act’ called outrageous, dangerous


By Michelle McGuinness, MSN News

A short-term spending bill has sparked intense debate about America’s food supply.

HR933 passed the Senate last week; President Obama signed it into law Tuesday. The bill helped the government avoid a March 27 shutdown. All of which sounds like standard procedure.

But activists are enraged over section 735 of the bill, the “Farmer Assurance Provision,” which they’re calling the “Monsanto Protection Act” and claiming could harm America’s food supply.

Monsanto is an agricultural biotechnology company that produces genetically engineered seeds. Opponents claim genetically modified organisms (GMOs) may be harmful to human health and environmental biodiversity.

“It’s outrageous,” said Dave Murphy, founder and executive director of Food Democracy Now.

“This is an ATM machine for Monsanto,” Murphy said. Monsanto “basically opened a new line of credit when they got this thing passed.”

Usually, any new GMO crops need to be approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and legal challenges can be filed to stop a seed from being planted until it undergoes a more vigorous review. But opponents of section 735, the “Monsanto Protection Act,” claim the bill eliminates regulatory checks and judicial review.

“It’s basically a corporate handout to Monsanto,” Murphy claimed. “It hurts every farmer. … Every consumer is at risk.”

In a statement to MSN News, a USDA spokesperson said, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack “has asked the Office of General Council to review this provision as it appears to preempt judicial review of a deregulatory action which may make the provision unenforceable.”

In an email to MSN, Kelly Clauss of Monsanto’s Public Affairs office said the Farmer Assurance Provision has enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress since June 2012.

“As we understand it, the point of the Farmer Assurance Provision is to strike a careful balance allowing farmers to continue to plant and cultivate their crops subject to appropriate environmental safeguards, while USDA conducts any necessary further environmental reviews,” Clauss wrote.

She said not only Monsanto, but other major grower groups like the American Farm Bureau Federation, the American Seed Trade Association, the American Soybean Association and the National Corn Growers Association supported the provision.

Clauss also provided a June 2012 letter to the House Committee on Appropriations signed by the groups cited as supporters.

“Opponents of agricultural biotechnology have repeatedly filed suits …. in order to disrupt the regulatory process and undermine the science-based regulation of such products,” the letter claims. It says the litigation has impeded the availability of new technology to growers and consumers.

The letter calls the provision a “positive step” that assures growers “the crops they plant could continue to be grown, subject to appropriate interim conditions, even after a judicial ruling against USDA.”

But that did not calm the worries of more than 250,000 people who signed a petition expressing their outrage at the passage of what they call the “Monsanto Protection Act.”

The petition alleges that the provision “forced USDA to immediately approve any permits for continued planting at the industry’s request, putting industry completely in charge by allowing for a ‘back door approval’ mechanism.”

Section 735 says the Secretary of Agriculture should “immediately grant temporary permit(s) or temporary deregulation” upon request from a farmer, grower, farm operator or producer.

Murphy said there was a protest at the White House March 27 that included a small group of local citizens.

“We gave Obama all the political cover he would need and he still caved,” he said.


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Comments (9)
  1. sandy says - Posted: March 29, 2013

    This is bad. Now check out the fact that the USA allows Human waste sludge to be put on farm lands. It is allowed to be put on fields for Organic crops and regular crops. Sprayed, tilled in, or pellets..all allowed. Farmers are paid to take this sludge and they fight for the wastewater plants to dump their sludge on their fields as they call it fertilizer. It is also included in most home use plant food, fertilizer, soil, potting mix, manure. Very few States do not allow it…most encourage its use. Wikipedia SLUDGE and read more. Then check the sites of your local known growers and you will see. No wonder children are sick in the head and are committing heinous crimes.Mental issues can be caused by these chemicals and diseases in sludge. Remember cantaloupe and lettuce contaminations ? And cancer ?? We are screwed.

  2. Heidi says - Posted: March 30, 2013

    It is not the question of “It could harm”. It is the fact that it does harm, it has been harming, it will destroy all natural ways to grow food! Its killing our pollinators, making us all sick with diseases. the President promised to stop this in his bid to get elected and has completely ignored our wishes as voters, so has Congress. This issue had NO BUSINESS being in this bill, period.

  3. Bob says - Posted: March 30, 2013

    We’ve become a fascist state. With 80% of those arrested on drugs it’s no wonder the government does anything it likes regardless of public response. Chemtrails – toxic clouds spread across our clear Tahoe skies have made the Monarch butterfly almost extinct. They spread aluminum, barium and more across the ground killing future food production. We’re forced to eat GMO foods – modified food. You can’t tell me our planet is not being modified for a purpose. The information is out there if you look for it instead of what Justin Bieber did last night.

  4. Sandra Myron says - Posted: March 30, 2013

    Obama has caved on many of his campaign promises: closing Guantanamo, putting and end to torture, getting rid of the Patriot Act, and closing the loop hole for Monsanto. GMO foods are dangerous to our health, not to mention a way to control the food supply. Folks, use your wallets to fight back. Our two-party system is nothing but a ruse….to keep us divided and distracted while they continue with their fascist agenda. I voted for Barack Obama with high expectations of him keeping his promises.

    Sandy Myron

  5. Scott Blumenthal says - Posted: March 30, 2013

    This is outrageous! Call, fax, email your representatives and get this overturned!

  6. Digital Content says - Posted: March 30, 2013

    Obama did this!

    He also changed the regs to allow for the slaughter of horses and for the meat to be used for human food.

    Then there is the change in the patent laws that really damages the playing field for the inventor and benefits the big corporate money.

  7. Digital Content says - Posted: March 30, 2013

    Don’t forget all the lies he told about OBAMA Care.

    Recent projections point to a 60 PLUS percent increase in the medical costs for Californians.


  8. MTT says - Posted: March 30, 2013

    The interesting thing to me, this is one thing in bill HR933 that again and allows the government to keep spending without a budget.

    No one seems to care. Don’t look here (Nothing to see) look over there.

    As for this particular issue, I am not sure.

    FYI human waste does make very good fertilizer

  9. thing fish says - Posted: March 30, 2013

    LOL Bob believes in chemtrails.

    You are right about healthcare.
    We need to control the costs and just nationalise the entire industry. The data on what we pay in this country compared to every other country is pathetic. And we end up with some of the worst indicator metrics on health.