Storm pipes subject of two League meetings
The League to Save Lake Tahoe will be giving a presentation on the evenings of March 13 and 14 about Pipe Keepers, a new volunteer monitoring program.
Stormwater pipes flow into Lake Tahoe. Photo/LTN file
Pipe Keepers is a volunteer-based monitoring program that examines turbidity (clarity) of water that enters Lake Tahoe and its tributaries through storm drains. The group was created last fall in response to concerns about a neighborhood storm pipe discharging dirty looking water directly into Lake Tahoe. Since the program launched, nine volunteers have collected more than 200 samples from neighborhood storm pipes. The program will expand this spring to include additional volunteers and pipes.
The presentation and discussion will focus on storm drain pipes in Tahoe, information learned during this pilot season, and opportunities to become involved.
The March 13 presentation will be at Lake Tahoe Community College board room at 6pm and the March 14 presentation will be at Incline Village General Improvement District Public Works meeting room at 6pm.
For more information, contact Nicole Gergans at (530) 541.5388 or
I have to install BMPs to ensure no water which falls on my property leaves my property. This article would infer that the city, county or State which is repoosnsible for roads doesn’t have to meet the same standard.
tahoeadvocate, they do. That is a primary point of the TMDL crediting process. Just dont look under the hood too closely. If you have trouble sleeping one night check this out.
Actually, if it is impossible in infiltrate the water you can get an exemption, just like everyone else.
If we could turn back the clock we might restrict development in regions that are impossible to infiltrate. Anyone have a flux capacitor?