Mountain bike trail work season to begin

The snow is melting, the lower trails are starting to be ridden, it’s time for mountain bike riders to get to work.

The first TAMBA Trail Day of the season is April 6 on the Whites Creek Trail in Galena. Workers will be fixing some damage from the winter storms, rerouting an eroding section of trail away from the creek and legitimizing a log ride-over to make it more solid and a permanent feature.

Meet at 9am at the Whites Creek Day Use Parking lot up the road from Timberline Drive. Wear long pants, long sleeves, and sturdy shoes and bring water and snacks. Lunch and post work refreshments will be provided.

Please RSVP on the Facebook event so organizers can plan tools and food.

There will be a second trail day at the same place on May 5 to do another reroute and build a “switchberm”.