Body believed to be Nevada official found in Carson River


By Brian Nordli, Las Vegas Sun

Three suspects were arrested in Las Vegas on Saturday after a body believed to be that of Nevada’s chief insurance examiner was found in a river in Carson City.

Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong said that although a positive identification and cause of death haven’t been established, investigators believe searchers found the blanket-wrapped body of William McCune in the Carson River.

William McCune

William McCune

A fourth suspect was arrested in Carson City. Furlong said all four are from the Carson City area, but detectives were unsure of their relationship to the 62-year-old McCune or the motive for the slaying.

Investigators suspected foul play after finding evidence Thursday of a violent struggle in McCune’s apartment in Carson City. McCune had not reported for work and missed a scheduled work flight earlier that morning.

A Carson City Special Enforcement Team worked with Metro Police to arrest the suspects, Carson City Sheriff officials said. Three suspects — Makyla Blackmore, Anthony Elliot and Raul Garcia — were arrested near Spencer Street and East Warm Springs Road, and the fourth, Michael Evans, was arrested in Carson City.

Evans, 23, and Elliot, 20, were booked on murder charges. Blackmore, 20, and Garcia, 22, were arrested on burglary charges.

The incident remains under investigation.

The Associated Press contributed to this story.


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (23)
  1. Snow says - Posted: April 7, 2013

    Strange times. Humanity has definitely lost its way. Read the newspapers, etc., we are in a world of hurt!

  2. Digital Content says - Posted: April 7, 2013

    World of hurt is right, but you can’t say that we weren’t warned.

    Liberalism and the accompanying moral decay is a cancer on our society that has been foretold for the past 40 years that I can remember.

    As Limbaugh has pointed out for decades, liberals lie and our freedoms die. To bad so few were smart enough to listen.

    How many times have people warned that we are follow the path of Europe? Decades of warnings. I bet few of you have a clue what is happening over in Europe.. Ignorance is bliss but the bliss wares off.

    From here it gets worse,

    ,,, there you have been warned again.

  3. Digital Content says - Posted: April 7, 2013

    People that care about the future should search youtube videos for Wild Bill for America. He spells it out plain and simple. His most current video paints the true picture of USA California.

  4. Horse tails says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    The governments hands are in our pockets and no one is slapping them back. I believe we are already a welfare country. This slick talker in D.C. has set us up and we will certainly take the fall.

    Enjoy each day you can!!!!!!

  5. Julie Threewit says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    A man is dead and the comments are about Rush Limbaugh and liberal bashing?! Wow.

  6. Digital Content says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Some people want to deal with the issues and the causes Julie. Our society is crumbling – WHY?

    Should we just morn?

    WAKE UP AMERICA or you will see the end of your days.

  7. MTT says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    I do not yet see any hint of a motive. I see nothing linking the murder to government.
    Carson city Reported 4 murders last year.

    I guess I will wait and see what the story is.

  8. Digital Content says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Good, you wait.

    I see a crumbling society resulting from a liberalization of our once great nation.

    I intend to address the cause.

  9. concerned says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Jody Arias is a prime example of libtard insanity.
    She should have been strung up 4 years ago.
    Check out HLN and watch the lawyers and psychos defend her behavior of inflicting 27 knife wounds, sliting the poor guys throat, and putting a bullet in him.

  10. admin says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Someone being killed is neither a liberal nor conservative issue. It is, though, a societal problem when the taking of another life becomes the solution.

    People don’t deserve to die because of their political beliefs. And, fortunately, in the United States it’s a crime.

    Nor do we know at this time why the official was killed.

    There is much to this story that remains to unfold in the coming days, weeks, months … probably years based on the speed at which the justice system can work.

    Stay on topic and try to have some respect for others, and move the conversation forward instead of jibber-jabber rhetoric.

    LTN staff

  11. Laketoohigh says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Jibber jabber is what these idiots are all about. Any way they think they can get someone to hear their babble is all they want. They could turn an article about a third grader winning a spelling bee into a discourse of how they think schools are teaching children socialism. They have a right to voice their opinions ( silly as they may seem to most with an IQ above 70) but they really should try to tie them into the pertinent details of the original topic. Otherwise just go to the corner of Ski Run and 50 and hold up a sign saying “The End Is Near!!”. That would have the same credibility.

  12. Atomic says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Digital, you need to find some other forum, you are polluting this fine community resource.

    Nothing you say has any credibility, in fact you are just dead wrong. We will turn into Europe the fastest by allowing this nutball sequester to take full effect, thanks to right wing idiots.

    If you would stop your crying and pay attention you might be able to keep up.

  13. concerned says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    I beg your pardon Kae, but what happens after the crime is definitely a liberal or conservative issue.
    Holding people responsible for their behavior is more a conservative thought and looking for reasons why people are not responsible for their behavior is a liberal way of thinking. I had a headache, I ate too much sugar, I love Twinkies, my parents were abusive, etc, etc., are many examples of liberal thinking used to sway stupid jurors.

  14. admin says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Dear Concerned, who also goes by Sam the Sham, Max Planck and Irony,

    To say: “Holding people responsible for their behavior is more a conservative thought and looking for reasons why people are not responsible for their behavior is a liberal way of thinking” makes me believe you live in a black and white world that most of us choose not to live in.

    The world is not that simple, not that cut and dried.

    Fortunately, your opinions of the world do not reflect the experiences I have had.

    Still, as was posted before, please keep the comments on topic. If you can’t do that, I can make you go away from this forum. That’s a promise.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  15. Michael Lee says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Condolences to the family. Terrible crime and all involved deserve life in prison.
    Hey concerned, use your real name if you believe your own BS.

  16. concerned says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Run from the truth Kae by banishing opposition. Is that it?

  17. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: April 8, 2013


    I would like to thank you for your remarks and very much appreciate your suggestions. Participation on this community resource should be respectful, and people are capable of disagreeing in a civilized manner. Individuals unable to recognize that capability not only succeed at eliminating a meaningful exchange of ideas, they diminish their own credibility.

    Civility in our society really needs to make a comeback.

  18. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    If someone is incapable of agreeing to disagree, and think they are the only ones that are right, are constantly going off topic, and they are negative 90+% of the time, for whatever reason, mental or otherwise, it just drags everything down here. It makes me not want to comment on anything, so it becomes their private rant forum.

    I still would vote for a thumbs up or down feature, give some feedback, because no response to some people gives them affirmation of the correctness of their thinking.

    And yes, now I have become part of the problem, by going off topic. A man has been murdered, pretty disgusting banter :(

  19. thing fish says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    “Liberalism and the accompanying moral decay is a cancer on our society that has been foretold for the past 40 years that I can remember.”

    Your memory is unreliable.
    America is more conservative than liberal. Twice as many people identify as ‘very conservative’ than ‘very liberal’, as with ‘conservative’ than ‘liberal. With roughly 1/3 as ‘moderate’. Totals, only 21 identify as liberal….
    So if we are going to irrationally assign blame to a political identity, conservatism isn’t helping.

    The fact that you bring this into a story about a murder shows how little class you have and how hyperbolic your message is.

  20. Alex Campbell says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    KAE ! How we Suffer Fool followers of .Add the DITTO HEADS of Bush Limbaugh’s fiction over fact. Now we have the
    Repubtriotic Party.

  21. MTT says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Alex you are the other side of the same coin.

  22. Alex Campbell says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    WILLARD! My side is better than your side !
    Bushie Boo Enron, Halliburton and
    Cheney too. So there!

  23. thing fish says - Posted: April 8, 2013

    Well, at least we found WMD’s after killing 10s of thousands of innocent people.