Snippets about Lake Tahoe

lakeview commons• South Lake Tahoe received an Award of Excellence from the California Park & Recreation Society for Lakeview Commons at El Dorado Beach in the category of Park Planning.

• Here is the Caltrans roadwork schedule for this week in the El Dorado-Tahoe area.

• Bell Helmets is offering $100,000 split between three trail projects in categories of Pump Tracks or Bike Parks, Downhill Trails, and Flow Trails. TAMBA wants Corral to be one of those winning projects. Voting starts March 5 on the Bell Helmets Facebook page.

• El Dorado County Board of Supervisors approved Lake Tahoe Unified School District and Lake Tahoe Community College’s request to move elections from odd years to even years. This means no election until 2014.

• Tahoe Production House in South Lake Tahoe has been honored with an international AVA Digital gold award for its educational piece targeted to South Lake Tahoe vacation rental homeowners. Here is the video: