Students protest McClintock’s office


Student activists organized by California Fair Share gathered at Rep. Tom McClintock’s district office in Granite Bay on Feb. 28 to call on him to stop the sequester by closing corporate tax loopholes.

The students unfurled and gave the Republican congressman the 100-foot banner constructed from more than 600 petition signatures.


Sierra College students protest Feb. 28 outside Rep. Tom McClintock’s office. Photo/Provided

“Hundreds of citizens and dozens of student leaders have come together in the past few weeks to make one thing clear: we should close corporate tax loopholes, not make cuts that will lay-off teachers, police and firefighters,” said Patrick Stelmach, an organizer with California Fair Share, said in a statement. “With California schools already overcrowded and underfunded, we cannot afford to slash education funding with reckless abandon. It is time to make corporations pay their fair share. Rep. McClintock should stand up for our kids’ future, not corporate profits.”

The group met with McClintock’s staff Thursday afternoon.

“McClintock wants the sequester cuts to go through. His position on corporate tax loopholes is he favors eliminating them but only if the overall rate was lowered. While we applaud his intention to close loopholes, we are opposed to the drastic budget cuts and giving corporations more tax breaks,” Stelmach said.



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Comments (14)
  1. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: March 1, 2013

    What is the “tax loophole” they are talking about?

  2. MTT says - Posted: March 1, 2013

    They must mean Green energy Tax credits that allow companies like GE to pay no corperate income tax?

    Its a long list of special tax credits. but if you eliminate them all, what would it add up to per year?

    Does it make a dent in the 1.2 TRILLION we spend every year above what the Fed takes in?

    NO it does not.

    WE still need to spend less much much less.

  3. John says - Posted: March 1, 2013

    tahoeadvocate, this group seems to want taxation of gross receipts and any deductions against gross are a loophole. Its not a very sophisticated reading. They also talk about foreign earnings a bit, but that seems to be related to Foreign Sales Corps that havent existed for over 10 years.

    Obviousely they dont discuss taxation of dividends or excise taxes on excess accumulated earnings so that actual tax rates on mature businesses equal the combined highest individual and corporate rates.

  4. DougM says - Posted: March 1, 2013

    Poor kids. Drinking the koolaid fed to them at the government schools, and the tales of fire & brimstone should the fed increase its spending this year by only 3.5%, instead of 6%. (Did you catch that? There is no “cut”, period.)

    Yes, none other than the president has warned of teacher, firefighter, and police layoffs should this reduction in automatic spending increases go through. Don’t they even understand that all of these services are paid for locally? That if there is a reduction in CA, that it is because CA is going bankrupt? That they will use CA’s troubles to no end to place blame where it isn’t, and gin up another excuse for tax increases?

    There’ always room for honest reform of the tax code. Simplify, and reduce special interest deductions (loopholes if you will). But the savings need to be passed along as rate reductions overall. Otherwise we continue to kill the geese from which all our golden eggs come from. In that case it needs to be called what it is, another tax increase, which the corporation will pass along to you and me as higher prices. Not the free lunch so widely believed.

  5. MTT says - Posted: March 1, 2013

    Well the Police might see a reduction in Brand new armored assault Vehicles’ and scary new guns.

    Teachers might miss out on a federally funded Teacher improvement class or seminar Compliments of the Department of Education. Stuff like that. I mean 44 billion out of 3.6 trillion practically shuts down the government Right?

    And we still gotta pay for the 200 Tanks we are giving to Egypt

    I got one, lets limit the yearly morgage instrest deduction to 12,000 dollars, and allow it without itemizing.

    That would include Corperate realestate.

  6. Digital Content says - Posted: March 1, 2013

    Students just don’t get it…

    The education system exposed

    young skulls full of mush.

  7. John says - Posted: March 1, 2013

    DougM, I wish there could be real tax reform. in 1986 Tip ONeill and Reagan were able to get a real tax reform act that include limitations of passive activities and real deduction reform. Right now our tax code promotes social causes as much as it raises revenue and as a result does both poorly. So in my mind that means doing away with percentage depletion for oil companies and mortgage interest for people. It should be cleaned up entirely.

  8. S. Cofant says - Posted: March 1, 2013

    The TeaBag regurgitation of nutbar media talking points and their defense of the gross failure of their economic theories is stupefying. How dare these uppity students demand funds for education over tax cuts for the 1%! The nerve of these people trying to dispute the facts of sophisticated economic “experts” that have very expensive degrees? After all, we are where we are thanks to their benificence.
    Those that Those that can’t…teach.. Those that can’t teach…consult.

  9. hmmm... says - Posted: March 2, 2013

    @DougM-Corporate Profits at a record high…and the rapethuglicans are concerned about the bloated minimum wage…….poor little geese! By the was Flav-R-Aid that the zealots at Jonestown drank…but you know, facts don’t mean much to some people.

    @Digital Content…talk about skulls full of mush- criticizing people who are exercising their CONSTITUTIONALLY guaranteed right…or would you rather they just sit quietly and be good little students/workers until a corporation wants them to go to war?

  10. Xlocal says - Posted: March 2, 2013


    Here is a fact that you can’t dismiss.California is run by the Democraps, and it is going bankrupt, Most minorities are Democrats and minorities want everything for free. California has the highest welfare in the United States, and they pay NO TAXES, receive free phones free housing free food and a nice big check every month etc, etc.
    I think it would be a good Idea to make them do two things before they are able to draw benefits. #1 Pass a Drug Test. #2 If eligible, then they must do at least 24 hours of Public Service a week, it can be for the City or the County or the State, You would soon see a lot of people either leaving or start looking for work. Why work if you can have everything for FREE

  11. max planck says - Posted: March 2, 2013

    OK children, go the the greenboard and write 500 times “I am a useful idiot.”

  12. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: March 2, 2013

    This document makes for interesting reading about constitutionally legal corporate taxation which began in 1909.

    The rates vary from 1% in the beginning to as much as 53% in the 1940s.

  13. nature bats last says - Posted: March 2, 2013

    mcclintock is a worthless representative and I cant wait till he is gone. Yesterday isnt soon enough.

  14. hmmm... says - Posted: March 3, 2013

    Xlocal…i agree on the drug tests-include alcohol and tobacco….not so sure on the amount of comservice, but i agree there should be some. I also think the American People deserve the same health care and benefits that our elected Congress afford themselves. What other forms of enlightened social policy do you advocate? Protecting women and children from violence? Repealing the minimum wage? Regarding your ‘witty’ and original scatological insult aimed at Democrats(i am registered Independent)…would you rather I joined the Rapeuglycon Party? Also…if you are an Xlocal, why are you trolling LOCAL news? Grinding an axe to mash your sour grapes?