Movie delves into bullying crisis in U.S.

From Sundance Award-winning filmmaker Lee Hirsch comes a cinematic, character-driven documentary following five kids and families over the course of a school year. Offering insight into different facets of America’s bullying crisis, the stories include two families who have lost children to suicide and a mother awaiting the fate of her 14-year-old daughter, who has been incarcerated after bringing a gun on her school bus.

With an intimate and often shocking glimpse into homes, classrooms, cafeterias and principals’ offices, “Bully” is a powerful and inspiring film.

Presented by Sierra Nevada College Teacher Education, the free screening of “Bully” will take place March 27 from 7-9pm in Sierra Nevada College’s Tahoe Center for Environmental Sciences (TCES), room 139-141, 999 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village.

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Comments (6)
  1. concerned says - Posted: March 26, 2013

    Why is it that with anti-bullying programs in just about every school Lee Hirsch says we’re in a crisis.
    Remminds me of programs to prevent pregnancies in school children. They have really done a great job?
    The braver new world is here.

  2. 30yrlocal says - Posted: March 26, 2013

    This movie should be seen by every family together. There is still a problem and you can’t leave it to the schools to teach, it must be taught at home (anti-bullying programs at school can just reinforce and bring awareness).

    I take my daughter to high school every day and am so surprised with the actions of some parents that are also driving their kids. Kids see their parents bully while driving so are we surprised that these kids will bully at school or when they learn to drive?

  3. Janice Eastburn says - Posted: March 26, 2013

    This is such a powerful film. I encourage families, children, and especially school personnel, to watch it and discuss it. If doing so helps to protect even one child it is worth it. I agree with you, 30 year local. Children learn what they live. The schools can only do so much to nurture the character of an individual child. But schools must take action so that the children within their walls are protected. Children’s lives are, literally, at stake here.

  4. Know Bears says - Posted: March 26, 2013

    This sounds like an important film.

    I’ve also witnessed bullying in the workplace and even among volunteers at nonprofits. Does anyone know of a film that addresses bullying among adults?

  5. concerned says - Posted: March 26, 2013

    Any volunteer that allows bullying and doesn’t walk away is a neurotic idiot. Sort of like bullying on facebook. You have to be pro-active to have it happen.
    It is another story when at work or at school where you have no choice but to show up.
    Any good film maker can make you believe anything they want. It can be called reality or propaganda, your selection.

  6. "HnagUpsFromWayBack" says - Posted: March 26, 2013

    Yes Bear the film the “Deer Hunter” about bullying who has got huge courage to take a chance.Watch try relate!

    Concerned, FACEBOOK SUCKS,Jesus get a life, grow up stop letting a bunch people living in fantasy world guide your ideas and weakness.It’s a bunch people looking for sex and companionship,attention, cause they don’t have it at home,so guess bullying on face book part the make believe feel good power trip,there’s no one there in the room to slap you when you get out line.Regardless if you hit someone or they hit you with ugly words, you just got make sure you can over come this curse on all people.

    Bullying part life, the strong rule the weak, not fair my any words but fact of life.
    People have to stand up to butts that have a bad life want blame everyone for their unhappiness,personalities,short coming,sucks.So they want get off by feeling power over you,”Stand your ground” ,grab a hand full courage and you might not win the fight but you might win the war in long term life.
    If people would cultivate as much love as they do HATE, it be better world for all us to share.
    Its not a castle or a shack that draws the lines in all our life’s, a happy home could be a tent on a reef on a island,open honest communication is important for people to feel good,yes there’s always going to be a bad apples to try spoil the whole bunch,just don’t get caught up in that they are worse or better,to be equal is what its all about.