Snippets about Lake Tahoe

pinnacle• Pinnacle Real Estate Group of Lake Tahoe earned the Quality Certification Award for its website at the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World’s Conference.

• The 2013 Nature Valley U.S. Alpine Championships come to Squaw Valley March 20-24. The event is an opportunity for Squaw’s Olympic gold medalist Julia Mancuso, Olympian Marco Sullivan and Olympic hopeful Travis Ganong to compete on home turf.

• Lake Tahoe Golf Course has retained its designation as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. This group is not affiliated with the Audubon Society.

• Space Science for Schools program Club Cosmos will offer free astronomical-grade telescope and binocular viewing at Sand Harbor Nevada State Park at the Boat Ramp Parking area on March 13, 6:30-7:30pm.

• The Friends of Squaw Creek are putting on a free forum about the biology of Squaw Creek on March 28 at 6pm at the Squaw Valley Public Services District meeting room, 305 Squaw Valley Road.